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Todoroki POV:

It was dark for about a hour and then I started to dream. This wasn't gonna be a good dream but I can't wake myself up. I tried right as I started to see a image appear but it was no use. The image started to get bigger. I was finally in the dream. I looked down. I was just standing there. My surroundings look fimillar but there's nobody else here just me. I started walking. My head lifted and the further I walked the more I knew where I was. I couldn't regonize it because of the lack of people. I looked ahead of me and realized I was getting closer to the bridge. A while ago I was having thoughts of death and I came to this bridge to give myself what I wanted but I didn't go through with it. I snapped out of my flashback back to the dream and I was very close to the bridge. I tried to force myself to stop walking but my body was moving on it's own. I started to get filled with fear. Everything feels so real. Maybe i'm not dreaming. I got to the bridge. I walked further on to it before grabbing the railing. I looked over. I started climbing over the rail. I kept trying to stop myself. I was standing on the edge. I felt like I was being pushed. I turned around so my back was facing the lake it was over. It was a huge drop. I started to fall back. It felt like my whole past was replaying but it was only the worst parts. Insults echoing through my head. Getting kicked and punched. The one memory that stood out the most was when I almost died at the hands of endeavor. I was being choked. My face was turning blue and then I passed out but I woke up. I snapped out of my thoughts seconds before I hit the ground. I shot up. I was panting and drenched in sweat. I feel sick... very very sick. Why did that nightmare make me have the worst side effects? I've had dreams where i've almost been killed. The only diffrence is I did die in that one.

"Shoto" I looked up and saw Bakugo. He said my first name?

"Are you ok?!" I hugged him and shook my head into his shoulder. I could feel tears falling. There weren't many tears but I wouldn't say only 1 or 2. He hugged me back tightly.

Bakugo POV:

I could hear todoroki start to breathe heavy. I pulled him a little closer but that didn't help. It must be bad. He started panting and then should up. He sat there with wide eyes. He looked scared and lost in thought.

"Todoroki" he didn't answer.

"Todoroki!" I said a little louder this time but still no answer.

"Shoto" he finally heard. He just looked at me.

"Are you ok?" I said breaking the silence. He jumped towards me wrapping his arms around me. He shook his head into my shoulder. I could feel his tears through my shirt. I hug him back tightly.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked calmly. He nodded. We break apart.

"Wanna get water first?" I ask. He nods again. For some reason it usually calms people down. We start walking to the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it with water. I hand it over to him. He drinks half of it then puts the cup on the counter.

"So what happened?"

"I'm gonna reveal something you don't know about me and it might be a little concerning. Just depends on how much you care about me" I just nodded. I was already a little concerned. It depends on how much I care about him?

"Maybe a few months ago I had thoughts about... ya know.. death" I didn't know what to say. I'm not surprised but to hear him say that did something.

"So I went to this specific bridge and thought about jumping but I didn't go through with it. The nightmare I just had was about that but this time I went through with it. Almost my whole was replaying in my head but I could feel every emotional and physical pain in each flashback. I woke up when I hit the ground tho." I'm speechless. Why is he starting to get mental problems now? Why not when he was with endeavor? I pulled him into another hug. I, myself wanted to cry. I felt a tear leave my eye. I pulled away.

"We need to do something before this turns into really bad ptsd" I said.

"But what would we do?"

"Therapy is the best option. I'm here to talk to but you should probably get a proffesinal" he nodded.

"We'll call tomorrow" I say. He nodded again. We start walking back to my room. I didn't want to go back to sleep and i'm pretty sure he doesn't want to either. It was 1 am. I guess we did fall asleep at 5 or something around that. I sat down on the floor and he grabbed some clean clothes. He walked to the bathroom to go change so I played a random game on my phone while I waited for him to get done. He was back after a few minutes. He came over to me and sat down. We were sitting shoulder to shoulder now.

"What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know there isn't much for us to do" we both started thinking.

"We could see if there's anywhere open. Like a store"I said. He nodded.

"Walmart's open" he said.

"Ok let's go then" I said getting up. I reached my hand out to help him get up. He grabbed my hand and got up then let go. We put our shoes on and I put a coat on.

"You should put a coat on too it's cold"

"I'll be fine. I'm wearing a long sleeve anyways" I just nod. We start walking towards the store. We're probably just gonna get some dumb shit and food. We started talking about random stuff. After a few minutes we got to the store. It was empty but open. We walked in. We gave eachother a look and nodded. We started running around the store. We decided to have a competition who could spend more money in a 25 minutes.

-time skip brought to you by idk-

We we're at the self check out thing and my total came to $116 and his came to $123. I guess he won. I totally could've beaten him. We started walking back talking about the same stupid shit from earlier. I still can't believe that he has his dad's credit card. Techinally you could say he's running around freely with his dad's credit card. We finally made it back to my house. We put the grociers on the counter. Todoroki grabbed a bag of chips and then we went over to the couch and turned on the tv. I pulled him towards me. I looked down at him. Wait. Is he.. blushing? WoW dIdN't KnOw It CoUlD dO tHaT. I felt my eyes start to shut. Moments later I was deep into sleep.

Word count: 1,218
Ok I didn't reread again so there is a lot of spelling errors i'm assuming. Also i'm sorry if the story got boring. I'm kinda losing interest myself(i actually was rlly excited to read the beginning of this chapter tho) anyways srry if it got boring over time. Incase u haven't noticed I changed the cover. Ok baiiii.

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