1 -Mallory Grimmon

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A LIONESS' JOB IS TO hunt for the male lion and her cubs, even when she is sick or dying. It's her job and she'll die doing it, she'll die feeding her family.

And that's what puzzled Mallory Grimmon, the sixth year Gryffindor lioness. Her mother, and aunt, and grandmother were all lioness' but two of those lioness' ran away from their responsibilities. Her mother, Beverly Grimmon, left them when she was but only ten years old. It had never really affected Mallory, she never liked her mother. She hated her mother for bringing her into such a malicious and malevolent world. She hated her mother for leaving her with her father for a whole week. Her father didn't know anything about children. One of the cons of being a lion. But her father had always protected Mallory. And she hated her mother for giving her the name Mallory. She didn't like the meaning of her name. It meant unlucky and she always was unlucky.

Her aunt, Isadora Nightenbloom, didn't really leave but she never really spent any time with Mallory. Hence the reason why Mallory put her under the list of people who left. Isadora would, occasionally, bathe her in a never ending shower of gifts but Mallory didn't care for them. She wanted her love, not gifts that could wither and decay.

Evelyn Nightenbloom, the oldest lioness in the family, was like a mother to Mallory, but she called her Mal instead. Evelyn had sharp eyes, much like an eagle's, and she would notice even the slightest discomfort in Mallory's eyes when she called her by that name.

Her grandfather was not like the other family members, and how he and her grandmother met, puzzled the young girl. He was a proud badger, extremely loyal and kind to her. But that doesn't mean Mallory liked him. He had, and Mallory would daresay, clinginess tendencies. It annoyed her.

Mallory now sat next to her friend, the first person fortunate enough to be graced by her presence, Lavender Brown. The second was a fellow lioness, Parvati Patil, whom Mallory preferred over her twin sister, Padma. But maybe that may be because she found Padma ravishing.

"Have you noticed how adorable Ron Weasley has gotten?" Lavender suddenly said and the two looked at her. She looked serious about her question and Mallory didn't understand why.

She had always found the Weasley boy appalling, perhaps it was because she had secretly liked his older brother George. He didn't like her back. If Mallory could sum Ron Weasley up, it would be as follows : idiotic boy with beautiful hair. She was guilty for taking a liking to his hair, but that's where it ended. She had always adored redheads.

"Seriously Lav?" Mallory asked and she could hear Parvati snort but she immediately covered it up with a cough. "You can fancy anybody in the school, I wouldn't mind it if you fancied Malfoy but Ron?"

"What's so wrong with Ron?" Mallory heard the anger in her voice. "He is human is he not?"

"I never said he wasn't!" Mallory grumbled, playing with a loose strand of hair she recognized as either Padma's or Parvati's. Padma had hugged her as well as Parvati. She could hear Lavender spit profanities directed at her under her breath but Mallory decided not to entertain her. "Parvati, a little help?"

"Sorry Mal, I'm with Lavender on this one." The dark haired girl groaned and stood up.

"Fine, if you're so eager to talk to your adorable Ron, I'll bring him over."
Before Lavender could begin to form a sentence, Mallory was already out the compartment, searching for the redhead and his friends. She found them at the back, with the help of Neville Longbottom, one of the few people Mallory actually liked.

The three friends were talking about something that Mallory was sure she wasn't supposed to hear. She decided to ignore what she heard and plopped herself next to Harry Potter, who gave her a confused look.

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