𝟔 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝘁

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DEMELZA WAS CRYING AND MALLORY tried comforting her, though it felt foreign to her. As a child, growing up with an absent mother, she was never comforted when crying. Her grandmother would occasionally mutter encouraging words under her breath to her and reassuring words, but that didn't mean she didn't long for her mother's voice. Mallory still remembers how her voice sounded when she was either sad, happy, angry or disappointed.

"I-I-I don't know what happened Mal!" Demelza sobbed into her arms. "One minute she was healthy, the next she's dead!"

"It happens Melzy, it happens." Mallory whispered. "And I understand your pain."

"No you don't! You don't even have a mother!" Demelza cried out, evident anger shone in her eyes and Mallory felt as though her heart was being stabbed. When Demelza saw Mallory's hurtful look, she yelled out, "I am sorry! Mallory!-"

"It's Mal, and you know it Robins." Mallory grumbled, peeling Demelza off her as though Demelza was a rotten piece of trash. "And we," She pointed to herself and then to Demelza and with a cold voice said, "Are done." Demelza pleaded with her but Mallory wasn't listening, she merely walked out the common room as though no one was calling her name in a painful manner or crying after her, Mallory Grimmon was just that unlucky.


"WHAT DO YOU WANT MALFOY?"Mallory grumbled in a rude tone and Draco raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing as he sat down next to her. They were in the same exact spot Mallory had found Draco all those weeks ago. It was behind a statue and people wouldn't really see them, unless they actually paid attention.

"You don't have to talk, you can pretend I'm not here." Draco mumbled after a while, voice trying to mimick emotion, but failing horribly. "I'll be here for when you are ready to talk."

"You don't have to Malfoy, just-" Mallory sighed. "Just go away. You won't be the first, heck you won't be the last either."

"Shut up Grimmon." And she did. They just sat there, looking like two best friends. But they were hardly even acquaintances. "Just don't tell anyone. Potter, Granger... just no one."

"Don't worry Malfoy, I won't tell a soul." She groaned after awhile. Then they were plunged into silence before Draco cleared his throat.

"I don't know if I can trust you Grimmon. And that scares me."

"Please, call me Mal." Mallory sniffed, wiping away the tears with the sleeve of her robes. "And same thing here, you don't seem trustworthy."

Even though she meant it as an insult, Draco sighed. "You're not the only one who thinks that Mal."

"Are you talking about Harry?" She asked. "Don't think much of it, he has always accused you of everything. I don't blame him though."

"That's the funniest thing Mal, I don't blame him as well." Draco sighed. "But I wasn't talking about him. I don't trust myself as well."

Mallory sighed as she stood up. "Goodbye Draco." She sniffed and off she went to the common room and to her dorm room, ignoring Parvati who was rubbing circles into Lavender's back and the poisonous sobs coming from the latter's mouth.


MALLORY WAS GLAD TO SAY that she and Lavender were friends again, although she hated being just friends. They now sat on the stands, watching the Ravenclaw vs Slytherin match and Lavender kept on pointing to Mallory how cute Theodore Nott was with his now clearly over grown hair.

"He looks like Hagrid from my view if you're asking me." Padma grumbled and for once, Mallory agreed with her. Theodore Nott was pleasing to look at, at times, but she disliked him highly.

"Glad no one's asked you then Padma." Lavender hissed back at her. "How come your sister's doing the commentary and you're not up with her?"

"I would've gladly but Parvati asked me to stay with you two, and besides, my house is playing. Can't expect me to just not cheer?" Padma smiled and Lavender lightly shook her head.

"You're quite a character, you k-" Mallory began saying but Parvati's loud voice cut her off.

"RAVENCLAW'S CHASER ROGER DAVIES HAS SCORED ANOTHER POINT! THEY LEAD SLYTHERIN 120 TO 100 NOW!" Cheers erupted all around Mallory and she plugged her ears closed. Padma grabbed her by her scarlet and gold scarf and screamed in her face. After she let go, Mallory wiped her spit away, looking rather disgusted and disturbed, but in truth, she was glad Padma touch her.

"- I'm just saying Padma, it's not like he'll like me." Mallory heard Lavender groan, folding her arms over her chest. Locks of her long brown hair got caught up and Mallory tugged them loose. "Oh, thank you Mal." Lavender beamed at her and she blushed, looking down to hide her obvious red cheeks. Padma eyed her funny but thankfully said nothing.

Once the match was over, Padma had raced up to the Ravenclaw tower to celebrate their almost win. Slytherin had managed to score ten more goals than Ravenclaw and their Seeker had caught the Snitch seconds before Ravenclaw's Seeker could. Mallory, Lavender and Parvati were all walking lazily to the Great Hall when they heard voices.

"-reckons he's found a Horcrux and he wants me to go with him!" It was Harry's voice and even though the trio knew it was wrong to listen in on Harry's discussion with whomever, they couldn't help themselves.

"Blimey! You mean like a real Horcrux?" Ron asked, and Mallory risked a glance at Lavender, whose face distorted at the sound of Hermione's voice next.

"A real part of You Know Who?"

"Yeah, you should've seen his face when I announced that I had been able to retrieve Slughorn's memory of Voldemort as a boy." Harry sounded proud and Mallory paled at the sound of Voldemort's name. They could've heard the entire conversation, if it hadn't been for Peeves, who had begun pulling at Parvati's hair rather painfully and the girl shrieked. "Who's there?" Harry asked, suddenly alert. Mallory immediately shooed her two friends away.

"Only me." She said, and Hermione smiled at her. "I was just walking by and well, Peeves."

"He's a nasty shock to the system." Hermione giggled at her own joke, and Mallory chuckled lightly. "Were you headed down to the Great Hall? I could accompany you if you'd like."

"Oh, I was but don't bother, Parvati and Lav are waiting for me." Ron jumped at the brunette's name and his frantic eyes began searching for any sign of Lavender. "She's already at the Hall Ron, no need to freak. And you know, she won't bite, even if you do just say hello. You could do some good with just manners."

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