𝗔𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴

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LAVENDER BROWN AND GINNY WEASLEY were dead. Mallory dragged their bodies towards the Weasleys and with a heavy heart, dropped off Ginny's limp body. She saw that not only did they loose Ginny, but George as well and Ron was near death. Mallory sobbed and told them that she was sorry. Because it was after all her fault. If she had taken better care of Rabastan, Ginny never would have died. The Weasleys said nothing though Percy smiled at her and Mallory dragged Lavender's body away.

"Vati's dead." Padma had said, her face pale and sticky with her tears and blood. "We lost everyone we know. Ginny, Lav, Vati, Neville, Cho, Marietta and Ron and Hermione are near death."

Mallory swallowed hard, tears threatening to fall. "We did." She whispered, staring at Lavender's limp body and Padma engulfed her in a hug. If she felt this way about Lavender dying, how should Luna feel? They were lovers after all, weren't they? "I'm just glad that you're alive love." She sobbed, pulling her closer.

"So am I love."


MALLORY AND PADMA STOOD TOGETHER on the train platform, trying to get order amongst their children. Their eldest, Isadora, was starting Hogwarts this year, with David following the next year. The twins, Vati and Lav, were only six.

"Mal!" Hermione yelled out and Mallory turned around, noticing first the jagged scar the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange had given her, and smiled at Hermione. "Long time no see hey?"

"Hello," Her daughter said when her eyes landed on Dora, who hid behind her brother, who roughly pushed her forward. "First year too?" Dora nodded, biting her bottom lip. "I'm Rose."

"Isadora." Dora beamed at her and the two moved away from the adults.

"Have you heard from Harry?" Padma asked, picking Vati up when she began crying for Dora.

"Not since he married Hannah." Hermione replied and Ron came, pushing Rose's trolley. His eye was still red from when the spell hit his eye and he too had a scar to go with it. After eleven years, and the reminders of the war still looked fresh.

"Hello guys, which one of yours is going to Hogwarts?" Ron asked, smiling though Mallory could see it was causing him pain.

"Dora, she disappeared with yours." Mallory shrugged. "We should probably go find them." Mallory suggested and they set off, finding their children and giving them their trunks.

"Promise to be good James!" Mallory turned to look around and her eyes landed on Harry and Hannah. If she thought Hermione and Ron looked awful, then Harry must have been far worse. Padma shook her head at Mallory.

"Don't love, he needs to deal with it on his own. He needs to accept the deaths on his own." Padma whispered and Mallory sighed, she was right. "Come on, the twins are getting sleepy."

Mallory bent down to pick Lav up and bid goodbye to Dora and Ron and Hermione before they left the platform.

"Do you think he blames himself? For the war and all the deaths?" Mallory asked as they walked towards their neon purple Muggle car. It was originally black but Padma didn't like it and tried to make it blue, but it was clear that she mispronounced a word in the spell, and now it was stuck like this.

"Of course he does Mal." Padma sighed, putting Vati down on David's lap, who grumbled something incoherent under his breath. Mallory did the same with Lav and David argued that he wasn't a bed.

"He looked so awful." Mallory said, starting up the engine before driving away.

"Mal, stop worrying about Harry as though you're married to him. You're married to me, you have children with me. Not Harry. Hannah can take care of him."

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