𝗕𝗢𝗡𝗨𝗦 : 𝗩𝗮𝘁𝗶 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗮𝘃'𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿

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The last words of their mothers rang in their minds as they sat together in the train compartment, Vati running a hand over the beak of her owl. Mallory had told them that they should stick together, never be separated and Padma had cried, telling them that she loved them. They didn't understand why she had cried until David had explained later on before he left the compartment, with Debra.

"She lost her twin sister during the Second Wizardry War, she's bound to be paranoid." He had told them and his stupid friend, according to Vati, had asked what paranoid means. David had sighed, grabbed her hand and dragged her out.

They now sat together like they were homeless and parentless. Lav, though, had fallen asleep. Too long without food she had said before she fell asleep and Vati had roughly pushed her off and Lav had landed with a very loud thud on the compartment floor, however she remained asleep. For someone only eleven, Lav looked like she was sixteen in her sleep.

"You killed her!" A boy suddenly shrieked and Vati jumped, landing on her twin sister, who still snoozed happily. Vati had a feeling she was going to end up in Hufflepuff.

"She's not dead, she's just sleeping." Vati grumbled. "You can leave now because she isn't dead." She collected herself and brushed the dirt off her robes. She had wore her robes the minute David had left and Lav had done the same.

"I'm Evan Boot." The boy, Evan, said as Vati sat down.

"Didn't ask so I don't care." Vati said, annoyed.

"Yeah I'd listen to her bud, and thanks for breaking my spine." Lav suddenly said, scaring the daylights out of Evan, who jumped and hit his head. "And stop with that attitude, you know the Hat will separate us."

"Whatever, go back to sleep and you can leave Boot." Vati looked out the window, trying to count the amount of trees they passed. So far, only sixteen. But they were passing by fast and Vati guessed there could be other trees behind the trees in front so she guessed she should multiply the amount she saw but she wasn't sure with what.

"Aren't you going to tell me your names?" Evan asked, rubbing his sore head and Vati snapped her dark eyes towards him. "I told you mine, it's only fair that you tell me yours."

"We never asked your name, you told that to us off your own accord." Vati said and shook her head at Lavender, who was clearly going to tell Evan their names.

"You can just tell me you know? I'll find out anyway tonight at the Sorting." Evan argued and Vati shrugged.

"Then so be it. If we did ask your name, we wouldn't be so difficult but since we didn't, we can't give you our identities." Evan was getting angry. Vati could see that in the way his face flushed red, in the way he folded his fist and in the way his feet parted.

"It's just a bloody name! You tell me now and in twenty years give or take, I'd have forgotten it!" Evan cried out.

"It's not just a bloody name Evan, and like you said, you'll find out at the Sorting Ceremony." Evan stomped angrily, and disappeared to another compartment, cursing very loudly.

"That wasn't nice of you. You could've just told him our names."

Vati smirked at Lav. "Yeah, but where's the fun in that? You should learn to have more fun with your prey Lav."

"You know when you start to talk murder talk, you freak me out. He wasn't our prey, he seemed nice but you had to chase him away. He could've been our first friend." Lav argued and Vati glared at her.

"We don't need friends, we have each other, now go back to sleep." Vati seethed and Lav gulped. She hated when her sister began acting this way.

"I don't just want us Vati, I want friends." Lav said, though she had began to fidget in her seat.

"Then you can go and make friends Lav, I'll make friends when I want to, when I deem it necessary." They sat in silence after that.

Dora and her friends, all in their last year, had come to check up on them. They found Lav half sobbing and Vati brimming to the surface with anger.

"What's happened?" Dora asked, comforting her little sister.

"Vati is being mean to me again." Lav sobbed and Vati rolled her eyes at her.

"I just told her that I don't want any friends, that she can go make friends of her own."

"And why don't you want to make friends Vati? Are you scared that they won't like you? Are you scared that they will like Lav better than you?"

"Shut up! You know nothing!" Vati glared at Dora, who merely continued to comfort her little sister. "Just keep that glossy trap of yours shut."

"Don't talk to me like that Vati."

"And what are you going to do about it? Hit me with a spell? Kill me?" Vati asked and when Dora did nothing, she said, "I thought so."

Dora grumbled something and left with her friends and Lav looked at her twin sister, tears glistening on her cheeks.

"Do you have to be mean to everyone?"

"Yes, now shut up, I want to enjoy the silence." Vati growled and looked out the window and saw that they were finally at Hogwarts. At one point, Lav's stomach began to growl and Vati glared at her. "Contral that stupid stomach of yours." Lav had clutched her tummy tightly.

Once off the train, Lav held her hand and even though Vati was tempted to free herself from her sister's grip, she let it be and glared at any child who looked at them.

The castle was big and cold and Vati loved it. She heard from her brother and sister that Slytherin was in the dungeons and she knew the dungeons would be darker, and so much colder and she wanted to be there. She didn't want to be in the warm Gryffindor or Ravenclaw Tower. Lav on the other hand, didn't care where she ended up, as long as she was with her twin sister.

"Boot, Evan." Evan went forward, sat down and put the Hat on his head. After a while, the Hat had come to a conclusion.

"Ravenclaw!" It had yelled out and Vati zoned out. Dora was in Ravenclaw, meaning if she got Ravenclaw, Evan would be there but Dora as well. But then again, she was rude to Dora and Dora doesn't forgive easily. Adding to that, Vati didn't really like Dora or any of her siblings besides Lav. They easily annoyed her.

Before she knew it, it was their turn. "Grimmon, Lavender." Lav let go of Vati's hand and made her way up to the Hat, shaking very badly. Vati watched as she put the Hat on and they waited and waited and waited and waited.

"Gryffindor!" Vati thought the Hat made a mistake, Lav wasn't Gryffindor material. Lav was a wimp. Lav had no dreams of her own. Lav wanted to follow her around all the time.

"Grimmon, Parvati." Vati sighed, her turn. She sat down on the stool, placed the Hat on her head and it began talking to her about how cunning she was, but how brave she was at the same time, telling her that it was all here in her head, that she knew at Slytherin she would achieve all her dreams. Vati's eyes landed on Lav and she sighed.

Sorry Lav, but I have dreams of my own to achieve.

"Slytherin!" Lavender had cried and Vati didn't even glance at her as she made her way to her new family.


And that's the end of Angel In Blue Jeans. I really wish I could write more about David and Vati but eh, I have to work on TELL ME IT'S OKAY. Thank you all for reading and I hope that you liked this. Keep reading and keep safe!

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