𝟏𝟐 - 𝗕𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀

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LUNA LOVEGOOD AND DEAN THOMAS had returned from wherever they were. Luna was dirty and bleeding from somewhere. Mallory surprised herself by not caring when Lavender hugged Luna, kissing her cheek, crying. Luna then informed them that Harry, Ron and Hermione should come as well, as they saved them from Malfoy Manor.

Mallory sat with Padma the following day when the portrait of Ariana Dumbledore came to fetch Neville, and Neville went with her, arriving minutes later with Harry and his friends. Hermione had tackled Mallory with a giant hug, crying and Mallory tried to comfort her, the memories of her trying to comfort Demelza creeping back in. Did she actually love Demelza after all? Demelza was pleasing to look at and her kisses were out of this world. She had always kissed Mallory's neck and Mallory had liked it.

"This is mental, us fighting against adults. We're just dumb children to them, children who don't have a say whatsoever." Mallory said to Padma, sighing and Padma had gently kissed her forehead.

"Even if you are a dumb, mental child, I'd still marry you and have like four children." Padma smiled and Mallory suddenly remembered the dream.

"Did you have that weird dream too?" Mallory asked and Padma smiled at her.

"It wasn't a dream my love." She answered and dragged Mallory away from the trio, who were discussing plans with Neville and Seamus. "I always thought Divination was a rip off, but it proved me wrong. If this is our last night together Mal, can it be special? Can we talk about silly stuff?"

"Of course love. Do you remember the Yule Ball and how awkward it was for Justin when we danced?" Mallory asked and Padma laughed.

"Oh dear, that was hilarious. You both kept stepping on each other's toes." She smiled. "I still can't believe you asked Justin Finch-Fletchly to the Yule Ball."

"It was him or Anthony and I wasn't in the least pleased with asking Anthony." Mallory argued and Padma laughed again, her laughter sounding like music to Mallory's ears.

"Remember when you accidentally set Flitwick's robes on fire?" Mallory smiled, remembering the incident as clear as day. Even though she had apologized to the Professor, she had spent three detentions with him.

"I didn't do it on purpose, he was talking too much and I grew sleepy." She argued and Padma shook her head, not agreeing with her. "What about the time Professor Moody threw the spider on Malfoy? That was golden, I just wish Creevey had been there to take a picture."

"What was more golden was when Lavender accidentally walked into the wall, claiming that it wasn't there before."

"Can you blame the child? She did say her eyes were hurting that day."

"Excuses, excuses." Padma smiled. "Mallory Grimmon, I know you hate your name but I happen to love it because even though you believe that you are unlucky, I believe I am lucky to have you in my life. And please know that we might die out there, we might never see each other again and that dream you had will never come true, but hang on to the truth that I love you, always have and always will, even if I die."

Mallory kissed her lips softly and felt Padma's breath on her face. She pulled back to drink in her appearance, to etch it into her mind if she dies.

"Padma Patil, I know we're just two dumb seventeen years olds but will you make me the happiest unlucky woman in the world and marry me?" The question came out before she could stop herself. But she already had a plan, even if the Ministry didn't allow same sex marriages, she'd still buy Padma a ring and a house and then they'll adopt babies and name them just like in her dream. That's all if she survived these twenty four hours.

Padma looked as though she was going to cry as she nodded. "Yes Mal! Of course I will!" Mallory had never felt so happy in her life. She had kissed Padma again, somewhere someone yelled, get a room!

Mallory and Padma laughed when they pulled away, Mallory placing her forehead against Padma's. "I love you so much Padma. And I'll make you happy, I promise. I'll buy you a house, and I'll give you children and we'll have a little dog and name it something like Sunshine or Popcorn or something like that because you're my angel in blue jeans and angels deserve everything. I've - I don't know - I love you love, so much, and I can't loose you. Promise me you'll try not to die."

"I love you as well, and we're naming the dog Peaches and I'll only promise if you promise me that you won't die."

"I promise I'll try not to die love, but I'm a dumb Gryffindor and you're a smart Ravenclaw." Mallory pointed out and Padma laughed, kissing her on the lips again.

"Hence why we should stick together."

"We're stuck together love, always have been and always will be. I'll love you till my last breath's gone love." Mallory Grimmon didn't know that she'd be so wrong in her life, if she could, she'd capture this whole moment and the room listened because a camera suddenly appeared in her hands and she had asked Dean to take a picture of them. Lavender, Luna, Hermione and Parvati later joined them. For the first time since her mother went missing, Mallory felt happy.

A SMILE WAS ON HER blood covered lips, and they parted to reveal her blood stained teeth. They all stood around her, the bushy haired girl was crying, the boy who was adorned with freckles was consoling her and the boy with glasses was holding her hand. Hermione, Ron and Harry had come to say goodbye.

"Tell them my story." The dying girl begged. "Don't leave out the part where I saved Lavender, that's my favorite part." A tear escaped her eye. "And please tell Padma that I love her, and that I'm sorry please."

He ached to tell her how Lavender wasn't alive, that Fenrir went back to finish the job, but he didn't. Harry nodded and with a heavy heart, watched as the life left her brown eyes. And just like the meaning of her name, Mallory was unlucky.

Before all the life had been sucked out of Mallory, blurry images and strained thoughts crossed her mind. She had promised to her grandmother and Padma that she'd try to stay alive, at least for the both of them but it was too late now, she was dead. She saw herself and Padma in a little house, surrounded by children. She saw Padma smiling and crying at her.

When they had collected all the bodies, Padma had slumped over Mallory's body, ignoring Lavender's which was bloody and lay a few feet away. Her sister had tried to pry her off but she couldn't.

"You asked me to marry you!" Padma yelled and a few people looked at her funny, clearly not thinking that they were going to get married. They thought that this was just a school fling, that they wouldn't last. "How could you die just like that?! I can't loose you love, come back, please!" Padma sobbed and even though she was long dead, Padma longed for a response. But there came none and Padma sobbed harder for her best friend, her girlfriend, her fiancé, whatever they were now that she had agreed marrying her. "We were going to have four children. Dora, David, Lav and Vati. And a dog named Peaches, we were going to get married and live in a small little house with our small little family."

"I'm sorry Padma." It was Parvati who spoke and Padma snorted, wiping away her tears though new ones fell anyway. Ever since Parvati had found out about her sexuality, she had treated her differently, spoke to her as though she was afraid Padma would infect her with her sexuality as though it was a disease. Padma was a fool to think that her sister, someone she grew up with, someone who she thought would die for her, would just accept her sexuality just like that.

"No," She sobbed. "You're not, you're just pretending. Now please, can I be alone with Mal?" Parvati shuffled uncomfortably but left when a teary faced Luna came to cry for Lavender and Padma's heart broke. Mallory was right all along, she was unlucky. Padma then inched forward and kissed her bloody lips and forehead, sniffing. "I'll love you till my last breath's gone love." She repeated what Mallory herself had said. "This isn't goodbye my angel."

ANGEL IN BLUE JEANS | P. PATIL ✔Where stories live. Discover now