𝟒 - 𝗚𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗲

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LAVENDER GASPED A T THE SIGHT before her before she turned on her heel and ran out. Mallory watched her run. She looked like a bullet zooming through the air, looking for its target, looking for the thick, squishy flesh to pierce through. Mallory didn't know when she had stood up but she did and she ran after Lavender, who had collided with Neville Longbottom. Time seemed to slow down as Mallory stopped and watched her fall.

A scream can be heard in the background but she doesn't look back to see who it was. Neville's books go flying through the air and slowly fall to the ground. Lavender falling back gracefully, arms sprawled into the air, her hair floating around her angel like. Neville trying to catch her, but falling back himself.

Time sped up again and the noises came. The scream came from Lavender and Susan Bones, Neville's books landing with a loud thud, Lavender groaning in pain before shooting upright and sprinting away, Neville landing with a louder thud on the ground.

"Did you happen to see where Lav went?" Mallory asked, helping Neville up. He rubbed his behind while shaking his head. Mallory quickly scooped his books up and shoved them in his arms. "If she comes back this way, tell her I was looking for her. Please."

"I saw where she went." A voice suddenly said and Neville turned around as the boy approached them. "But it comes with a price you see Mally."

"It's Mal." Mallory seethed and Neville saw her fold her fists. "Who the heck are you?"

"Gardener Lane, Ravenclaw, last year." He smiled and it seemed as though his entire face lit up. His blue eyes shimmered, his teeth glimmered and his hair glowed. "You see, I'm better than you and Lavender, but at least I'm using my precious time to tell you where Lavender went. I mean, I wouldn't, because you know, I'm better than you. But I was told to change this year, and trust me, I'm trying my best."

"You're telling me this why exactly?" Mallory raised her brow. "I was just going to go back to the common room and wait." She shrugged. Gardener smiled, but this time, it looked stressed.

"I'm donating my time to you Mallory Grimmon and you're wasting it." He laughed and it sounded as if he was going to murder Mallory right there and then. Neville gulped and excused himself, but neither Mallory or Gardener were paying attention to him. It seemed as though they had forgotten about him.

"Just Mal would be fine Gardener." Mallory seethed. "And how do you know my name?"

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised you don't remember me at all. You seem as though you have the memory span of a fly." He hummed happily. "But I'll enlighten you Mallory." He smiled when she narrowed her brown eyes at him. "1991, October 31st, Professor Quirrell ran in, claiming that there was a troll. You freak out, I freak out and we run. Headbutted me into oblivion. Since then, I vowed to make your life a little more like hell." He shrugged. "Well, the past is past and it's all water under the bridge. I mean I'm on top of the bridge and I'm waiting and watching, just watching and waiting for you to drown." He smiled sinisterly at her. "Nice talk. Lavender went in the direction of Ravenclaw tower."

Mallory rolled her eyes at him and marched off, back to the common room. Demelza Robins was waiting for her and she looked excited. Demelza had come clean to Mallory, telling her that she liked her and that she would like them to be girlfriends. They were kissing when Lavender had walked in. Mallory wasn't sure if she truly loved Demelza, she just found Demelza beautiful, not as beautiful as Lavender and Padma though. Truth be told, Mallory only agreed because she thought it would make Lavender jealous.

"Did you find her?" Demelza asked and Mallory shook her head, plopping on a chair. "Well, I'm sure you two will make up. You've been best friends since the first year."

"Yeah." Mallory muttered, lazily flipping through a textbook she found on the table. "Hey Melzy, have you seen Hermione? Or Harry?"

"No, I haven't." Demelza hummed before disappearing to freshen up. Mallory took this as an opportunity to go find Hermione.


MALLORY GRUNTED AS SHE STOMPED her foot on the ground but nobody looked at her, except Hermione, who was her Potions partner. The bushy haired girl shook her head and Mallory groaned.

"Just because you're smarter doesn't mean I understand this! I'm clueless!" Mallory said, smashing her book shut. Professor Slughorn looked at them and Mallory desperately tried to make it seem as though she was working the entire time, which she wasn't.

"Is there a problem here Miss Grimmon? Miss Granger?" The two girls looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Nothing sir, I just lost the page number." Mallory smiled and the man began twirling the ends of his mustache.

"Miss Granger over would be more than delighted to show you, I trust." He walked away and Mallory and Draco made eye contact. The platinum blonde boy stuck his pink tongue out at her and Mallory stuck out her middle finger. Draco narrowed his eyes at her.

"I'm going to murder him." Mallory grumbled, searching for the page. Hermione slidded her her textbook and Mallory glanced at it before paging back.

"Not if I murder him first." Hermione mumbled and Mallory shrugged, not thinking that the lioness was serious about her statement, but Hermione was.

"Can this class just end?" Mallory whined, gently hitting the table with her head. It made a soft thud and Hermione looked at her.

"Come, I'll help." Hermione smiled at Mallory and she smiled back. "So, how are things between you and Demelza?"

"Not good. We had a fight yesterday, she thinks I'm in love with you because we're always together." Mallory shrugged. "But she's a whiney bitch, I'd be glad to get rid of her but no, I just have to be unlucky all the God damn time."

"Well, I suppose that shows that you truly love each other, doesn't it?" Hermione asked, ignoring the part where Mallory said Demelza believed that they were in love.

"I suppose." Mallory shrugged. "I have a free period after this torturous class." She groaned.

"Well, firstly you should chop-" Mallory groaned and Hermione shot her a look.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Gardener Lane kid got to me."

"Tell me about him." Hermione groaned. "He thinks he's better than everyone else and he tells it to everyone. I mean I got a Owl in Defense Against The Dark Arts but no, he had to come and brag that he got Owls in everything."

"He got to you too huh?" Mallory grinned and Hermione nodded. "What do you think I should give Melzy as an apology?"

"Why should you apologize? She accused you didn't she?"

"I'm sorry for this Hermione but this may be why you're single." Mallory pointed out and Hermione opened her mouth to disagree. "Don't even think to disagree. I'm apologizing to her, yes. Do I really have to mean it? No. I'm just trying to keep her happy. So what should I do?"

"What flowers does she like?"

"Sunflowers but I don't think Professor Sprout even grows sunflowers." Her eyes then lit up. "She likes chocolate, I remember her asking Romilda for chocolate but Romilda acted weird and said they're for someone very special."

"Special, like how?"

"I never asked." Mallory shrugged and began doodling random things that came to her mind.

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