7 -The Death Of A Warrior

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IT STARTED OUT AS A nice, normal day. Mallory saw all her friends, which were Parvati, Lavender, Hermione and Padma. The one person who she didn't see at all was Draco Malfoy, but it didn't bother her. She and Draco weren't friends, they only spoke twice and that didn't make them friends automatically. All her classes were fun. Potions with both Lavender and Hermione, Defense with Parvati and Hermione, Charms with Parvati and Padma, Herbology with the trio and Transfiguration with Hermione. Everything seemed to go smoothly for Mallory.

This rarely happened.

She normally would either get detention or get sent out in both Transfiguration and Herbology, for things she hadn't done. Her Charm work was okay but not up to Flitwick's standards so the man made her attend extra classes on Sundays. With Neville. She didn't mind though, she and Neville liked doing the spells together. And she understood nothing in Potions and it didn't help when Professor Slughorn basically only paid attention to Harry and not the rest of the class.

"Hey Mal." Mallory now sat next to Parvati in the Great Hall. They were done eating, although there were still tarts and few other deserts on the table, and Lavender had gone to bed early, something about a headache. She looked up to see Hermione slide in beside her, followed by Ron and Harry.

"Hey guys." She warmly greeted them.

"You look happy." Ron commented and Mallory shrugged as she smiled at him.

"Just had one of those rare happy days." She shrugged again and Hermione smiled at her, grabbing a lemon tart before eating it.

"Transfiguration was the best." Hermione beamed and Mallory nodded, although she thought Charms was better. True, she didn't get kicked out in Transfiguration and McGonagall had actually let her do fun stuff in the class, not outside, but Flitwick picked her to demonstrate a spell. Even Padma couldn't believe it. They spent the whole day raving about this and Padma had tried to kiss Mallory, who freaked out and had awkwardly pecked her cheek and rushed off.

"You have to eat mate, you don't know what you'll find there."

"Food doesn't solve everything Ronald." Hermione said, though she was eating. Ron rolled his eyes at her and pointed to Mallory.

"She's happy because she's eating!" He pointed out and Mallory sighed. She was eating because she was happy, and because she was hungry. "And food makes everything better, especially chicken."

Harry gave a snort of laughter when Hermione huffed out, deciding it was best to keep quiet and not entertain Ron. Mallory thought her decision was the best she had ever made.


NO NEED TO PUNISH ME , I know I was wrong about your sister and I'm sorry." Mallory thrusted the note back at Parvati, who beamed excitedly and tore it before throwing it in the roaring fire. "She's not bad." Mallory added.

"Want another lengthy note?" Parvati asked, sitting up and long locks of her dark hair fell over her shoulder before she swooped them back. Mallory found herself missing both Lavender and Padma.

"I'll manage thank you." She said, moving forward to seize her cup of juice and she gulped it down in one go. "I hope Lavender's doing alright. A headache can be a nasty little bugger."

"Oh she'll be fine. She most likely went to Madam Pomfrey's first." Parvati shrugged. Then as if she had just remembered something, her dark eyes widened and she grinned at Mallory. "Funny thing happened you know? Lav and I were sitting in Divination and she told me she's thinking of asking Theodore out! Next thing I know, Padma's telling me about how cute a certain someone is."

Jealousy brewed in the pit of her stomach and Mallory laughed dryly. "I wish them the best."

"What about you?" Parvati asked and Mallory froze. "Who do you fancy?"

Your sister and your best friend, problem is, I can't seem to choose one of them. Mallory thought but said instead, "I think Adrian Pucey is quite good looking as well as Terry Boot."

"Nice, they are good looking." Parvati beamed. "You promise you won't tell Lav who I fancy?" After having to pinky swear on it, Parvati told Mallory. "I fancy...." She stopped. "I can't tell you! You'll judge me!"

"Parvati, I swore I won't tell Lav and I swear I won't judge you. It's not my place to judge you. You don't have control over such things."

"I think I might fancy Ron." She winced slightly when Mallory's mouth fell open. "I mean at first I thought I was imagining things, or it was the Butterbeer I had at the ball. And then last year Professor Snape paired me, you, Harry and Ron together and my feelings went haywire. And since Lav broke up with him, I might have a window but I don't know Mal."

Mallory was grateful that only she, Parvati and Dennis were here. However, before she could respond, a horrible noise stopped her and Dennis shrieked. No longer than a minute later, the common room was packed with people in their pajamas. She noticed Harry was missing when Hermione rushed to the portrait hole, Ron, Ginny and Neville right behind her and they disappeared. Just like everyone else, she rushed forward but she managed to get out. It was most likely past midnight by now because shadows danced around the castle.

She managed to catch up with Neville and Ginny as they made their way to the Ravenclaw Tower. Ginny managed to answer the riddle the eagle had provided them and before they could even enter, Flitwick and Luna rushed out. Flitwick mumbled something and went in the direction of Professor McGonagall's office and the four rushed down to where the most noise was coming from and Mallory wished she had stayed in the common room with Parvati.

Death Eaters were everywhere, hexes, jinxes and charms were flying everywhere and Mallory managed to disarm a Death Eater who had pointed his wand at the back of a girl with pink hair. He bent down to pick it up but Mallory had sent the stunning spell at him and he lay motionless on the floor. The pink haired girl spun around and tripped over the limp body of the Death Eater and Mallory rushed to help her.

"Thanks!" The girl cried out before disappearing toward another Death Eater. Mallory saw Snape run towards them.

"Miss Granger, Miss Weasley, Miss Grimmon, Professor Flitwick had collapsed in my office, please rush to him." He sounded rushed and Mallory only had seconds before Hermione grabbed her roughly and they rushed to Flitwick. Ginny had stayed behind because she was engrossed in a battle with a Death Eater who had tried to hex Professor Lupin.

Snape had told them the truth. Flitwick lay motionless on the dark and cold floor. Mallory and Hermione helped each other hoist him up and on to the couch. Hermione pulled out her wand and waved it. Seconds later, water burst out and Flitwick jolted awake.

"Severus — we must stop him!" He jumped off the couch.

"Professor Snape has already gone up to them Professor. He'll stop them." Mallory said when they walked out the cold office. "We have to get you to the hospital wing."

"No, you don't understand! Severus, he's one of them! They're going to kill Dumbledore! I heard him talk with one of them!" Mallory of course thought it was bull and ushered the Professor to Madam Pomfrey and saw that people were already here.

Later on, Mallory regretted thinking it was bull because as she stood next to Hermione and Padma, who was holding her hand, she stared at Dumbledore's lifeless body. Dumbledore was dead. And all hell was about to break loose. Why didn't she just stay in the common room with Parvati?

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