𝟏𝟏 - 𝗣𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗮

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MALLORY WAS ASLEEP , DREAMING OF Padma. It happened frequently after last week, after she had heard Isadora's name on the radio. Padma was smiling as she laid her head on Mallory's shoulder, playing with a loose strand of her hair. There was a child in this one, roughly the age of four, one Mallory didn't recognize.

"Time flies doesn't it?" Padma had asked, sighing as she did. "I mean who would've thought that today, we could say Voldemort's name without fear?" Padma sighed once more when her dark eyes landed on the child, who was eating sand. "Vati!" She had screeched, rushing towards her and making her spit out all the sand she had devoured.

"Mama, can you please help me spell Ravenclaw? I want to congartulate Dora on making Ravenclaw." Mallory looked back to see another child, this one roughly the age of nine.

Mallory could feel her lips part and she said, "It's congratulate and of course, just bring me a quill and some parchment." The girl nodded. "Lav, tell David some sunlight will do him some good, would you? Thank you lovey." She said when the little girl named Lav nodded eagerly and ran back into a light blue house.

Mallory then noticed that these two were her children, and the house was hers. Clearly she had named them after the people they had either lost or adored. Parvati, Lavender, her grandfather and her mother.

Padma then sighed, now sitting beside her. She looked the same yet older, stressed, the wrinkles on her forehead were more prominent than the rest she was hiding with makeup. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun and she wore a flowy dress, Mallory herself wore her robes. She had always preferred wearing robes for almost any occasion. Her hair was long, just like Lavender's.

"Vati said she thought it would taste like cotton candy sugar. Your aunt spoils Vati and Dora too much. I'm just glad Lav and David find sweets disgusting." Padma sighed and smiled sadly at Mallory. "Time for you to wake up dear, I'll see you soon. Stay strong."

When Mallory woke up, her grandmother was in her room, crying. "They killed them," She sobbed, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief when Mallory moved to comfort her. "They killed David and a Muggle named Ted Tonks."


LOSING PEOPLE DEFINITELY CHANGES person, whether they know it or not. Mallory was changing, but she didn't know it. She used to be a closed book but now, she was a locked book for sure. She spoke when spoken to, answered when asked, cried when no one saw her, spoke to Casil as though he were her best friend. That's until one day her fake galleon lit up. The DA had this idea, Mallory at first had told them that Dolores Umbridge wasn't as daft as she looked, but to her surprise, Dolores was just as daft as she looked and that's when the DA started using them.

As Mallory laced up her trainers, she began thinking what she was going to tell her grandmother. Here she was, preparing to go to war, a war where she could easily die, a war she didn't start but her friend's parents did, in a way. If they hadn't defied Voldemort, they never would've died and Harry would've grown with them.

"Nana, there's going to be a fight, at Hogwarts, and I might not come back but please know that I love you Nana." Evelyn just continued to stare into the fireplace, she looked broken. Mallory wouldn't blame her.

"You're selfish." Evelyn finally said when Mallory walked up to the door. "I lost David and your mother is somewhere out there, fighting to survive yet you want to go fight."

Mallory sighed. "I'm not selfish Nana, I'm going to fight for the people we lost. Just stay strong, for me, and pray for us Nana, the heavens know we'll need prayers."

"You're just like your mother you know, Isadora, not Beverly." Mallory sighed, she didn't have time for this. Her friends needed her. "Always risking your life to try and save those of others. Be careful my dear, and please, come back."

Mallory swallowed hard. "I'll try my best Nana."


MALLORY HAD SOMEHOW MADE IT into Hogwarts, using a secret passageway to avoid all the Death Eaters. She then found herself in the Room Of Requirement, where she found the majority of the students she knew and her friends.

"Mal!" Padma had yelled when her eyes landed on her and she attacked her with a big kiss, crying as she did. "Oh Mal, I thought you wouldn't make it! We've been listening to Potterwatch, just in case someone's name pops up you see. So far, only Luna and Dean."

"I thought I'd never make it as well, but here I am love." Mallory smiled. "I've been listening to Potterwatch too, they murdered my grandfather and my mum is still missing." The words, my mum, felt so foreign on her tongue, they somehow made her tongue feel heavier.

Padma enveloped her hands in hers. "I'm so sorry Mal." She said, engulfing her in a hug, though Mallory wasn't crying. Mallory wanted to tell her not to be sorry, she hated her grandfather and her mother wasn't really a mother.

"Where's Vati and Lav?" Padma sighed.

"Lavender is taking the whole Luna missing thing pretty hard," Padma said when they started walking towards where Parvati sat with Lavender, who was crying. "They had become such great friends you see? Though I believe they were not just friends. She stopped talking about Theodore Nott, stopped talking about Ron Weasley and even Seamus Finnigan."

"Oh," Mallory said, though in truth, she hadn't an idea what to think or say. The one time she finally gets love and dates someone she loves will obviously be the time where her first crush suddenly turns gay as well.

"It's awful really, and that's saying something. Aberforth's cooking isn't quite pleasing." Padma sighed, sitting down next to Parvati, whose eyes lit up when she saw Mallory.

"Mal! Oh Merlin! It's really you!" She yelled, engulfing her in a hug.

"Yeah, I mean Neville interrogated me, somehow thought I was a Death Eater." Mallory shrugged. "Hey Lav." Mallory breathed out and Lavender looked up, her eyes puffy, yet she was still beautiful.

"Mallory! You're here!" Lavender sniffed. "I thought you weren't coming." She wiped her tears away with her fingers and Mallory saw a wound running down from her cheek to her jawline and raised a brow. "We have a new Muggle Studies Professor, Alecto Carrow."

"We have a new Muggle Studies Professor? What's she like?" Mallory asked and her two friends plus her girlfriend revealed wounds of their own.

"Evil and vile. Seamus was nearly dead." Mallory looked around and her eyes landed on a familiar sandy haired boy, who sat in the corner, head down and dripping blood.

Mallory pulled out her wand and smiled at them. "Let me see those wounds."

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