𝟏𝟎 - 𝗚𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗚𝗼𝗻𝗲

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IT ONLY MADE SENSE NOW why Isadora would spend thousands and thousands of galleons and sickles on her, buying clothes, doing her nails, giving her countless makeovers, doing her hair, bleaching her hair, treating her like her own daughter while she was actually her daughter. Mallory didn't know exactly how to feel about such a truth. She was the result of a secret, a deadly deadly secret and yet, she didn't know how exactly to feel. Should she be offended? Should she be angry? Should she be scared? Should she be sad? Or should she be happy?

She could be offended that she's the aftermath of a secret, a secret her family had harboured for so long. She could be angry that no one had bothered to inform her about it, she after all deserved to know. She could be scared of the change that's to come. All her life she thought she hated her mother but all in truth all she was doing was hating her aunt. She could be happy, happy that Beverly wasn't her mother because all Beverly did was cause her heartbreak and give her an unlucky name which literally meant unlucky. But as Mallory lay unmoving on her bed, even when Casil banged his beak on the cage door, she just didn't know what to feel.

"Fine Casil! I'll let you out, but only for a bit." Mallory angrily grumbled, rolling off her bed and landing with a loud thud before she lazily crawled towards Casil and let him out. The owl lept out, squeaking happily and flying in circles before he landed on the wooden table. "If Nana knows I'm about to send you out Casil, I'll be dead." Mallory argued but opened the window anyway and Casil lept out the window, flying happily away.

"Mal! Is that Casil out there?!" Mallory heard Evelyn ask and Mallory cursed. How did she see Casil? "He better not be delivering a letter!"

"No Nana! He just wanted to stretch his wings." Mallory yelled back, sighing in relief when she didn't hear her grandmother stomp her way up the stairs and to her room. She ran a hand through her hair, which she had left to grow longer. It nearly touched her shoulders now, and she felt as though it was weird. The last time her hair went past her jawline was when she first started Hogwarts. She cut it when people usually mistook her for Lavender, though they clearly didn't look alike in any way.

Lavender had a longer face, smaller eyes and lighter and curly brown hair, while Mallory had a shorter face, bigger eyes, darker and straighter brown hair. Lavender was on the chubby side, though she wasn't that cubby. Mallory was thinner, less curvier, more boney.

As Mallory sat on her bed, she noted to change her bedding. Everything was candy colored. Her curtains were candy blue, her walls candy purple, her bed candy yellow, her door candy pink, her dresser candy purple, her lamp candy blue and her floor yet again, candy pink and purple. She truly needed to change it. She looked up when Casil flew in, swiftly landing on her bed.

"Glad you're back, Nana almost killed me." Casil let out a hoot and Mallory laughed. "Okay, she didn't really nearly kill me but she did yell." She shrugged, rubbing his head affectionately. "I'm going downstairs real quick to grab a snack, behave." Mallory said, standing up and closed the window before she pointed to her eyes, narrowed them and pointed at Casil, who only hooted and scooted back.

Once downstairs, Mallory saw her grandmother sitting on the couch and quietly made her way to the kitchen, where she raided the fridge and found her sandwich from yesterday and she sniffed it before shrugging and biting down on it, already searching the fridge for something else, and she found a slice of cake, looked back to see if her granny was watching and grabbed it. She quietly tried sneaking past her again, however she wasn't as lucky as the first time.

"Winny from your father's work had a sudden promotion under the new Minister and they celebrated it. They had leftover cake." Evelyn said, still focused on whatever she was doing.

"Oh, I had bread." Mallory said, eyes on Evelyn as she carelessly made her way up the stairs and she nearly tripped, the saucer clinking loudly against the wooden floor but luckily not breaking. "And maybe the cake too."

Evelyn chuckled, muttering something in the line of just like your mother and Mallory decided to ignore it as she made her way further up the stairs and into her room, where she sat on the bed and discarded the cake on her bed, sighing as she laid back.

"I've lost my appetite Casil, you can have it." She muttered, though it was true. She didn't want to eat anymore, instead she wanted to puke. Hearing her grandmother say that made her remember that she was just the remains of a secret, nothing more and nothing less and it would stay like that forever.


THE TWO GRIMMONS AND NIGHTENBLOO sat worriedly together in the living room, Jushtin consoling Evelyn and Mallory just sat, staring into the fire. It had been months since the Dark Lord had risen to power and the Ministry taken over by Death Eaters. They were listening to Potterwatch, waiting to hear any name they knew.

"And now, the names of the missing." The broadcaster said, sighing as he did and Mallory straightened up a bit, looking at her father and grandmother. "Thankfully, the list is short today." He sighed again, Mallory thinking how hard it must be for him, hoping that he won't have to announce the name of his own loved ones or the ones he knew. "Lisa Cohen, Samantha Frick, Ivan Lager, Benjamin Crane, Rita Taylor, David and Isadora Nightenbloom. Tomorrow's password is 'lighting', stay safe."

Evelyn had let out an unhuman sound when she heard her husband and daughter's name being said and honestly, it hit Mallory more than what she would've liked. She and her grandfather wasn't that close, he did after all choose to live the Muggle way, with zero magic and contact with the wizarding world. However, she guessed he wanted to apologize for his ways since even though you try to live without magic, you can't really. Magic is born with you inside your veins, to only live without magic, means to die and Mallory knew her grandfather would never die without saying goodbye to them. He might have been man with clinging tendencies and minor drinking problems, but he still honored and loved living.

Mallory didn't know how to feel about Isadora missing. She knew her well, but she didn't know her that well. She was her mother but then again, she wasn't really her mother. However, Mallory found tears in her eyes and she stood up from the couch.

"I'll be in my room." She whispered, tears already falling down and she rushed up the stairs, shutting the door behind her before sinking into her bed. "I'm a terrible person Casil." She sobbed to the owl, who only hooted to let her know that he acknowledged her presence. "I suppose not even you want to hear about my stupid, unlucky life hey?" Casil kept quiet this time and Mallory sighed. Why was she so goddamn unlucky all the time?

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