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DESPITE DUMBLEDORE'S DEATH, MALLORY felt good about herself. Padma had finally confessed about her feelings for her, Mallory doing the same but making a total fool out herself, Padma had laughed at her but Mallory didn't mind. For once in her life, she was lucky. She just knew that this was going to be far different from what she had with Demelza Robins. With Demelza, she just wanted to see if Lavender would grow jealous, though she didn't.

"I'm sorry Mal, but your father has spoken. You're not to return to Hogwarts this year, it's far to dangerous, especially with all the Death Eaters." Evelyn calmly explained to Mallory the night before the first of September. Mallory however wasn't having it. She finally felt happy, she finally felt good about herself yet they want to strip all that away from her.

"But Nana, what if I promise to not make eye contact with the Death Eaters then?" Evelyn sadly shook her head as Jushtin came into the room. "What about my girlfriend? What about my friends? It's because I'm finally happy right?!" Mallory asked, charging at her father. Jushtin merely side stepped her and Mallory fell unto the couch. "Why won't you let me be happy?! Is this why mum left? Because you didn't want to see her happy?!" She spun up right.

"Your mother was nothing short of a whore. The minute Eric waved his penis around, she clambered into bed with him and moved to Italy with him." Evelyn gave Jushtin a stern look. "It's the truth Evelyn, Mallory deserves to know, she isn't a child any more."

"I get that dear but don't use such harsh words."

"But it's the truth is it not? Your daughter left me for that man whore when she saw him scratch his penis, leaving me with Mallory."

"Didn't you want to live with me dad?" Mallory asked, shrinking back into that ten year old girl who watched as her mother packed, scribbling big words unto the letter Jushtin had read for them. She kept the letter safely under her pillow, though she never looked at it.

"Of course I do honey."


Jushtin shook his head. "No buts my love."

"Oh really? And here I was, thinking buts were the only thing you could say right." Mallory sighed. "Your mother will return but not today. I'm busy at the moment Mallory but I promise I'll be free later on. I know you love your girlfriend but you can't ever see her again." Mallory sighed again. "I'll be in my room if you need me Nana, writing to my girlfriend."


SHE COULD'VE EASILY ESCAPED THE prison of her four walled candy colored room, but for some reason Mallory couldn't command herself to leave the room. Jushtin had come in an hour and a half after whatever happened. He had sighed and held her hand.

"Your mother went into what a muggle would call a coma while she was pregnant with you, but your mother was a lovely woman, I married her because she was the only one for me. The way you feel about Padma, it's the way I felt about your mother." Jushtin sighed again. "I thought Eric was my friend but he slept with your mother behind my back and she fell pregnant with his child." Mallory didn't remember her mother being pregnant. "I was prepared to let it be, even after she lost the baby. I couldn't let it be after the second time though, and they left for Italy. She wanted to take you with but Evelyn and I refused."

"Why did you let her be?" Mallory asked. "You could've killed her, you should have killed her."

"Love, Mallory, makes you do things. Some of which you will regret, some of which you won't. I regret letting her be, but I don't regret having you." Jushtin smiled sadly at her. "I know you hate your name but we named you after my mother. She was just like you."

"Was she just as unlucky as I am?"

"She was even worse, but look how that worked out for her. She met my father, had me and I got to have you." He smiled. "Without her, there'd be no you."

"So you're saying she was unluckily lucky?" Jushtin nodded. It didn't make any real sense but Mallory beamed. "Then I'm happy to be unluckily lucky." She wasn't really that happy, but her father had to think she was making some progress or he'd never leave her.


THE STREETS WERE DESERTED WHEN Mallory sneaked a look the following morning through the window. The streets were dark and Mallory shivered from just looking at the streets, she knew the Dementors were just looming about, waiting to suck the souls of unfortunate people. She hoped her father made his way safely to the Ministry.

"Stop worrying about him as though you're the parent Mal, your father will be alright. He, after all, is a Pureblood, they'll never hurt him. Us on the other hand though, we're not so lucky. Hence why he didn't want you to go to Hogwarts. They'd murder you." Evelyn said when they sat together at the table, sipping on the sweet tea Mallory was not keen on making, but eventually made it when Evelyn gave her the famous Nightenbloom look only a true Nightenbloom could pull off.

"I get that Nana." Mallory replied, stirring her tea. "Dad told me things about mum last night." Mallory didn't know what she said wrong but the cup slipped from Evelyn's grip and it shattered against the mahogany table, leaving behind the sweet smell of rose flavored tea.

"What did he do?" She asked in a small whisper, and Mallory raised a brow at her.

"He told me about mum." Mallory answered, eyeing her grandmother with confused eyes. What was wrong?

"Did he say anything that seemed out of context?" Evelyn asked, her eyes still wide.

"He just said she went into a what a muggle would call a coma, while pregnant with me." Mallory said and Evelyn sighed, closing her wrinkled eyes. The same eyes that saw everything, the same eyes that witnessed the rise and fall of everything.

"I think it's time for you to know the truth Mallory, nothing but the entire truth. Boil the kettle again, I need to call Isadora." Mallory stared after her grandmother as she stood up and went to call Isadora.

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