𝗕𝗢𝗡𝗨𝗦 : 𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗮'𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝗴𝘄𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿

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Rose made a great friend and Dora could easily see why her mothers were friends with Rose's mother. They now sat together in a train compartment, giggling and eating candy like there was no tomorrow. Dora didn't want this to end, but then a boy showed up and his nose was bleeding.

"Here, sit down, I'll fix you up and then you can tell me what happened." Rose said and Dora watched in awe as she easily mended his nose together. It wasn't as though her mothers never taught her spells or her teacher, Mrs Jones, but she never used them on a living person before, it gave her the shivers just thinking about it.

"I had no place to sit because the other compartments were filled by older kids and younger kids so this other boy said I could sit with them." The boy sniffed and Dora watched as Rose rubbed circles into his back and she could feel something snap inside her. Rose was her friend and her friend only. "They asked me who I was and when I said James Potter, they broke my glasses and my nose."

"You're not wearing any glasses James." Rose said and James reached into his pocket, pulling out a pair of completely ruined and bloodied glasses and Rose gasped. "Those monsters!" She had shrieked and Dora decided to step in.

"I can fix your glasses." She said, cheeks burning when James and Rose looked at her. "And then you can tell Rose what this boy looked like." James nodded, sniffing and wiping vigorously at his eyes.

"He was my age but bigger and he had dark curly hair." Dora tapped the glasses with her wand and tried saying the spell in her mind. Her mothers had thought that if she could do non-verbal spells, she could easily learn new spells and such. It proved to be a challenge however, especially since the only person skilled in such magic was her mother Mallory and she was always busy with Vati and Lav. Mrs Jones was as helpful as a sack of potatos. "He said something about him being Cormac McLaggen's son but I don't know who that is. If he was as important as Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Mallory Grimmon, my father and mother would've told me about him."

"You father told you about our mothers?" James cocked a brow at Rose. "I'm Rose Granger-Weasley, and she is Isadora Grimmon."

"Well, it's nice meeting you. Though I wish it were under different reasons." James beamed and Dora yelled in victory.

"Here are your glasses." She beamed at him, handing him the glasses. Maybe being his friend won't be as bad as she thought at first. Rose liked him and she thought he wasn't bad.

"What spell did you use? I didn't hear you say anything." Rose ran a hand through her red hair and sat down next to James, who adjusted his glasses. "Mum did tell me about non-verbal spells but that's very powerful and unpredictable magic, it's also very hard to master."

"My mothers thought that it'd be best to teach me a few non-verbal spells, just for good measure. I was pushing my luck with the glasses, didn't think they'd mend." Dora replied, looking out the window. "Do you think we should change now?"

Rose looked out the window and down to the golden muggle watch around her pale wrist and nodded. "Yes, I think we should. Where's your trunk James?"

"Still with those boys." He sighed. Rose and Dora looked at each other.

"Let's go get your trunk." Rose pulled him up and she and Dora linked arms together before they followed behind James, who seemed to have regained his confidence. Once they got to the compartment where it was, Dora could immediately spot it. It was a yellow and red trunk, with the initials J. P and she and Rose stopped behind James. "Hello boys, we just want James' trunk and we'll be on our way."

The one James told them about laughed. "So you went to find two girls to fight your battles? Come on Potter, I thought you were just as tough as your father. I mean, he did after all kill the Dark Lord. Or was that another Harry Potter?"

"I think that's enough you big bully!" Dora shrieked, her face red and her heart racing like mad. "What his father did doesn't matter anymore you buffoon! Now, we would like James' trunk, please!"

He laughed again. "Is she your girlfriend now Potter?" Dora groaned in anger as she pulled her wand out. "What are you going to do? You don't know any spells."

"That's what you think." Rose proudly stated and watched Dora, who was shivering in fear now. She was about to use a spell on someone. A living, breathing someone. But she had to. This bully was bullying her friend, James was her new friend now, wasn't he? Her friend needed her.

Dora took a deep breath in and waved her wand. The boy flew back and hit another. "We would like the trunk back now." She said, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice. Rose laughed, said the levitation spell and the trunk levitated to them.

Once fully dressed, some time later, the train stopped and soon Dora saw Hogwarts. It was a big, beautiful castle and she jumped in excitement.

"Thank you for standing up for me Isadora." James said, beaming and Dora beamed back at him.

"That was nothing," She said, even though she knew it was something. She used a spell on a living, breathing person. "And you can call me Dora, my full name is a mouthful."

"Okay guys, promise that no matter what house we get sorted in, we won't ignore each other and summon Voldemort's ghost on each other." Rose piped in and the two laughed.

"We promise." Dora said, smiling. "Hands in?"

"Hands in." The two said together, placing their hands on top of Dora's and they all smiled, she just knew that they were best friends already.

The first years were to ride on boats. James, Dora, Rose and a boy who introduced himself as Cedric Littleford sat together and soon, they were at Hogwarts.

The Sorting ceremony, as her mothers had told her, was special and unique for no student was the same. They might be in the same house, but their looks and beliefs were different.

"Granger-Weasley, Rose!" Dora took a deep breath in, she was next. She just knew that. Both their surnames start with G but Rose's was followed by a r and an a. Hers on the other hand was followed by a r and then an i.

"Gryffindor!" The Hat yelled out and Dora sighed. She could get Gryffindor too. Her mother and aunt were Gryffindors, though her other mother was a Ravenclaw so she could be a Ravenclaw as well.

"Grimmon, Isadora!" Dora gulped as she slowly made her way to the stool and sat down. She could hear the Hat talk in her mind but she blocked it out her mind. She could hear it faintly talking about her fine mind and how it would be a waste to put her in any other house besides Ravenclaw and Dora then argued with it, trying to tell it that if she wasn't put in Gryffindor, she wouldn't be with Rose and James, she'd be friendless in Ravenclaw, but it didn't listen to her whining because it yelled out a clear answer for the entire Hall to hear and Isadora had ripped the Hat off angrily when she stomped towards the table of her new house.



Haha, I hope you liked this bonus chapter. I'm going to do others, but not Dora's, I'm going to do the other children.

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