𝟑 - 𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗔 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗹𝗹

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"I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU wanted to use that spell since you heard of it." They stood side by side like best friends, although everyone who knew Mallory, would know where her true loyalties were. They would know that her best friend was Lavender Brown, even though they hadn't spoke in what seems like forever. For two reasons. One being that she was dating the idiotic redhead named Ron and two being Mallory having a crush on her but knowing fully well that she couldn't end up with her because of Ron. And because Lavender liked boys. Not girls.

"I do." Mallory nodded, her eyes still on the sleeping Lavender. They both had agreed that it would be best this way. But Mallory couldn't bring herself to raise her wand and mutter the simple word. It was as though something in her refused to raise her wand, refused to mutter the word, and she sighed. "Just didn't know it'd be this hard."

"Just Obliviate her then, make her forget her relationship with Ron." Hermione whispered, and Mallory was about to do exactly that, as she was raising her wand, but the voice of Parvati stopped her.

"Mal? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Her sleepy voice asked as she rubbed her tired eyes. Mallory and Hermione exchanged a look.

"We couldn't sleep."

"Because we're patrolling, well I'm patrolling and Mal was up and she joined me." Hermione quickly added, and Parvati only mumbled before she drifted off to sleep. "Let's just get out of here."

"It's like you read my mind." Mallory mumbled, tucking her wand away and glanced at Lavender. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful and Mallory was tempted to kiss her softly on the forehead. But her feet stayed firmly rooted to the ground as though she was a tree. Hermione pulled on her sleeve and Mallory looked at her for a moment. She wanted to yell at her, because she made her take her eyes off Lavender, off her loved one but Mallory kept quiet for she was afraid this might wake Lavender up. She sighed and trailed after Hermione, mentally telling herself that she didn't deserve to be in Gryffindor because she was a coward.


LAVENDE GLANCED AT MALLORY AND sighed. Mallory sat with Hermione instead of her in Potions and that hurt Lavender more than what she'd like to admit. Mallory was her best friend, Hermione couldn't just take her place like that. Hermione doesn't know the things Mallory had been through, Hermione doesn't know how Mallory feels towards her mother, the facade she put up to fool her dad. Hermione won't know any of these.

Mallory sniffed the air and looked at Hermione, whose cheeks were red for some reason. "The class smells funny." She said with a scrunched up nose. "I'm definitely detecting pudding, my grandmother's perfume, Padma's lip balm and-" She sniffed again and made eye contact with Lavender. Lavender was smiling at Mallory but all Mallory did was look away. "Lavender's coconut shampoo." She said, looking down.

The class dragged on but Mallory wasn't listening, she was half paying attention when she brewed her potion, half caring that Harry won a vial of a potion she didn't remember the name of, half paying attention when Parvati walked with her to her next class, which was Charms, half caring about the look Parvati gave her when she plopped down next to Neville, who looked surprised.

"Mal? Are you okay?" Mallory's eyes met Harry's green eyes. She looked around, it seemed to be lunch at the moment, Mallory didn't remember leaving Charms class at all.

"Oh - er - I'm fine." She said, looking at where Lavender should be seated. She looked at Hermione next and saw that Ron was missing too. Mallory sighed. "I need to use the bathroom." She muttered, already racing away.

Harry looked at Hermione, who was watching Mallory walk away. Harry felt sorry for Mallory, Lavender was all she had before Ron whipped her away. Even though they are friends now, doesn't mean they actually talk. Mallory spent more time with Hermione than she spent with Harry and Ron combined.

"I'll go after her." Hermione whispered, grabbing the pudding Mallory had in front of her. It was untouched.

Hermione eventually found Mallory in the girl's bathroom on the second floor, Moaning Myrtle floating next to her. Myrtle was laughing at Mallory and this only made the young lioness cry more. Hermione said nothing to both Myrtle and Mallory as she plopped down on the floor, sliding the pudding to Mallory, who eyed it with red, puffy eyes.

"I'm not hungry." Mallory said, wiping her tears away but Hermione saw new ones fall down anyway and she bit her bottom lip. "I'm angry." Mallory whispered, running a hand through her dark, short hair. "And scared. And lonely. And hurt."

"I'm here for you Mal." Hermione said, ignoring Myrtle who was laughing at Mallory. Hermione hoped once Myrtle got bored, she'd leave them alone. "I'll always be here."

"That's what she said too you know? Before she packed her bags and went to Italy." Mallory spat out with disgust. Speaking of her mother felt like venom on her tongue. It made her tongue numb. Hermione wasn't sure she followed what Mallory was talking about but she placed her hands on Mallory's and smiled.

"I'm not her. I won't leave." Hermione softly said and watched the tears well up in Mallory's eyes. She wondered what she had said wrong.

"Why does it hurt so bad? Watching her smile and laugh with Ron?" Mallory sobbed and Hermione scooted closer to her. "Why can't she look at me the same way she looks at Ron? Why can't she tell me the things she tells him?" Hermione rubbed her back in a soothing manner. "Why am I so unlucky?"

"I don't have the answers to your questions Mal but maybe Lavender does. If you could just tell her how you feel about her."

"You don't understand Hermione." Mallory muttered and watched as an angry Myrtle floated away to her bathroom stall.

"Then make me."

"I'm not-" Mallory hesitated. "I'm not- Lav's a Pure-Blood and I'm not." She sniffed. "Ron's a Pure-Blood, they make the perfect match."

"But there's a reason why she was sorted into Gryffindor and not Slytherin Mal. And I think we both know what it is."

"I guess." She sniffed again. "Before my mum left, she used to tell me that flowers can't bloom without a few false promises from the sun. I had no idea what she could've possibly meant, but now I think I do."

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