9. First Step

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Glancing to my bedroom doorway, an annoyed groan escapes my lips. "How the hell can you tutor me, from way the way over there?" Rolling my eyes I watching him walk into my room nervously.

"Right, sorry."

I could clearly see him looking at around, all the boxes catching his eyes. "Don't mind the mess."

"Just too lazy to unpack?" He looked my way with his deep chuckle.

"No, I never unpack them." sitting on my bed I lean back into my hands.

"Uh, why not?" He asked softly.

Groaning I answered his damn question. "Because, once I do unpack. Once I let myself finally get all settled in. All I will have to do is, is repack it all once more. Shrugging my shoulders, my eyes scan my room. "Look, maybe next time, we can do this at your place. I just, there is no place to really study here properly."

There was no desk, no table or chairs. Just my bed, and the empty closet and book case. Downstairs the kitchen table, is honestly no better. Besides the living room, is so far just as crowded with boxes.

"Don't worry, we can make this work." He smiled gently at me. "Uhh, may I?" His voice held uncertanity as he glanced to my bed I sat on, merely shrugging he walked over and sat down. "So, what exactly in math do you need help with?"

Flopping onto my back, I stare up at the ceiling as I lay on my bed now next to him. "Everything..."

"Not a math fan huh?" His voice now holding amusement as he pulled out some math books.

"Well I just don't understand it, all it does is confused me even more."

Nodding he looked to me. "Got it, so how about we just start with what you are working on in class for now."

Nodding my head in a silent agreement. Sitting up I reach for my school bag, pulling out my math belongs as I open my books up.


We were, just under two hours into studying by now. However, I am even more confused than I was to begin with. By now, I was laying on my stomach. Ryuuzaki next to me, as I merely stared at my math book silently. My hands were holding my head up, and they were now gripping at my hair in frustration.

"How about we take a break?" Glancing up to the brunette beside me, I can clearly tell he was holding back a laugh.

"Shut up." Grumbling, I left my head fall free of my hands and onto my bed instead. "Math is just pointless, I hate it. Tutoring is pointless. Life is pointless. Everything is, just pointless." Whispering to myself I sigh.

"Don't say that Hikaru!" Turning my head to the side I stare at Ryuuzaki.

"Well it is." I spoke quietly. "Name one good thing in my life."

"Well, uhh."

"See. You think this place is bad? You should have seen the other places we lived in." I mumbled.

"They were, uhh worse than this?" He asked me shocked. He is making it even more painfully aware, that he comes from a higher class family.

Laughing softly at his words I nodded. "This rundown house, this is a mansion for me and mom. Normally we live in a tiny one bedroom apartment. Since all our boxes didn't fit anywhere, they took over most the living room. Not to mention we had to share a room, and a bed."

"May I ask, why do you move so much?" He was curious, I don't know why he cared so much to know. "I mean, sorry if I am overstepping my boundaries."

"It's fine." Giving him a faint smile, it lasted only a moment before it faded from my lips. "So my mom, she is schooling to become a full fledged doctor. Schooling was tough on her though. She did all her main studying in one place, however the practical work was tougher. She has been transferred to so many hospitals, the past how many years. To be honest, I lost track by now. Usually we don't stay in a place longer than two months."

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