Chapter 1: Pilot

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Key word is 'allowed'.


The sound of electronic music can be heard and the lights are dim. The area has a slight sheen of man made fog in the air and there are lots of strip lights along the walkways. The carpet is dark and the walls are all a deep maroon. There are tables spread around each section between walkways, and a couple of low seats at each table with a pole in the middle. There are mostly naked eighteen year old men and women walking around and some dancing on poles. They have a mixture of ropes and chains on them, some even have collars on. The customers are a mixed group from all backgrounds, some in nice business suits while others are criminals with grungy clothing. There is a bar to one side that is a brilliant blue with an underglow in the spots where it overhangs. It has a glass countertop and a wooden trim to give it a luxurious look. Behind it the bartender has green hair and green eyes with a white suit and a black collar with gold trim. He smiles at every customer he serves. He is known as the best bartender in town and some people come to the bar just to try and get a chance to get in his pants.

While the bartender is the same age as all of the strippers in the club, but he has never done anything with a customer and some find it to be a challenge to try and court him. Some even say he is the most handsome of all of the workers at the club. They believe that the owner of the club keeps him from entertaining the customers as the people on the floor do for that exact reason. They couldn't be farther from the truth.

"Hey bartender! I could use a refill over here!" A man with red and white hair yells.

"One second and I'll be right with you!" The bartender replies with a smile as he is finishing a customer's drink and handing it to them.

The bartender then quickly slides to the other side of the bar to attend to the red and white haired man. "Alrighty, Would you like the same again? Just remember we close in 10 minutes so you'll have to drink it quick!" He says with a cheeky smile at the man.

"Yeah, yeah. Just make the damn drink man." The man groans back.

The bartender quickly whips around and grabs the cup. He turns back around, moving to the center of the bar to scoop ice as he reaches down into a container to get the ingredients to mix. He places them all in the cup, completes the drink and hands it to the man with a smile and says 'Come again!'. The man places the money on the table for the bartender and starts to take a drink.

As the last ten minutes pass, the bartender sends the people away and starts closing down the bar. Once he finishes cleaning it, he turns off the underglow and steps out of the bar into the back room. As he is walking he takes the collar off of his neck. 'Damn people, I wouldn't need to wear this if they weren't always looking to court me. I'm just waiting to find a good person that I like and accept as my dominant.' He stops at his locker and opens it to place the collar in it, taking off his suit jacket, tie, vest, dress shoes, and pants, placing them in the locker along side the collar. He puts on his jeans and red sneakers. He keeps his white dress shirt on as it completes his look. Closing his locker, he heads towards the door to the main room. 'I wonder if they've finished changing over yet. It still amazes me how fast they do it sometimes. As he walks through the door he gets his answer. Instead of fog, stripper poles and scattered tables, there is now beautiful wooden tables with tablecloths in a restaurant layout.

"Terrifyingly fast as usual work I see guys. I couldn't even get changed faster than you." The bartender says with a chuckle.

"Well as you know the place opens in only an hour, so the change has to be fast Izuku." Says a male wearing leather short shorts and a black collar like the one Izuku had on earlier.

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