Chapter 28

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Who's collar is that?



As he turns the final corner, he sees a sub chained to a dumpster and quickly runs over, lifting it's head up he sees it's Izuku.

Bakugo's eyes immediately start filling with tears, but stop as he sees a new collar on him. He steps back and looks closely at Izuku, realizing that he is wearing sub gear that he didn't give him, but he notices his collar on Izuku's wrist and slowly lifts it, feeling how cold his hand is.

"Go away, there's no way you'd want me back after what I've been through." Izuku weakly replies as he pulls his hand away and turns into the dumpster.

"No, Izu. I don't care what you've been through. I'd accept anything to have you." Bakugo says as he carefully pulls Izuku away from the wall and clicks the backup button on his radio.

Bakugo hugs Izuku and rubs his back, finally having the submissive he loves back in his arms. Bakugo kisses him on the cheek and is again surprised by how cold he is. Bakugo suddenly remembers, Latex is a good heat creator in the sun, but in the cold it's really cold. He hugs Izuku tightly and does his best to create warmth for him.

A few seconds later, the backup arrives and one of them cut the chain holding Izuku to the wall. Bakugo carefully lifts him and carries him to his truck, placing him in the passenger seat and driving him to the hospital. Bakugo carries him inside and sets him down on the counter while he talks to the lady at the desk.

"I need you to check him in, Izuku Midoriya. He's been beaten and I think he's sick." Bakugo says.

The woman at the desk looks him up before looking up at Bakugo.

"He's marked abandoned, I can't take him in without proof you're a dominant."

Bakugo hands her his Id and she updates the marking to no longer be abandoned as they take Izuku into the back to be looked after.

"Please take a seat and they'll come to get you when they finish working on him." The woman says.

Bakugo slowly walks over to the seats to sit down as he takes a look around. He grabs both the journals he has written and looks them up and down. A few minutes later, a Nurse comes out and walks over to him.

"Izuku Midoriya's dom?" The woman asks.

"Yes." Bakugo replies as the nurse leads him into a room where Izuku is being taken care of.

Bakugo sits next to the bed and takes Izuku's hand, rubbing it like he always does before giving it a kiss and pulling up his first journal.

"What's that Kacchan?" Izuku asks.

"It's a journal I wrote while you were in a coma so that I could update you when you woke up." Bakugo replies.

Izuku's eyes start to tear, "I know you didn't abandon me, it just didn't seem like something you would do."

"Who's collar is that?" Bakugo asks, pointing to the collar on Izuku's neck.

"Eijiro Kirishima's. He took me in for a bit before I was taken by force by some other doms." Izuku replies sadly.

"I hope he treated you well while he had you, otherwise I'll kill him. I know him well, he's a great guy so at least you found someone I approve of." Bakugo replies as he chuckles.

"I thought you'd be mad." Izuku says.

"I'd never be mad over you trying to save your own life." Bakugo says.

Bakugo gives him a kiss on the cheek and opens the journal to read the first entry.

"Hey Izu, I'm sorry for everything that has happened. When I found you in that club you were in such a bad condition, but when you passed out I carried you to the hospital and got you into surgery. I don't care what they did to you in the club, you are mine and mine alone. So don't worry about whatever they did, it won't change anything between us. When you wake up, I want you to find me. We will work together to make you better, alright? No matter what it takes, I'll never leave you for something like this." Bakugo stops speaking and looks up.

Izuku is crying happy tears as he watches Bakugo read, listening to every little thing he said.

"Keep going, please." Izuku says as he looks at Bakugo's eyes.

Bakugo reads the other entries until he gets to, ""Hey Izu. I wasn't in your room much today, but I was planning the new club that I'm having built for you. It's going to be a huge surprise and I hope you love the place. I'm planning on bringing in the old staff to run it and I hope it will be enough for you."

Bakugo stops and looks up again, Izuku is still crying happy tears and smiling widely. He goes back to reading as Izuku continues.

Once he finishes reading the journal entries, the doctor comes in with misty eyes. Obviously he had been listening in for at least a little bit. Bakugo decides to ignore that and focus on Izuku's health currently.

"He was beaten pretty bad, but luckily it's just bruising and cuts. Otherwise, he has a cold from being outside in just that suit, but that will pass on it's own with time. I recommend you take him home and give him some TLC." The doctor says as he gives Bakugo the discharge papers.

Bakugo signs them and lifts Izuku to his feet, helping him dress in some regular clothes Shinso had provided and heads out to his car to take Izuku home. As he places him in the passenger seat, Izuku sighs and relaxes into the familiar seat, putting his seatbelt on as Bakugo climbs in the driver's seat to head to the new club and introduce Izuku to his new home.

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