chapter 2

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when i woke up i was in a bed

"your awake good"a lady that looked like bonnie said

"ayanna"i said

"yes now lets get you changed"she said she gave me a purple dress to put on then she did a spell that changed my appearence

she told me the different things i was gonna have to do and my story to fit in

"go explore the village you'll meet them"she said i left and when i wasn't paying attention i bumped in to someone i looked and noticed it was rebekah

"sorry i wasn't paying attention"i said

"its fine"she said and we both stood up

"elena"i said holding out my hand

"rebekah your new here"she said

"yeah my parents died i'm staying with ayanna"i said

"ayanna is a family friend"she said

"i was out she wanted me to explore the village because i'm new"i said

"i could show you around i don't have many friends here"she said

"yeah but why not"i asked

"there's this girl named tatia who is playing my brother niklaus and my brother tatia she likes to mess with me and makes everyone else not like me"she said

"that is horrible"i said

"yeah how about we go meet my parents and brothers they'd love to meet you"she said

"that would be wonderful"i said she took us to her house when we got there we walked in

"mom dad kol finn nik elijah henrik come here there's someone i'd like you to meet"she said and they all entered the room

"who is this"esther said

"this is elena she's staying with ayanna"rebekah said

"nice to meet you"i said shaking there hands

"ok this is kol,finn,elijah and niklaus and this is my dad mikael"rebekah said

"good to meet you elena"esther said

"well as sorry as i am to go i promised to show her around"rebekah said

"see you later"i said and me and her left she showed me the different places in the village

"who is"this some one said we turned around and seen tatia

"tatia this is elena"rebekah said nervously

"you must be new"tatia said smirking

"yes i am"i said

"why would you hang out with her of all the girls in the village you choose the ugliest one of them all"tatia said

"from what i've heard about you you are playing klaus and elijah so why don't you go on there are better things for you to do"i said

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