chapter 19

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elena was sitting on the couch waiting for her food delivery she was home alone with bella who was crawling on the floor it had officially been a 11 months and 2 weeks since he died and she wanted to be left alone she told everyone if they came near her she would hurt them bella was getting bigger she hated that he was missing it she hope that isabella wouldn't learn to walk yet but she was getting closer to doing it she would use the table to stand try to walk but fail isabella's birthday was next week and elena just wanted to do something with the two of them and no one else

"mama dada" isabella said elena had a tear roll down her face

"dada's not here" elena said she didn't want to cry again not in front of bella it broke her when bella said dada she wished he was here to hear it

"mama" bella smiled elena was pulled away from her thoughts by a knock at the door she got up to get it and there was no one there

"is this a joke" elena said she closed the door and grabbed bella and sat back down on the couch she was weirded out she swear she heard something

"dada" bella said

"no bella" elena said there was a knock on the back door elena got up and put bella in her walker she went to the back door and didn't see anyone she went back to the front door "what the hell" bella started to cry"give me 1 minutee somethings not right"

"mama" bella said she was pointing to something

before elena turned around someone whispered in her ear"did you miss me"

"kol" elena said she turned around and seen him the tears started to fall but for once in the 11 months he'd been gone they were happy tears"oh my god" elena put her arms around and pulled him into a hug

"i'm here and i'm not going anywhere" kol said he hated seeing how distraught elena was when he was gone"its ok" elena let go of him and looked him in his eye

"you promise" elena said she couldn't lose him again the only thing that had kept her going was isabella and even then it was hard

he took her hands in his "i promise i'm not going anywhere" kol said he issed her on her forhead and the two walked over to there daughter kol picked her up and smiled"i missed you two"

"dada" bella smiled 

"yeah its me" kol said he was happy to be back with elena and bella they went and sat on the couch with bella inbetween them

"how are you back me or bonnie didn't do the spell" elena said she was happy he was back but she confused

"you did the spell you just didn't know that you did it" kol said"your magic works differently then bonnie's does"

"when i was holding bella i was reading the spell i thought i imagined the wind and lights flickering" elena said she was reading the spell earlier holding bella and she had thought that she was going crazy and imagined the wind and lights but apparently she didn't"wait how is my magic different"

kol chuckled and looked at elena"your works differently since you weren't born a witch but your blood has magical property's so your emotions control it so times when you are in danger it can be stronger than if my mom and esther were working together but when your depressed or sad it can be very weak but when you were holding bella she was putting into the spell you stay happy whenever your holding her making you strong enough to do the spell"  kol said

"sometimes i forget you had magic" elena said shaking her head bella climbed off the couch and sat on the floor"she's been trying to walk she's almost there"

"she'll get there" kol said he was happy that he didn't miss her learning how to walk"so you met our newest sister"

"yeah i did she's been staying here her and hope thats where you and klaus always disapeared to" elena asked she had always wondered where him and nik went

"yes we were it took me a week to convince nik not to kill haley when you came back she had just had hope and everything with that nik didn't want to tell anyone so i didn't" kol said "you've grown close with her"

"yeah she's nice to have around i made her move in here with hope caroline and bonnie were waiting till you came back to move to the apartment they bought since they both go to whitmore" elena said she was leaning her head on his shoulder"i haven't talked to anyone but them three since you died i couldn't look at anyone without breaking  down"

"they understand they just wanted to help i'm pretty sure they knew that you didn't want them around" kol said

"your right" elena said they were watching bella crawl around she went to the table and used it to help her stand up she turned towards her parents let go of the table and walked towards them the 5 steps to the couch

"you did it" elena and kol said bella chuckled

"good job" elena said kol picked up bella and tickled her stomach they loved hearing the sound of her daughter laugh

"are you ok" kol asked elena who was now laying her head on his shoulder

elena shook her head"no" elena said with tears coming down her face

"hey i'm not going anywhere" kol said he understood what elena

"the past year has been hell all her milestones its been hard with you not here i can't even look at them without remember how we all got together as this huge family" elena said

"elena even strong people have to cry sometimes they know why you were crying why you didn't want to see them" kol said

"i was so mean to them there my family and i treated them like crap" elena said

"how about we go see them you can see your apologizes"kol  said

"But i want to spend time with you" elena whinned

"Tomorrow i promise" kol said elena made a group chat and told everyone to meet her at the mikaelson mannor then there was a knock at the door she went and got and payed for her take out then she put it in the fridge

"i forgot about that" elenas said kol just laughed

"come on lets not keep the family scared of why you want to see them" kol said elena rolled her eyes and went and grabbed isabella's coat and put it on her kol picked her up and grabbed elena's hand and vamped them to the outside of the manor he handed bella to elena and she walked in

when elena walked in everyone was there"hi"

"whats going on" caroline asked she was a little confused

"kol" hope said

"she knows how to say his name" rebekah siad

"his name is the easiest" haley shrugged

"dada" isabella said and bonnie gasped kol walked over to elena

"there witches they can sense these things hope did know him" bonnie said

"oh my god" rebekah said she got up and went and gave her brother and sister a hug"we've missed you" elena stood bella on the floor and she walked over to hope

"oh my god" caroline squealed

"this ass scared the shit out of me" elena said elbowing kol

"he always did pride himself on his sneakiness" klaus said he got up and went to give his brother a hug

"i want to say sorry for everything" elena said

"its ok "

"its good to see you smiling again" jenna said

"same" jeremy said he was happy that his sister was happy again he hated to see her so sad

"come on this calls for pizza alchol and music" caroine said she vamped out and was back 5 minutes later with to boxes of pizza she vamped out again and came back with a box of alchol then she turned on music

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