chapter 9

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elena pov
5 months later

we are going to find out the sex of the baby today me and katherine finally got over our differences and are actually pretty close as are us and nadia its awesome to not feel so out numbered katherine and nadia is coming with us

"i'm telling you its a girl"i said

"no its a boy"kol said

"no way we already have to many boys in this family its a girl"i said

"since we have to many boys its obviously gonna be a boy"he said

"will see who's right i know i'm having a girl"i said

"i agree with elena its definetly gonna be a girl"rebekah said coming in

"no its a boy"klaus said coming in

"girl"katherine said

"boy"nadia said

"girl"me katherine and rebekah said

"boy"nadia kol and klaus said

"this is ridiculous"elijah said coming in"your fighting like cats and dogs"he said

"lijah i know its a girl and i will prove them wrong"i said sweetly

"lets just go find out"bex said

"if  were right you have to do whatever we say for a month"i said

"and if were right you can't complain for three days"he said

"deal"i said

"this is going to be hilarious"klaus said

"lets go to the doctor i want to see who wins this bet"bex said we headed to meridiths office when we got there she let us in and i layed down on her bed

"what do you think its gonna be"meridith said

"girl"i said

"boy"kol said

"lets see"she said i lifted my shirt and she put the gel on my stomach and moved the wand around my stomach"oh and we have a winner"she said

"well"i said

"its a..............girl elena congrats you have a healthy baby girl"she said

"haha i knew it"i said

"yes i get a neice"bex said

"uhh i was so hoping for a boy"kol said

"now were going to have to lock her up she's going to have your looks"katherine said

"uhh can we wait till she's a teenager for that"i said

"fine"they said

i wiped the gel off and we headed back to the house

"she got y'all"rebekah said

"were not outnumbered anymore"i said

"finally"rebekah said

"thats not fair"nik said

"it is nik it totally is"i said

"kol marrying elena added another girl but thats three against two now its gonna be three against three"bekah said

"wait for it she's forgetting something"i said

"oh yeah were going baby shopping tomorrow"she added

"and there it is"i said

"call caroline she was planning something"nik said of course caroline is planning something it wouldn't be caroline if she didn't plan something

"of couse i'm planning something"caroline said coming in

"do i get to know"i asked

"no i need rebekah's help and you too out of the house next saturday"she said

"i'm gonna go help her"rebekahs said and they both vamped out

"what do you think there planning"i asked

"probably some kind of party"he said

"i love my baby but i hate party's"i said

"i know"he said

"what are we going to name her"i asked

"do you wanna name her after your mom"he asked

"which one isobel or miranda"i said

"doesn't matter"he said

"i want her middle name to be miranda"i said

"i know you didn't like isobel so what if we alter the name some instead of isobel we name her isabella"he said

"isabella mirandia milaelson not bad"i said

"what else are we going to have to get done"he asked

"well we can wait to buy stuff till after caroline's party we got a name ooh what about her god parents"i asked

"who you thinking"he asked

"bonnie you"i asked

"elijah"he said

"well we got our god parents"i said

"sister we have something to show you"nik said coming in we got up and walked with him he led us to the room next to ours"ok close your eyes"he said i did and then i heard the door open and he guided me in

"ok open them"kol said i looked around it was a nursery white walls shelfs a dressers a changing table a white rocking chair and a white crib with a mobile

"me caroline kol and elijah were working on this when bekah took you out yesterday"nik said

"this is amazing i love it"i said

"since we didn't know the gender we did everything white so when we add in the pink stuff it will be perfect"kol said

"i swear your trying to make me cry"i said wiping my face

"not this time"he said

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