chapter 3

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3 months later(past)

elena pov

me rebekah became the best of friends and i sort of have a little crush on kol who has been hanging with us i learned most things about the village we retreat to the caves every full moon because of the wolfs"elena whats on your mind"rebekah asked we were sitting at the waterfall we love to come here and just watch the water

"nothing"i said

"your lying"she said

"yeah i am"i said

"is it my brother i know you have a crush on him"she said

"i do not"i said defensivly

"i didn't even say a name now i know you do"she said

"fine"i said

"i knew it i knew it what if he asks to court you"she said

"i doubt it he doesn't even like me"i said

"i beg to differ"she said

"ok lets go its getting late"i said

"alright"she said  we got up and headed back toward the village when we got there we seen elijah and tatia sneaking into the woods

"he'll never learn"i said

"no he won't"kol said walking up to us i felt my sekf start to blush

"i have to get her home"rebekah said and we walked to ayanna's house we walked inside and ayanna was sitting at the table practicing spells

"ayanna elena has a crush on my brother"rebekah said

"shut up"i said

"come on its true"she said

"Ok see you later bex"I said

"See you later Lena"she said then left

"So which brother may I ask"ayanna said

"Kol"I said

"He's a lot different now then the future"she said

"Yeah he is"i said

"Follow your heart it didn't say focus on the mission it said only you could fix something"she said

"Ok"I said we ate and then I went to go lay down in the morning I got dressed did my chores and seen Klaus and tatia go into the woods

"Something's never change"kol said from behind me

"Yeah doesn't she have a family doesn't she care"I said

"Not from the looks of it she leaves her mom to watch her son and I think she's already married"he said

And she's my ancestor I see where Katherine got it from"just sad"I said

"Come on let's get this water away"he said we took it back to ayannas then we went to his house

"Where's Rebekah"I asked

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