chapter 12

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sorry that its been so long but here's the next chapter gonna try to get another one up tomorrow

it was elena's birthday elena and kol had moved into there new house a few days ago and got the guys to move everything in the nursey to her house caroline had decided to throw a huge party

elena and kol were sitting in the living room waiting on caroline to text them and tell them to come

"i hate my birthday" elena said she didn't know why but her birthday had always been her least favorite day she really didn't know why he just did

"i know but caroline has been planning this for weeks she got everything for your birthday before she figured out everything that she did for the baby shower" kol said

"i know and that is what is scaring me that she did my birthday before she did the shower" elena said she loved caroline but she didn't like caroline's party planning skill"and the shower was huge just think of what she has planned for today"

kol's phone dinged and he looked at it"change of plans the party's at the grill she wants us to come now" kol said

the two left and went to the grill not knowing what they would find when they walked in they seen blue decorations everywhere everyone was standing around caroline was walking around telling everyone else what to do

"happy birthday" everyone yelled

"you can hate your birthday later" caroline smiled making elena smile

"fine" elena sighed

"good now i get to take you kol can go talk to his brothers" caroline said

caroline grabbed elena hand and took her around saying hi to everyone

"so i beat out everyone for present again because i got you the best gift in the world" caroline said

bonnie rebekah jenna and abby walked over to elena and caroline

"i seriously doubt that after what you pulled at the baby shower" bonnie said she loved caroline but the idea's were driving her nuts"what is better than jenna isobel and a dog"

"its not nessacary better but you'll see" caroline teased she knew she was irritating them but she knew that elena was going to love her present

"i love you but i hate you" elena said she loved caroline caroline had been there with her through a lot but she hates caroline party's

"it'll be alright enjoy the party" caroline said she wanted to spoil her best friend after everything that she went through she deserved it

"happy birthday elena may whatever caroline is planning not blow up" abby said she was happy that caroline was doing something for elena

"happy birthday elena" jenna smiled she was happy she was back even if it was as a vampire after everything they've been through she wanted to be here for elena as much as she could"caroline did a good baby shower give her a chance"

"i will but if she blows anything up i'm out" elena said she loved caroline but she also knew that sometimes caroline could over do it a lot"there are times when she does everything perfectly but then thereare also times when she messes up on something"

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