chapter 5

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(A/n I feel like kol would let Elena do her own thing but if anyone's trjying to harm her he's up)

When i woke up i was in bonnie's basement i vamped to her room and put on a pair of her jeans and a t-shirt then vamped to her phone and called her "your house now just you"i said

"On my way"she said and then i hung up a half an hour later she was here i told her everything that happened

"So your married"she asked

"Yes"i said

"And your an original"she asked

"Yes but i don't have a daylight ring"i said

"Give me your wedding ring"she asked i took it off and handed it to her she set it down went to the window and chanted something

"There"she said

"What was the mission to become an original"i asked

"I doubt it"she said

"Call everyone to the mikaelson mannor"i said she nodded and went to go make calls 10 minutes later she came back and we left out to her car and headed there i waited outside and heard them talking

"Whats the emergency"bex asked

"Yeah why does everyone have to be here"damon asked

"Me"i said and walked in

"Elena your back"care said and vamped toward me i gave her a hug and everyone else

"Ok its time for questions"stefan said

"Fine"i said and went and stood by rebekah

"Why did you leave"damon asked

"I had to do something"i said

"Why you"jer said

"Ayanna sent for me and only me she told me i had to do something"i said

"Why weren't we informed till after you left"klaus said

"I couldn't tell anyone except bonnie you 4 got the memory's as it happened"i said

"Well i guess i'm gonna ask what were thinking"bex said motioning to her and the other three originals"was any of it real"

"Yes i may have went there to do something but everything i said or did was real"i said

"What does she mean"stefan asked

"My name is elena marie mikaelson sister in law to klaus, rebekah and elijah wife to kol"i said

"You got married who planned it"care said

"Rebekah"i said

"Why did you get sent back after becoming an original"bex said

"I can't answer it cause i don't know"i said

"Your an original"care said

"Prove it"stefan said

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