chapter 12

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They were all approaching the mikaelson mannor." I can't do this" Elena handed bonnie Sapphire as Isabella snd hope ran outside. She vamped away before they could follow.

"Mom Caroline Bonnie"

"Lets get inside" Caroline said. They all walked in and seen everyone minues Kol snd Skylar.

"Caroline Bonnie" Haley asked.

"Can i hold her" Bella asked.

"Your moms in a bad depression right now Bella" Bonnie said.

Then they heard yelling."Im grounded what did i do my grades are up im taking her classes but because i blow up a car im in trouble" she ran down the stairs with Kol walking behind her. She looked at Caroline and Bonnie." Oh look its the two idiots"

Skylar was about to run out the door when Caroline called out to her."Sky your mom's back"

Skylar stopped in her tracks and turned and looked at her." Come again"

"She's back" Caroline said.

"I dont care she left she didnt care i have the stronger connecetion to her then Bella does i know she never died she just didnt want to come back" Skylar said.

"Skylar do you know why she put the connection on you" Bonnie asked.

"Ok whats that got to do with anything" Skylar asked.

"She got blasted into a wall after you left" Bonnie said.

"I gotta go" Skylar vamped out leaving them alone.

"What the hell is going on" Rebekah asked,

Meredith walked in."Hello everyone"

"Meredith" Isobel greeted.

"Here take a look at these" She handed the pictures to Kol."See the difference"

"I'm so confused what happened" Jeremy asked.

"We died i took the stake for my pregnant best friend and bonnie got blasted with strong lightning Elena got sent backwards hit the wall hard she miscarried one of the kids she killed them but she never had the courage to come back she wanted to but she couldn't she didn't want to tell y'all that once again someone lost there life for hers. She brought us back today"

"She reached her limit" Klaus said.

"Not even that she never wanted me to stand in front of her i did it because she was the only one that can she didn't want to tell Lily she didn't want to tell Carrie that there mothers were gone" Caroline said.

"What happened to Skylar" Bonnie asked.

"You don't want to know" Kol said.

"It's been like that since she got back" Jeremy said.

"She blames everyone for Elena leaving she said that we should have tried harder to help y'all we didn't know anything about anything that was going on" Rebekah said.

"It was my idea they just agreed with it block everyone out we were more worried about saving everyone. No one was supposed to die but then when me and Caroline did she couldn't take it anymore she broke all the events all the people Kol when you died you remember how close she was to cracking" Bonnie said.

"I do" Kol said.

"When we died that sent her over the top she couldn't do it she wanted to come back i know she did but she didn't know what she was supposed to do when she did" Bonnie said.

Skylar walked back in."How about be a mother it worked so well for her the first 15 years of having kids"

"Shut the hell up Sky we get it your sad can you be quiet" Bella said.

"Why are you talking to me i thought i made it clear that to me your dead" Skylar said."So are you Hope and you Sean i hate you all"

"She turned into Elena with the switch off" Caroline whispered.

"CAROLINE" Bonnie yelled.

"Oh come on it wouldn't have taken them long she had it off two weeks and caused a lot of damage" Caroline said.

"Skylar you don't get it she broke when your dad died she broke when her parents when Jenna she broke then she lost her two best friends who she cared about and who have been there through everything so shut the hell up" Hope said.

"Excuse me just because your all powerful doesn't mean a thing" Skylar said.

Bella handed Sapphire to Kol and walked over to Skylar."Are you serious right now."

"She left i don't care so what its not my fault. I can act however i want cause no one is going to stop me, You think you scare me i'm way more dangerous then you are" Skylar said. She was angry that her mother was still alive and she never came back."She never came back she's still not back and your defending her,"

"I'm defending her cause i was there. I may have been young but they let me access the memories of how broken she was the last time someone she loved died. When our father died.  She couldn't take it; She snapped on everyone. She tried her best to stay strong when she couldn't. You know how she stayed strong me. She lost Caroline and Bonnie who she has known her whole life who have always been there for her. She didn't want to tell Lily her mom was dead or Carrie she didn't want to tell her brothers that their wifes died protecting her she didn't want to tell us that she made it out alive but our god moms and one of our siblings didn't" Bella said.

"Whatever Bella keep telling yourself that" Skylar walked out.

"She's a lot like Elena more that any of us realized" Caroline said.

"Hiding her hurt hiding her true feelings i remember when Elena used to do that when she first started liking Kol" Rebekah said.

"You have yet to tell us what happened 1000 years ago" Bonnie said

"One day i will"

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