chapter 14

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this is a a/u story this is where it gets really a/u

Its been a week and kol klaus and elijah were still missing elena and rebekah were sitting on the couch in elenas house

"Where the hell are they" elena asked  she was getting irritated

"I don't know i wishi did" rebekah said she wish that she did but she didn't

elena had learned of her magic and as of right now could only do simple things they were both pulled out of there thoughts by a knock on the door elena vamped to the door hoping that it was one of the guys it was a girl with brown hair elena could smell the wolf on her she was carrying a baby a girl who looked to be at least 6 months"who are you" elena asked she didn't know this girl but she felt something coming off the girl

"haley haley marshall this is my daughter your neice can i come in i know where they are but we need to act fast" haley said she knew that the guys were in danger elena stepped asside and haley walked in

"neice" rebekah said

"can i lay her down somewhere so we can talk and someone needs to put a saftey spell on your house like now" haley said

"rebekah i have another playpen in the closet can you set it up while i call bonnie" elena said she was scared she went outside and called bonnie

"hello elena you ok" bonnie asked

"can you get here now there not back and some girl just showed up with a baby i felt a connection she's my neice " elena said she was freaking out

"on my way with caroline" bonnie said elena hung up and went and grabbed the grimore that rebekah had given her she looked through it for a protection spell she found one as bonnie arrived she sent caroline inside and they went out"how good are you"

"a little i've been practicing simple things but we need this up 2 mikaelson kids 1 house" elena said they joined hands and started the spell elena walked in but bonnie was stuck at the door "come in" elena went and put her grimore up and the four girls sat in the living room

"who is she" caroline asked she was glarring at haley

"haley marshall i have a daughter hope mikaelson when they left last week they were coming to me esther and mikael attacked me with dhalia who is after both girls" haley said she knew that this was shocking to them but they needed to act fast

"ok this doesn't make sense who's is hope and i know my brother he would never leave elena especially not without telling her so what are you not telling us" rebekah said she had good instincts she knew kol he would never leave elena unless it was really serious

"they got captured esther tried to kill them as you recall but failed hope is 9 months old yes you heard that right when you found out that you were pregnant i was having her" haley said

"what else its ok you can trust me i know what its like being part of the mikaelson family we won't hurt you" elena siad she understood why haley was nervous

"i need a promise that the blond won't kill me or hope" haley said looking towards caroline

"i won't let her ok what happened" elena said haley didn't know why but she trusted elena

"i'll start from the begining me and klaus had a one night stand i got pregnant i got captured by a witch immediantly who wanted to kill me and hope only person that knew about me was kol who also has more trustful witches then klaus does i was put in a safe house and a witch did a protection spell i had hope the week before you came back them two visited as much as possible kol told me about you how you two fell in love there even though he was shitty to you before you left" haley said

"he was shitty to everyone before he met me" elena said

"i heard anyway last week it was 5 in the afternoon when your contractions started klaus told me the next day at 1 in the morning esther broke in she tried to kill me and take hope to give to dhalia i had an emergency beeper that goes to his phone i beeped it i told him not to bring kol you needed him but your brother doesn't listen" haley said she knew what it was like being birth you needed someone by your side she didn't want him to come she wanted him to stay with elena

"it wasn't him kol wouldn't let him go alone even if he wanted to there not as distanced as they used to be there like me and bonnie we do it together or not at all haley what else happened" elena said she was happy they were sticking together but she was worried about what was going on "we need to know everything we can't run in hot-headed"

"they vamped in i was tied to a chair and hope was in her playpen screaming it was only dhalia and esther they vamped in kol and elijah handled them and klaus got me out and gave me hope they told me to leave they would handle it" haley said a tear came down her eye"i walked far away but close enough i could still see everything mikael came in and esther knocked them out they had white stakes"

"what did you hear haley its ok" elena said she was trying to stay strong but it was a little hard

"there trying to get hope  bella and you there using them to do it i didn't know what to do i knew that i should wait before coming you just had bella i also know we can't wait to long or there going to be in danger" haley said

"your holding something back what is it" bonnie asked she knew how to tell when there was something else was wrong"you can trust us no matter what you say we won't hurt you"

"dhalia wants to take both kids so she can use there power esther promised every first born mikaelson to her esther wants elena so she can get rid of every vampire ever" haley said she looked at elena and took a breath"there was a witch with them she looked no more than 16 she hates you with a passion something about you ruining her life she was rambling about how her future got changed cause you went back how everything changed cause you went back"

"i say we fight first ask questions later" caroline said

"no we can't do that to much is at stake only me rebekah and bonnie you and haley are too vulnerable we need to be in and out" elena said she knew that to many people and they mindswell send a message were coming

"you have to let us come you three can't go by yourself" haley said

"no that is to risky" elena said "to many people bigger chance at getting caught there fued is with me and were not dragging you two into it me and rebekah are originals who only can die with a white oak stake were also stronger than you two are" elena said

"fine" haley said she understood why elena didn't want her there she wasn't as strong as the originals and she didn't want to risk dying for hope's sake

"no i'm coming no way am i being sidelined i have a year more of being a vampire than you did your not casting me out not this time" caroline said she is always sidelined she was not about to let them risk there life

"caroline elena has a point" bonnie said she knew them going was already risky enough

"yes she does your not an original and your not as strong as bonnie if it was up to me i'd be the only one going were already walking into a trap we can't risk anyone else" rebekah siad she couldn't handle if something else went wrong

"i know that its risky and that you are strong i didn't even fight as good as human elena i know y'all can handle yoursleves your right you are walking in to a trap there expecting bonnie you and elena there not expecting me to come i'm coming end of discusson" caroline said

"fine you can come but haley has to stay here" elena said

"fine with me" haley said

"ok lets do this" elena siad

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