Chapter 9

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Everyone was in the living room besides the missing four. "We have to find them like now" Kol said.

"I can do a tracker spell" Freya said,

"We killed everyone deadly we seen except no one see Dahlia Davina Mikael or Justin" Rebekah said.

"That means we find them" Kol said.

"How Dahlia cloaked them" Freya said.

Isabella vamped and grabbed a map. Bit her wrist. And let the blood drop."Then all the witches in this room do the spell will either get her Skylar or the baby lets try."

"Finally your starting to use your head" Sean said.

"Just cause your twin isn't here doesn't mean that you have to act like her" Hope said."And you know she hates it when you try to be her"

"Whatever Hope just do the spell" Sean said.


Elena woke up and she Caroline Bonnie and Skylar were tied up.

"Look who finally woke up" Davina smirked.

"As soon as i get out of here i am going to kill you" Elena said,

"I tried to break out something's blocking me" Caroline said.

"Same" Bonnie said.

Justin Mikael and Dahlia walked next to Davina."Well now its time to kill you all four of you then will go for Isabella and Hope and Lily and Carrie oh and Sean"

"What the hell did i ever do to you" Bonnie asked.

"You sent her to the past you messed up my future me and Kol were supposed to get our happily ever afters but you ruined it" Davina said.

"What did i do besides kill you you were gonna kill her and leave Isabella without her mom" Caroline said.

"Skylar wasn't supposed to be here but it'll make it all the easier" Justin said.

"Your a creep you know that right who the hell falls in love with a married women. With three kids like what the hell get over yourself i never wanted you" Elena said. She was distracting them on purpose she grabbed her knife out her backpocket and broke all there ties."You came into my clinic with a werewolf bite i saved you cause thats my job you were just supposed to be on your way and go back to your life not fall for your doctor it's not my fault you became a creepy stalker and he killed you"

"It is your fault that your physco husband killed me you make everyone turn heads" Justin said.

"If you want a doppelganger so bad there will be another in 500 years but again she's from my line so she'll probably hate you" Elena said. She flexed her wrist behind her back preparing for a spell."Who's next what did i do to y'all"

"I want the first born i was promised them" Dahlia said.

"Go anywhere near my daughter or neice i will send you right back to hell" Elena said.

"You you trust my bastard of a son" Mikael said.

"And he saved my life several times he married my best friend he's the father of my oldest neice he put up with all my shit after you killed your son he's my favorite brother" Elena said."And because he's my favorite brother and i know that you are not scared to hurt your own children i'm sending you right back to hell" Elena thrusted her hands fowards and sent the four of them tumbling backwards. She descicated Mikael and put Davina and Justin into a deep sleep.

"Skylar get out of here now" Bonnie said.

"No" Skylar said.

"Now" Elena ordered. Skylar ran out the house in tears knowing that it might be the last time for awhile that she seen at least one of them.

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