Chapter 5

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Elena was at home she had finished everything she needed to do. She was standing in the living room going through her Grimore again when she felt arms wrap around her waist.

"You ok" Kol asked.

"I'm fine" Elena smiled.

"You sure" Kol asked. He knew her and that she liked to hide her true feelings.

Elena turned around and looked at him. Then she said,"Yes i'm fine me and Caroline called a meeting tomorrow will explain everything that is going on the witches contacted Bonnie again and warned her about what is going to happen so were prepared." She knew that they were never going to be prepared for what was about to happen but they had to stay positive.

"Your not going to try and do this by yourself are you" Kol asked. He knew that she would try to take it on by herself if it meant that everyone was going to be safe.

"No i am not going to try and do it by myself were going to work together and were going to get it righ together" Elena said. And by together she meant her, Caroline and Bonnie."You not gonna die on me this time right i don't think that i can go through that again"

"I'm not going anywhere" Kol said,

"You better not be" They turned and seen Haley, Skylar, Hope and Isabella.

"Where is your brother" Elena asked.

"He got detention" Skylar smirked."I'm your only good child they some how figured out he had something to do with that fire Hope was smart enough to go invisibles when she flipped the fire alarm he wasn't and was the last one in the lab"

"Whats with the meeting tomorrow she told me it was your order" Hope said.

"I would ask how school was but you two didn't go" Elena said. "Have a seat" Everyone took there seats and Elena sat on the couch leg She handed Kol the spell."Learn that spell"

"What is it" Hope asked.

"I can't tell y'all that yet Bonnie Caroline and I will tell everyone tomorrow just get that spell memorized for me I have to go talk to the principal again you kids seriously need to stop getting in trouble" Elena said.

"Your our parents" Isabella said.

"And in a minute your going to be grounded until your sixteen" Elena smiled.

"Ok you win" Isabella said.

"Haven't you learned by now not to test your mother" Kol said.

"I'll come with you i got to ask you something" Haley said,

"Ok come on" Elena said,


Haley and Elena were almost at the school when she asked,

"Are you pregnant again"

"Yes i am you can't tell anyone else its just gonna put everyone in the protective thing" Elena said.

"Who knows so far" Haley asked.

"Caroline, Bonnie, and Kol are the only ones things are about to go down" Elena said,

"Ok" Haley said. She knew that they had to be prepared for this.

The two headed inside when they got inside the school they went to the office. They were greeted by the secretery."Hello how can i help you"

"My son got detention again" Elena said.

"Elena" they turned around and seen Alaric."I'm on detention today. Follow me" They followed Alaric into his classroom where Sean was sitting with Jenna.

"Mom" Sean said. They walked inside and closed the door.

"I'm starting to wish you acted more like your sister or your father at least they knew how to not get caught" Elena said,

"It wasn't my fault i was under pressure when i started that fire" Sean said.

"Or you could be smart like Skylar and not listen to Isabella and Hope when they devise an evil plan to get out of school" Jenna said,

"Yeah she's right stay in school" Alaric said.

"I'm sorry mom i know this is like the 5th time i got detention this year but its not always my fault" Sean said,

"That sounds like what your sister says its your fault you got caught don't do it and there won't be consquences" Elena said.

"I'm sorry mom i know i shouldn't have got caught again and if i do something i should make sure not to get caught" Sean said.

"Your dad told you that right" Haley asked.

"He told all 3 of his kids and his favorite neice that if we want to embrace our Mikaelson nature then we should be smart and not get caught otherwise he's just gonna let y'all punish us i really should be more like Skylar she never gets caught doing evil things" Sean said.

"Cause she was smarter than you she understood what would happen if she did anything she was not supposed to and got caught that she would be in trouble so she never got caught"

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