chapter 17

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Elena was sitting on the couch all of the kids were still sleep. Hayley came down and sat next to her."So how are you doing."

Elena looked at her."Huh."

"How are you doing. Your the one that never tells anyone when there is something wrong. Your the one that always deals with everything. Are you ok Elena."

Elena sighed and shook her head."I left a year my daughter got raped and is now pregnant. My son is acting like nothing happened and Sky won't let me forget it. I am not ok. I have two sisters that i never knew about. That have been on there own for 15 years."

"Elena everyone needs time for themself. Your a mother of four. You were pregnant when Bonnie and Caroline died. The two people that have been there through everything died and you couldn't take it so you left there is nothing wrong with that."

"Hayley there is everything wrong with that. I left three kids my husband because i couldn't take it. I left my niece my brothers my sisters do i need to go on."

"You would came back and what been a ghost probably miscarried because of the stress. You wouldn't have been able to handle everyone so what you left you came back stronger. You came back ready to be a mother again. Ready to be a mother to your teenagers. There is nothing wrong with that and i'll stick to this statement."

Elena nodded."Thanks Hayley."


Everyone was at the Mikaelson mansion. They had ordered all types of food and they were all just having fun. Elena loved seeing them all so happy she honestly could get used to this she wanted them all to be happy.

"Wait so this is your girlfriend." Klaus asked. He was talking with Hope and Josie.

"Yes. Her name is Josie she's 16 and she's a syphoner witch and very powerful. She came to the rescue if i hadn't gotten there in time who knows what would have happened to Isabella Jenna and Caroline."

"Ok i approve but that does not mean that i'm happy about you not telling me." Klaus said.

Elena walked over to her brother."Nik y'all didn't tell me about Hayley or Hope."

"Ok thats fair."

Caroline walked over holding Baby Sapphire. With Hayley next to her. Caroline Chuckled."Or me. And not to mention the things you keep a secret so you might want to becareful."

"Yeah you didn't tell them and because of that she yelled at y'all." Hayley sighed.

"I get it."

"See better."

"And if there happy that matters."

A/N Please Read

It will be ending within the next month this was my first ever Kolena story and i know that i can't continue to drag it on

Book Note

Got a story Called Best Friends Boyfriend in drafting

Synopsis: 10th grade year Elena Gilbert went to a party. She already had a long time crush on her best friends brother. They talked they were both drunk things got heated she was the one to take him home that night. 3 weeks later she finds out that she is pregnant and went to the Mikaelson Mansion where she runs into Freya, Esther and Henrick Mikaelson with the ultrasound in her hand. She tells them and Esther knows its true no one is stupid enough to lie to A Mikaelson and two Elena was the one that brought him Home.
Two years later Freya and Esther watch Everly(Evie) Rebekah Mikaelson while Elena is at school. He still doesn't know neither does the other brothers. Bonnie is dating him things really start to get heated and unfriendly.
Davina the ex-girlfriend comes back into town with Hope and Layla Mikaelson half sisters of the rest of the family
Characters are changed  Families are changed
Elena, Jenny, Katherine, Miranda, Grayson, John and Jeremy Gilbert
Hayley Sommers Jenna Sommers Saltzman
Josie, Lizzie and Alaric Saltzman
Davina, Liv, and Kai Parker
Tyler, Mason, Carol, and George Lockwood
Bonnie, Sheila and Abby Bennett
Kol, Niklaus, Elijah, Freya, Henrick, Rachel, Rebekah, Hope Layla and Esther Mikaelson Mikael is dead
Liz, Bill and Caroline Forbes
Nora Hildegard, Mary Louise, Kaleb Westpall

Anymore characters you would like to see
Anything that you would like to happen
I want to use y'all feedback and i am going to be working on closing more books and i know i said that i would post the four but my life is getting a  little complicated so i'll post it to my message board and let y'all vote what y;all would like to see

I will also be posting the book note to my message board

what happens in the past doesn't always stay in the past- KolenaWhere stories live. Discover now