Ch.7~ it's just a dream

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Late nights of thinking about everything that has happened so far in my life. Kurtis left right after dinner and believe me dinner was interesting. It hasn't been that interesting since while my parents. There's not a day that goes by when I don't think about them. Sometimes when I go to sleep I dream that I can still see them. My mother's warmth touch and safety hugs like nothing can get me. Even my dad his proud grin and his funny jokes he would tell at the table. Oh how I miss them dearly. Sometimes I wish I can sleep forever so they don't leave me every time I wake up. It's getting late too so maybe I'll see them again. (Eyes slowly closing). I miss you mom and dad. Finally fell asleep.
"The dream"
It's late at night and I'm in my room. I head towards my open door with some light gleaming through it. I'm in my pjs. "Mom" I say with such curiosity. Where is she thinking to myself. "Dad" thinking he's probably asleep because he has work in the morning. My mom must be in the kitchen. She can never stay asleep. Always having nightmares. I wounded what they were about but I do know it scared her so much. I head to the kitchen. "Mommy" this time I say with concern. She was there sitting at the table. "Sweetie. What are you doing up so late" she smiles slightly. "I saw the light on Mom and I had a bad dream". She comes towards me and picks me up to sit on her lap. "You know Mommy is always here for you Sweetie. There's nothing to be afraid of. Mommy will let nothing and I mean nothing happen to you okay". She hugs me tightly. My mom always knew just what to say when I was scared but I've never had the words to comfort her. "I love you mom." I say truly and proudly. She grins.

  *Bang* we both heard. At the window in the kitchen. It was a storm lightning started to get near the trees. "Mom what's happening" say with such concern. She was too but didn't show it. She was always brave in situations like this. "It's okay Sweetie lets go wake up your father. We have to evacuate the area". I go running to my parents room. "Dad wake up! there's a storm". He slowly opens his eyes. "Honey". "Jack c'mon we have to go there's a storm coming here. It's not safe because the trees can catch on fire we have to go now".  I remember the last storm we've had burned down our neighbors house. Thankfully they mad it out safely. I think that's why she is so concern. We've always  evacuate when a storm hits.

My dad finally got up and ready. My mom was backing are suitcase. We've all headed to the car after. We've got on the road towards the way out but something happened along the way.
Fire hits in the middle of the road. A tree filled with flames crashes. I couldn't believe my eyes the storm grew stronger so did the fire. It was spreading so fast. Screams came out of my mouth. 
"Dream ends"
I wake up so intense. It was still midnight. I barely remember my dream but it was like a nightmare that happened in real life; but was it real I felt like everything that happened actually did. It's hard to say because it's been so long since the accident. Plus the doctor said I couldn't remember anything when they got me out of the forest fire. I was so young back then. If only I knew thinking to myself.
The next morning. I was so tired I couldn't sleep at all since the dream I had. *knock, knock* at the door. I get out of the bed and head to the door. I open it. It's just my Tia for some reason I was thinking maybe Kurtis came to visit. "Hey honey are you ready for school." The. It hit me. It's pass 8 o'clock. How can I forget. Class already started. Why didn't she tell me earlier. Can this morning be any less complicated.

Writer note: thanks for reading. I know it's somewhat short but I had more to say that I want to say it in the next page. Please keep reading glad you like. Comment any ideas you think should happen next!!

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