Ch.17 ignoring last night and confusion

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It was already 12:00pm in the afternoon. We've been walking around all day. My Tia wanted to check all the stores before we leave today from our trip. Not going to lie though; this trip has been really weird. I just felt bad that I ruined half of it for them. We weren't even supposed to leave today but my Tia worries to much for me.

I wish I can just go back as she stays here with Kurtis. I know he would keep her company and watch her as she gets into a party animal. I take a glance at her. She looks to happy. Now I feel terrible about this whole trip. It was supposed to not be complicated but relaxing.

"Hey you okay?" Said Kurtis holding all my Tia shopping bags. Kinda feel bad that he got drag onto this trip to as well. Especially my Tia treats him like her personal carrier. "Yeah I'm fine just wondering when are we leaving" I look at my Tia. She gives me that stare "soon. Be patient!" She explains. I just sign in disagreement. Kurtis laughs at me as I had a tantrum. This isn't funny. I already feel bad enough and want to leave.

A few hours has passed and we headed back to the hotel. My luggage was already packed and ready so was Kurtis but my Tia on the other hand bought so many things that she has even more to pack. Which I don't understand why she bought all that stuff we don't even have any more room In her house.

I grab my stuff and headed down stairs to wait for everyone. "Hey hold up!" Shouted Kurtis. I turn around in shock. He was running to fast and accidentally fell over me. I dropped my luggage and hit my back hard on the ground. "Ow!" We both complain. "I'm sorry Alexandria I didn't mean to" he lifts his head and now we're face to face. He looks away not making eye contact. This is already awkward.

I put my hands up and push him off. "Can you get off". I push even harder because he is a bit heavy. "Oh yeah" he scratched his head in awkwardness then gets up really fast. "I'm sorry". I roll my eyes and cleaning all the dirt off my clothes as I get up. "You already said that" I scoff looking at him now straight in his eyes. He scratched his head again. Like what's the matter does he had head lice or something?.

  I laugh a little at my own joke in my head. "What?" As he noticed me laughing. "Nothing" I get back to being serious. "So why were you in a rush to catch up to me then fall over me?" I Questioned not losing eye contact.

"While I thought you wanted to put your stuff in the car so your Tia gave me the keys so we can start putting our things in" he said firmly. I just feel really embarrassed. I don't know why I thought he was going to mention last night. I mean nothing happened but we did spent that night together and had a emotional connection. I mean did it mean anything to him? Does he remember? Why do I car so much. Ugh what's wrong with me. Snap out of it Alexandria. Telling myself over and over in my head.

We already finished putting everything in the car and all got in the car ready for the long drive back to well reality. Meaning home. Don't get me wrong I do like living with my Tia. I do just most times I miss my parents. It's hard when you blame a forest fire for the accident but I just have a feeling that there's more.

I just can't get my mind in to it. I keep having theses dreams they must mean something. Kurtis knows maybe he can help me figure out what they mean. I look at him as he stars out the window into the unknown world. Maybe he can be use to me. They do say two minds are better than one. I just star out my window to as well thinking maybe one day I will know what really happened that night.

Author note: hope you guys enjoyed reading and thank you very much!

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