Chapter 4 - The pillar

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It was about time to go back home and rest for the rest of the night. 

- Y/N : The sky is very beautiful tonight, but I think we should go back inside if don't want to end up dead by some demons. 

- Tanjiro : Yeah you're right. 

You both went to sleep and you started thinking about why humans are turning into demons. What they experience ? Do they feel any sort of pain ? Are they all evil or maybe WE are evil ? Questions started to pop up in your head so fast that it made you dizzy. 

- Y/N : I wish I could be able to change something, you mumbled under the bed sheets. 

- Tanjiro : Hm ? What did you said ? He asked confused. 

- Y/N : Forget about it, it's nothing... Probably your imagination playing tricks on you. You decided to lie to him because you didn't want to cause any worries. 


In the morning Tanjiro was supposed to head back home and so were you. 

- Tanjiro : I guess this is our final goodbye, he said with a sad voice tone. 

- Y/N : I really had a good time, in my whole life these 2 days were the most awesome ones. I'll never forget you ! 

- Tanjiro : Even tho we will not see each other again, do you promise to remain my friend? 

- Y/N : Arghh you're serious ? " we will not see each other again " YEAH MY EYE ! Don't worry I'm gonna make sure to pass by the sooner I can ! 

You both hugged and you watched him walk in the distance, his silhouette becoming smaller and smaller. 

- Y/N : we'll meet again, you said to yourself. 


Days have passed since you've returned home. 

Y/N : I wonder how's Tanjiro doing ? 

Everything seemed so lame and lifeless. The only good thing was that you were now able to make a lantern and enchant it in your own way afterwards. Your parents of course were very worried about your disappearance and the guard had gone from 1 to 10. You had the same life as this golden-haired princess pulled into her tower waiting for new adventures.  

Sometimes your parents let you go outside to get some fresh air or just play in the nature, yes as if you were 5 years old and the rocks were figurines for some theater play. 

This is getting boring pretty fast. 


You made sure to leave a message about who that friend was so your parents woudn't freak out more than they already do. 


You ran and ran for what seemed like a whole lifetime and came across some guy with a blade. He had messy black hair tied back into a low ponytail and dark blue eyes. Not gonna lie he was one rare case. That black Demon Slayer's uniform with the two different patterns gave it all. In fact, it was your very first time seing a demon slayer... Amazingg ! 

Guy : Are you done looking at me like that? 

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Guy : Are you done looking at me like that? 

Y/N : I'm sorry what ? 


He pushed you lightly to the ground to make sure you were far from him. What's that all about? After a short while a girl jumped out of no where to land on the young man. No that's not a girl, it's a demon... Wait what's going on ? 

Is that Tanjiro screaming there? You ran as fast as you could to him. 

Tanjiro still panicking mumbled something : " N-ne-NEZUKO " 

Quickly you looked around to see the guy about to knock down ... Knock down Nezuko ! Who is she and what happened ?! 

" QUIT IT " You yelled, but that didn't stop the guy. Tanjiro ran over to him with an axe to kill him, but he ended up crushed by the elbow of the mysterious person. 

Both of them were lying on the snow, they passed out... 



You shut yourself and looked down. 

Guy : Oh hey- hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to- 

You sat down and created a lantern with the material you had into your pockets while he looked at you panicked. 

Y/N : I need sticks... 

He passed you over some of them " here you go " as you finished the masterpiece. You closed your eyes and thought about Tanjiro and Urokodaki's story. What good memories... 

The demon slayer sat down next to you watching over every move you made.  

Y/N : It's done. 
Guy : What is done? 

You showed him and put it next to Nezuko, she started smiling in her dream and so did Tanjiro. 

Guy : What did you just do ? He was impressed by your skills because he never seen such things.

Y/N : It's my gifted magic. I don't know what else can I do, but for now I shared some happy memories and I calmed the blood flow of Nezuko. She will be too sleepy to attack us so it will leave us some time to try to communicate with her.

He took your hand and looked in your eyes : " Could you be Y/N from that family with the shop" 

Y/N : Yeah and you still didn't say who you were YOU CREEP ! you said playfully.

You have moved his hand away from yours, because all this was making you shy in secret. 

Guy : Oh right, sorry, my name's Giyuu Tomioka and I'm the water pillar. Nice to meet such a talented person ! 

You smiled and took the compliment. 

Giyuu : I have an offer, would you like to help me out in my missions, you seem pretty promising with that guy over with his sister. You kids are different I know it. 

Y/N : OhH yEah YoU fEeL It, you said in a joke which made him frown and hide in his jacket sleeves. 

Giyuu stated speaking but it was muffled by the fabric, you still managed to understand a little. 

Giyuu : Do you accept ? 

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