Chapter 5 - Your first training

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You had accepted the offer and now you had to use very precious miracles to help others. Before going far, you went to both siblings and told them where you would go. Of course, Tanjiro did not quite agree with this idea, but the fact that Giyuu would accompany you all the way relieved him.  

You did not have a base of combat, but your intelligence and your observer side favored you in nature.  

- Giyu : It's time to go Y/N. 

- Tanjiro : Take care and please come back to us alive ! 

-Giyu : I will make sure to keep my promise. 

You left the forest leaving Nezuko and his brother away from you. It was a bit sad all of that, but maybe this pillar could teach you something new? 


You were literally bombarding Giyuu with all these questions, but he kept his cool and did not even answer you. He did not even look at you. 

* After walking about 3 minutes * 

- Y/N : HEY YOU MISTER I KEEP MY SECRETS ! You're so hard to be friends with, ugh... You know what ? I think I'm going back home. 

The young man stopped walking for a moment and turned to face you. 

- Y/N : I don't get it, you were very nice to me an hour ago and now ?! You don't even care ! 

Giyuu : It's not that I do not care, it's that I'm not very comfortable with socializing. Besides, you made fun of me, so I could not see what to say. 

- Y/N : You know you're a very talented person even though you do not talk a lot. Your sense of justice is remarkable.  

Giyuu remained silent and suddenly jumped on a rock to look at me from above. He pointed a forest near us and explained to me that I had to cross it in two hours. 

- Y/N : two hours ? That's way too muchh... 

- Giyuu : Let's see, he said his eyebrow raising a little. 


Again he disappeared, then you were by yourself. All alone... You sighed and stepped forward, which triggered something. You heard a tic tic tic getting closer and closer to you and at the moment when the log had to hit you a kind of spirit was spinning around you and destroyed the huge piece of wood. 

Giyuu was watching you from a distance to make sure you didn't get too hurt by the training. "What's this" he muttered to himself. 

You took a good minute to realize what had just happened. Is it another gift? Magic? All confused you put yourself in a small ball and let yourself get carried away by the sobs. 

- Y/N : I-I d-don't understand a thing. I can kill someone if this takes control of me ! 

You felt your tears dry by a fabric then you looked up to know who or what was it. 

- Giyuu : Don't cry about it, that's what makes you special. Besides, I'm always here to teach you and find any sort of information you need ! He sure calmed you down. 

You straightened up and nodded your head. Indeed, it was not the time to cry then you had only one hour top time. 

- Y/N : Thank you. 

You didn't have to worry about the arrows or the logs that would knock you out because a kind of magic force protected you. During your race, you took various ways to get there, because night would fall any minute. 

"I wonder if I can see in a way how many kilometers I have left ? " You asked yourself. Anyway it didn't matter, the goal was to get to the other end. 

The air was blowing in your ears and the leaves produced such relaxing sounds. You only heard yourself run and your gurgling stomach. You missed Urokodaki's food so badly or the pastries that your mom made you. 

You saw the exit a few meters from you then you got excited. It was too early to celebrate victory, because you tripped and sprained your ankle. You restrained yourself from crying or showing any signs of weakness. No time for that. 

You remember reading in a book that you had to cool the pain spot and then bandage it. Bandage it with what ? You though. You dipped your foot in the river then snatched a sleeve from your sweater. Your fingers gently treated the wound and presto you were ready to continue your journey. 


You made it ! You were there standing at the other side all proud but very tired. The pain didn't magically go away after all. After a few minutes, your master joined you and then asked you : "I see your ankle is injured." 

- Y/N : Ahh noo that's nothing, you were obviously smiling tru the pain and  Giyuu saw that.  

You weren't very sure, but you thought you heard a little giggle from him. Never in life have you thought of hearing it radiate something like this. 

And then something happened inside of you. Your heart started beating very fast and you felt your cheeks heat up. Embarrassment ? No. Pain ? Not at all. Jealousy ? Totally in the field, no not jealousy. 

Giyuu turned around then when the sun was setting he smiled at you. " C'mon let's go ". 

Your heart sank... 

All embarrassed you yelled : WAT MAGIC YOU USE ?! I KNOW YOU'RE A SORCERER ! SPILL THE SECRETS OR DIE ! Obviously he had no idea about what you were talking but his aura sure did brightened up and you felt happiness.

Giyuu : Sorry I haven't laughed in a while, feels weird for me. Hey, but here, climb on my back I'm gonna give you a piggy back ride since you're injured. 

You melted at his offer, he was so kind, literally perfection itself. As he walked, you thought as sitting on his back " You do this only because you know I have to pass the final stage right..." You said. 

His shoulders straighten at your words " I'm convinced you'll do good kid, don't worry about it".  

He continued to carry you in silence until you told him that you wanted him to put you back on the ground.

- I want you to teach me how to defend myself against demons, you say in a super confident tone. 

He did as you wished and passed his sword in your hand. 

- Giyuu : this is a nichirin blade and mine is blue because my symbolism is water. They are forged from a unique ore that constantly absorbs sunlight, one of the only major weaknesses of Demons. Nichirin Blades change color depending upon the user, making each blade unique. They can be of many colors. 

" COOL" you replied as you handed his blade back.  

- Giyuu : I'm going to lend you one for the exam and then you will have your own personalized one. 

You thanked him and then he put you back on his back. 

Giyuu: Back on track, we have to find where we can stay for the night. 

Y/N : YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING YET ? We're gonna die thAt'S All HaHa ! 

Giyuu : stop panicking I know an owner of ramen shop who could help us. 


Giyuu : You're acting like a child, he giggled and you replied with a " you know you have the right to be goofy too around me ". 

Y/N: Please be my friend Giyuu. 

He nodded and lightly smiled at you. 

Giyuu : Thank you.

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