Chapter 3

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After we were done doing all that stuff it was 6:30 pm wow how much time did I spend in the mall,Jaden probably hates me.After I checked the time I told Jaden that I needed to get home before my parents worry so of corse he agreed and I dropped him off at his house and then I went home.
I got home and all the light were out,yay maybe this could be a surprise party,I walked in a little bit more and turned the lights on and then all my friends and family popped up yes I was right.
I walked over to Fiona and Maddison and they said happy birthday to me and then I said thanks and of corse I had to walk over to my parents and say thank you to them,"Thanks so much mom and dad,this party is awesome"I said with joy "well your welcome but were leaving now" my mom said while pointing to my dad,brother and to herself "what,why?" I said in confusion "well we know these parties are just supposed to be for you teenagers and well you cant have fun with us here and its your 16th birthday so yea we just want you to have fun" "wow,um thx mom." "no problem sweetie,luv ya bye"

After mom,dad,and jake left is when the party got wild and fun."Hey who is your mate since its your 16th b-day" my friend Fiona asked,and that question totally caught me offgaurd because we were just dancing a second ago "well,its Adien and he r-r-ejected me"I said hesitantly "well then we have some work to do" Fiona said "what" before I knew it I was being dragged upstairs,30 minutes later Fiona had me in black wedges,a black very short dress and with my makeup on point,along with my hair.

We walked downstairs to see that the party has gotten filled with more people,then I spotted Aiden and so did Fiona "so here is the plan,your gonna go dance with Jaden
and Iam going to make sure that Aiden see's you 2 dancing and then he will get jealous" "Jaden is at home"I said "no, he knew about the surprise party and he's here" fiona said and then pushed me into Jadens direction.
I bumped into jaden and told him the plan he agreed to do it and make it look real.
At first me and Jaden were just dancing then Ciara's song-im out came on and Jaden told me to grind on his crotch, so I did then I looked at Aiden from the corner of me eye and he looked pissed.

Aiden's POV
I heard about this party and I needed to get Jessica off my mind so I decided to go. About 20 minutes after I got there I seen Jessica and her friend Fiona come down the stairs and Jessica looked sexy,hot,and just beautiful. I had thought about leaving but I think I can just ignore her,but it was kind of hard to do that when a circle had formed around her and I seen her grinding on a guy.I was so fucking pissed off and before I knew it I ran over to Jessica and grabbed her arm an pulled her upstairs, leaving the guy a pissed off face.

Jessica's POV
I was grinding on Jaden when all of a sudden Aiden pulled me upstairs.He lightly pushed me into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" Aiden yelled through clenched teeth "Hmm I dont know HAVING FUN,and why does it matter to you" I said angrily "Well you should be having that kind of fun with me not with that piece of shit and it matters to me cause your my mate" Aiden said in a calmer tone "what? Excuse me did you forget that you rejected me this morning?" I said with more anger, I looked into Aidens eyes to see lust.
All of a sudden Aiden crashed his lips onto mine wich I was surprised by.I quickly pushed him off of me and ran downstairs.I can not believe that first he rejects me and calls me all those names and now he wants me to kiss him and just forget about this morning,well he has another thing coming.

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