Chapter 3

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Picture attached is Hazels best friend Leslie. Karen Gillan as Leslie Ryans.

*Jakes P.O.V.*

I wonder if Hazel is as nervous as I am. Wait, why am I nervous, were just friends.

Yeah keep telling yourself that.

I looked at the clock in the biology room and it said 2:57.
Three more minutes until I meet Hazel. Those three minutes were the longest three minutes of my life.

When the bell rang I practically jumped out of my seat and sprinted down the hallway to the front.

I just stood there waiting, it was now 3:20 and I was kind of thinking she wasn't gonna show.

*Hazels P.O.V.*

I was just sitting in the bathroom staring at my self in the mirror. I was thinking about the pros and cons if I go on this date. And let's be honest that's what it is.

•I'll be happy
•Make a new friend
•Keep my mind off Gus
•Start to live a normal life
•He will probably pay for the coffee
•he might be a nice guy

•I might forget about what I had with Gus
•I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship

That's it. I'm gonna stop being a wus and go on this date. I slammed the bathroom door open and walked to the front.
To my surprise Jake wasn't even there.

Wow what a jerk he just blew me off like that?

I took my keys out of my pocket and stomped my way to my car.

As I was driving home I got a message from Leslie.

@LeslieRyans: how's ur date with that hottie?

@HazelLancaster: he didn't show.

@LeslieRyans: oh Hazel I'm really sorry. He doesn't deserve a great girl like u.

As I was about to reply my front of my car rear ended a black Jetta.

Oh shit.

I got out of the car and ran to the person getting out of the Jetta.

"Oh I'm so sorry I di- Jake?" I said.

"Oh.Hazel." He said frowning.

"I'm sorry about the damage I can pay for it all."

Actually no, I couldn't I don't have that kind of money!

"No, Hazel, it's fine." He said getting into his car.

"Wait Jake! Can you explain to me why you blew me off for our date?" I said with a bit of anger, enough so he could tell I was annoyed.

"Blew you off? Your the one who made me wait until 3:30 so finally I just left!" He said raising his voice.

"Oh. I guess I didn't realize what time it was. I'm....Im so sorry Jake." I said looking away disappointed.

There you go Hazel. Ruining your chances AGAIN.

"look it's fine. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow since it's Saturday. We can go to the mall or whatever." Jake said.

"Okay. I'll come to your apartment first." I said laughing.

I got in my car and realized I actually hadn't caused that much damage to his car. It was one minor dent, but that's not what it felt like for me.


A.N: Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the first 3 chapters of my book! Please vote and comment if you want more and I love getting feedback so, I have a question for you.

Do you like my book so far?

Also you guys can make fan covers for my story for me and I will give credit and post them on the first page of my chapters :)

I love you all! <3

Teaser: things might heat up between Jake and Hazel.....or maybe Leslie and Jake....

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