A matter of time

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High school was a funny place, Patton thought as he skipped down the halls, bouncing slightly as his wings fluttered lightly behind him in a pretty pale blue. He almost missed the hall monitors stern "no flying in the halls!" As he passed. He hummed to himself while people chattered nearby, noise filling every crevice of the walls. "Virge!" He ran over to his boyfriend as soon as he saw him, arms wrapping around the others smaller frame tightly like he hadn't seen the other in years while also being careful not to ruffle his wings' feathers.

It had been only an hour since their last lesson together.

"Hey Pat." Virgil smiled, a rare sight, and Patton quickly kissed him with a giggle before they walked, arm in arm to the cafeteria, Patton chatting the whole time while Virgil simply listened, nodding in contempt.

"Right? God that kids such a looser, pft!" Virgil scowled at the voices of the other kids, overhearing conversations as Patton chattered still, blissfully unaware. Virgil had no doubt they were talking about him- "I know! I heard that his wings were torn off in a freak accident." The other supplied and now Virgil was sure he was talking about someone else because Virgil most certainly had wings.

Although didn't everyone in this school except that one guy? Liam? Virgil couldn't remember but he was pretty sure he was in his philosophy class or something. He only spoke to correct the teacher and sat right at the back. He was a know-it-all kinda guy.

"I was thinking pizza for lunch?" Virgil tuned back in to Patton, nodding and forgetting about all the other stuff. "Yeah, yeah okay."

Roman had only just finished rehearsals and was high fiving himself- litteraly- backstage, doing a little dance cause he'd nailed this act and was sure he'd land the part he wanted cause he was by the far the best preformer out there and-

A noise, something close to a slam, made him squeak a totally 100% mainly sound in surprise and he looked into the direction it came from, the sound followed by more shouting and other noises Roman couldn't place.

Nearing an unused hallway due to everyone being at lunch in the cafeteria or outside, Roman followed the sounds bravely, curiosity peaking his interest. "Fuckin' looser!" He could hear the voices clearly now and rounded the corner to see three guys standing over a trembling body, slammed against the ground and possibly bleeding.

"Hey!" There was no way Roman was passing up this opportunity to be the hero. "Back off you assholes!" The others scoffed but stepped away from the body, one cracking his- oh they were covered in blood - knuckles with a grin. "Whatever, we were done with him anyway."

Roman rushed over to the person but as soon as he touched him the other curled up more. "Don't worry, Roman Prince is here to save you!" He flamboyantly stated and the other slowly sat up, hands smothered in dark blue bruises that seemed too old and sickly to be from just now.

"I appreciate your concern, however this was none of your business." The other stated, now facing Roman with his indifferent, impassive look. It caught him off guard because this was not the response most people had after being beaten up religiously and because wow? Rude. Roman scoffed as the other wiped blood off his face. "That's no way to thank your hero. I just saved you from those guys."

Something about his attitude was really begining to make Roman feel annoyed. "Hardly. They had finished anyway and I was not in any real danger. They are going to do it again as soon as they get the opportunity so your efforts have amounted to nothing."

Roman gasped but rather than get annoyed this time he only smirked. "Well then I suppose I have to protect you so they don't harm you again! There! Now you're welcome." This stumped the other sitting on the floor and Roman offered a hand to him. He didn't respond for a second but when it seemed he'd finally comprehend Roman's words he scoffed and stood up by himself, completely ignoring Roman's outstretched hand. Seriously what was it with this guy and brushing Roman off?

"That is highly unlikely. I doubt you will do so as this is a waste of your time and energy." Roman took in the boy in front of him, he had glasses, though they were cracked and had what must have been the most worn out tie he'd ever seen but despite the cuts, bruises and swelling on his face Roman could admit he was handsome, with a sharp jawline, which surprised Roman because this kid looked like he would be a nerd.

"Well I look forward to proving you wrong then..." The others impassive look softened slightly, a small quirk showing so quick and so small Roman almost thought he'd imagined it. "Logan."

Roman beamed as he stared at the boy, wings fluttering happily behind him. "Logan. You have a wonderful name."

Logan looked at the taller guy- Roman and for just a split second felt something bubble up inside him, something that was nice. He crushed that feeling as soon as it came, there was no way Roman would ever do what he'd said he would. Roman was a theatre kid and people like that didn't care about people like him. He would get bored and leave within the day and Logan could go back to his crippling loneliness like he was supposed to.

It wouldn't take long. He thought as Roman smiled brightly at him.

Not long at all.

"So should we go to the nurse now?" Roman questioned and Logan shook his head, pushing his glasses up his nose and flexing his sore leg. "No thank you. That will not be necessary."

"Okay, then let's go to lunch! There's a really cool spot on the roof that no one else knows about and I've been dying to show someone so let's go!" He grabbed Logan's hand, wings fluttering and ready and Logan snatched his arms away quickly, the touch burning like acid on his hand.

"No." Roman drooped. "Aww, why not?" Logan shook his head again but didn't give anything more.

Roman looked past Logan's shoulder and saw the blank space, even against his back Roman couldn't see any wings and he tried not to wince. This was the person people were always talking about. A large part of Roman wondered what happened. If he found out he'd be the only one in the whole school that knew the truth.

"Okay." Said the obviously deflated man and Logan thought he'd leave now for sure, now that he'd seen how boring and bland Logan really was but he didn't leave and Logan was absolutely bewildered. His actions and responses were completely unprecedented and he was unsure how he should respond to this dramatic person.

"We can go to the back of the theater stage then! No one else will be back there now so it's totally private." Logan let himself be dragged where Roman wanted to go, seeing no reason to object as long as he didn't engage or foolishly believe any of this meant anything.

Roman would lose interest. Like everyone else he'd be gone within the week. That's just how things were and Logan had already accepted that.

It was only a matter of time.

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