"Can I see?"

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Roman supposed it was inevitable that they start hearing the others as whispers in the hallway grew louder. He looked over at Logan who was facing dead ahead, walking straight and purposeful, his head held high like he couldn't hear the people's disgust around him. "I heard he was born without them." One said and Roman looked over to his left, glaring at the owner of the voice who immediately looked away. 

The person next to them didn't. "That's unnatural though! I guess it explains why he's so weird." 

Roman had never wanted to punch someone more then he did right now. 

He looked over at Logan again, who's lips were pressed into a thin line and opened his mouth, pausing before shutting it again. His eyebrows furrowed and he opened his mouth again, taking in a breath as he tried to find the right words. 

"Are any of them true?" He ended up blurting out and Logan turned his head to look at him, glass blue eyes meeting Roman's own hazel ones. "What do you mean?" Roman coughed and looked around, making sure no one else was listening to their conversation. "The rumours." He elaborated, hand doing a little hand gesture. "Are any of them true?" 

Logan stopped walking, silence filling their company and Roman went to take back his words, wondering if he was being insensitive or rude when Logan spoke quietly, eyes pointed downwards. 

"A little." 

Logan wrapped an arm around his middle, hugging himself as vulnerability and caution crept into his tone. "I can- I can show you if you like."

Roman gasped, eyes wide while he tried not to let his jaw drop. "Really?" And when Logan nods insecurely? Roman guided them both to a secluded in an empty classroom, his eyes locked as Logan unbuttoned his shirt carefully and slipped it past boney, bruised shoulders to reveal two battered, mangled and broken wings. They were pressed painfully against his back and the left side was ripped badly enough that Roman could feel his own wings cringe at the unholy sight.

"What happened?" Roman's voice came out flooding in shock and surprise and Logan hoped he hadn't offended him in any way by his grotesque back.

"I was... In an accident." Roman nodded, eyes still glued to the sight in front of him as Logan wrapped his arms around his middle, hiding more bruises that were splattered all over his chest. "I had-" Logan swallowed, eyes stinging with heavy tears he refused to let slip and Roman gently placed a comforting hand on Logan's back, feeling him draw in a breath at the contact, his whole body going rigid before leaning slightly into his touch. 

"I had a brother." 

Roman's eyes grew wide, already feeling horror set in at the emphasis of had and the way that Logan's voice shook and he tried to keep his tears at bay. This was the first time he'd ever even mentioned it to anyone in his whole life and he could feel his heart stabbing at his chest at the emotions he usually buried deep inside him and bottled up so tightly he bearly knew they were there. 

"His name was Thomas and we were twins." Roman knew what being a twin was like and while he strongly disliked his brother he couldn't imagine a world without him. They were part of each other, whether Roman liked it or not and he felt his hands move without his consent, wrapping Logan into a strong, protective hug that Logan leaned into as much as he could, clutching on to Roman with shaking hands. 

"We were five at the time and it was a... car... accident..." His eyes grew glassy as he stared off into nothing, mind replaying things he never wanted to think about again as his whole body went numb with detachment. He hadn't even realised he'd stopped talking until Roman squeezed him a little in the embrace, drawing back to cup Logan's face in his hands. "It's okay. I'm here for you. It's okay." 

And the soft, reassuring, comforting tone caused Logan to let a few tears slip down his cheeks, a small tremble on his lips as he leaned forward and buried himself into Roman's arms, clutching his shirt as he let out silent tears he'd never been allowed to shed. 

"I miss him," Logan admitted with a sob and Roman rubbed his back carefully. "I know. Just let it out, it's okay to feel." Logan nodded as Roman pressed a small kiss to the top of Logan's head, holding him gently and rubbing a thumb over the knuckles on Logan's left hand. 

They stayed like that for a while, time passing by meaninglessly before Logan finally drew back, wiping his face of the tears. Roman smiled at the sight of Logan's red cheeks as he looked away in embarrisment, fiddling with the end of his tie. "My apologies Roman. I did not mean to become so emotional around you." Roman only smiled, missing the contact dispite himself. 

"It's okay. I really don't mind Lo. If anything it was super adorable." Roman reveled in the darker blush spreading across Logan's cheek bones as the other gasped and opened his mouth, pouting dispite his best efforts to look serious. 

"I'm not adorable! I'm serious, clearly, I wear a necktie." The howl of laughter that Roman produced made him pout even more yet he still found a small smile break onto his face at the joyful sound of Roman's laughs. "Seriously specks? Everyone wears a tie in this school."  Logan gave him a pointed look, eyes directly on Roman's collar.

"You don't." He pointed out helpfully and Roman could only smile. "Guess that's cause I'm never serious." Logan smiled a little, his eyes softer as Roman continued. "Did I help cheer you up, nerd?" He asked playfully, arm brushing against Logan's as his intelligent friend let out an honest and genuine smile. "Yeah. You did." 

Not expecting that reply, or the kind smile that graced Logan's lips Roman found himself frozen, staring at Logan's expression as warmth swelled in his chest so brightly he thought he might explode. 

At that moment there was nothing he wanted more than to lean forward and kiss that smile straight off Logan's lips. 

So he did. 

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