Time is a construct anyway

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Only Roman was more stubborn than Logan had given him credit for, Logan soon realised as the next day Roman found Logan in form room (because Roman had been delighted to realise they shared a form room) with more vigor Logan could even comprehend.

"How're you today, nerdy-o?" Logan felt like he should be offended but after so many years of bullying and being called senseless names he forced himself not to care.

"I am adequate."

There was a stretch of silence but Logan didn't care. He wasn't going to instigate a conversation by asking Roman how he was and Roman would realise that and leave him be in solitu- "Well I'm wonderful! I got the part for the play, you know, the Romeo and Juliet one in July and I'm so happy!"

Logan finally looked up at the other, vision obscured by the crack in his glasses. "That is... Good? I am not particularly fond of performances myself however. I do not see the point." And now Roman was going to get offended and leave like every other pers- "what? Oh my ggoosshhh they're so good though! You need to come see it."

Logan felt himself laugh a little, just a tiny bit, and he wondered if that was okay. "I can not I am afraid. I do not have the money." That was a good excuse wasn't it? "That's fine!" He beamed. "I'll get one for you. I AM the star of the play so I'll reserve one for you."

Logan's eyes furrowed. "Why?" He couldn't help but blurt out, confusion swelling in his voice. He couldn't understand, what did Roman expect in return? Why was he just... Giving Logan something? It didn't make sense. None of this made sense! "Because we're friends!"

Now Logan knew he was being played but just this once he let himself ignore it. If he didn't get attached at all then it would be fine when Roman left him or hurt him. So it was all fine. It was fine that Roman was lying to his face right now because they were certainly not friends. Not one bit.

Then a bright and bubbly guy followed by a hoodie wearing emo came and set himself down next to Roman and Logan felt his entire body go ridged and stiff. His default position. He wondered when he had started relaxing around Roman. He wasn't so foolish as to believe his sweet friendly lies, was he?

"Hi Roman!" The glasses wearing, cardigan smothered, smile ridden guy brightly announced and the other one stayed standing, hands shoved firmly in his pockets while avoiding all eye contact. He seemed to be looking everywhere but at Logan, who knew why. He wasn't offended. Everyone reacted that way if they'd heard the rumors about him. He wasn't blind to the truth.

"Hi patton! Did you hear about my news?" Patton, as Logan now knew his name, grinned and hugged his friend from the side. "I did! I'm so proud of you Roman! I knew you'd get the part."

"Thanks Pat, I'm really excited for it." Roman wasn't lying, everything on his mind was to do with the play and how epic it was going to be, he lived for the theatre.

"And who's this?" Patton looked over at the new person sitting next to his friends and Logan tried not to flinch at the stare, remaining perfectly straight in his posture with his hands clasped together on the desk.

Logan didn't even have a chance to introduce himself, not that he was going to, as Roman grabbed Logan's arm with a wild grin. "This is Logan!" And Logan immediately wrenched his arm away, barely able to mask his sudden panic at being touched but luckily the other two didn't notice.

Virgil definitely furrowed his eyes though. He didn't say anything.

"Logan! It's nice to meet you, are you a new friend of Roman's? Can we be friends? I like your glasses but they're cracked and you look really beat up, are you okay? Can I help you, do you need to see a nurse?"

It seemed that Patton never stopped and Logan was quickly feeling overwhelmed with this adorable but overly bright person. His heart, that he definitely didn't have, was racing in his chest wildly and he could feel himself freak out. So many people and questions all at once and it was far too much for him. Virgil was the only one to notice and he felt his curiosity peak as Logan forced himself to remain calm.

"I apologise but I am not Roman's friend, rather an acquaintance as we only met yesterday. I am also not interested in becoming friends with any of you so please leave." Logan knew that was cold and part of him felt heavy but he didn't- couldn't care. He just needed them all to leave.

"Oh sorry, I know I can be a bit annoying so we'll leave you to it. Feel free to talk whenever you want to!" Patton tried to look a little less overwhelming and Logan found that his voice was stuck in his throat as he left, surprising him by being so... Considerate? Why? Logan didn't understand and he hated it. The emo was now openly scowling at him after hearing what he'd said.

"C'ya later Pat!" Roman called with a wave as Patton went hand in hand with the emo one and turned his attention back to Logan. "They're dating." Roman whispered like it was some secret and Logan felt himself calm down despite not understanding why.

"Anyway they're great! Sorry if he scared you. The other one's name is Virgil and he's pretty chill."

"... He did not seem particularly positive towards me."

Did that upset Logan? No. No it didn't because Logan didn't feel anything and was above trivial things like people's conversation and acceptance. He didn't need or deserve those things and that was fine. "I'm sure he'll come around eventually." Roman smiled, slapping him on the back while Logan wondered how he could possibly be so positive and supportive and what did he want?

Why couldn't he just get this over with?

Roman felt himself pause as he slapped his new friend on the back, surprised at the feeling of what could only be wings resting flat under his shirt. That... Was interesting. Roman wondered why he covered them up, everyone in school had been so sure he didn't have them at all but he did?

Curiosity bubbled inside him and he vowed to find out.

(If there are spelling mistakes, know that I'm lazy and also my phone doesn't spell check and I can't spell so that's why. But I hope you guys enjoyed this, I'll probably update once a day for a while.)

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