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So far the sleepover, in Logan's opinion, could be considered as a success. Though it was true that it was also his first one so his experience was very limited.

It only went downhill when the movie ended and the room was plunged into silence as Roman stood up to stretch and Patton took the DVD out the player leaving only Logan and Virgil on the couch, both refusing to even look at the other. Logan because Virgil clearly didn't like him and Virgil because he didn't like stuck up nerds.

"Do we wanna watch another movie?" Patton asked while kneeling, eyes moving through the racks of disks. Roman sat back down and Logan was externally grateful as he was in between himself and Virgil. "Nah, let's play truth or dare instead!"

Patton's face lit up and he squealed. "Yay! Are you playing Virgil?" The emo nodded from his place on the sofa and Patton went back over to sit next to him, holding his hand.

"Well I'll go first since I'm the best, Logan! Truth or Dare?" Logan shuffled uncomfortably in his seat, eyes not meeting Roman's at all as he flushed a bright scarlet. "Um..." The others waited and Logan felt like a moron as he spoke. "I don't actually know how to play this game."

Virgil looked up at this, finally not playing with the tassels on his hoodie as he scoffed loudly and Patton gave him a disapproving look while Roman leaned forwards animatedly, mouth and eyes wide. "What? How do you not know how to play, it's like, the easiest most well known game ever!"

Logan could feel himself curling into himself slightly, embarrassment flooding his senses as he continued looking down. "I've never had anyone around me nor do I socialise in any way." He kept his voice calm and steady, monotone in every way so that it came out as detached and uncaring. Otherwise it would hurt and Logan preferred to be desensitized rather than despondency any day.

For a second it was silent and Roman went to say something when Virgil stood up sharply, face contorted into a scowl as he looked over Logan, voice filled with aggression. "We get it! You don't like people and you're so arrogant that you won't socialise with anyone so why don't you just fucking leave instead of forcing that on us! Look at you! Pretending to be above everyone else, speaking like an asshole to belittle everyone around you. Well we don't want you here so just leave!"

He was heaving by the time he was done and Logan could feel his stomach twist painfully inside him though he didn't flinch in the slightest. He could feel his eyes grow heavy with pressure yet it didn't show past his impassive, stony black canvas of a face. Instead he stood up calmly and interrupted Patton and Roman as they scrambled to apologise or explain. "I apologise. I can see where I am not wanted and I appear to have only caused you distress. I shall leave if that's what you want."

And as he moved to leave, hardly daring to breath lest he begin to cry pathetically, Roman placed a singular hand to his chest, now also standing as he stared him softly in the eyes. "Lo..." Logan could feel his heart aching in his chest and for the thousandth time he wished he'd never met Roman because it hurt to care and he was once again being rejected. Only Roman didn't tell him to leave, instead he gently took both of Logan's only slightly trembling hands in his and quietly spoke.

"You don't have to do that you know." And at Logan's confused face he continued. "You don't have to force yourself not to feel. We understand, Lo, and I want you here. Not because you can give me something or because I'm going to use you but because I care about you so much." And now there really were tears in Logan's eyes as he held Roman's hands tighter, feeling himself fall apart from the inside.

"And Virgil!" Roman looked over at his now remorseful friend, who was slinking back into his jumper and once again fiddling with the strings. "You of all people should know what it's like to feel alone, to have people hate you and yet you won't even give Logan a chance? Despite the fact that he's never done anything wrong to you?" And now Virgil felt ashamed for easily believing stereotypes and judging Logan without knowing him the way Roman clearly did.

"Sorry..." He mumbled quietly, so quietly that Logan bearly heard him but it was enough. Enough to give Logan that small slither of hope that he needed to stay. "It's okay." Logan found himself almost whispering back and Roman pulled him into a hug, arms safe and secure around him and for the first time in his life Logan felt wanted.

"So, are you in for truth or dare?" Patton smiled, hoping to break the tension as he looked at Logan friendly. "We'll teach you how to play." And if Logan smiled and sat down? Well that's for them to know and no one else.

Either way 10 minutes later they were all sitting in a kinda circle asking questions and doing stupid dares. Logan had gone twice already and had naturally chosen truth both occasions and now it was him again, a question coming from Roman. It only took him a second to say "truth" and hear the collective groans of annoyance around the room. "Who's your favourite person in the whole world?" Roman asked, fingers crossed behind his back as he eagerly awaited the response. Logan didn't even hesitate at the answer. "You."

He was just being honest yet Roman was looking at him with the strangest expression before grinning and pulling Logan into a bone crushing hug. "Really?! Wow I'm so flattered!" Virgil, who hadn't said much so far furrowed his eye brows. "Haven't you only known him for like a month? What about siblings or parents or like life long friends?"

Logan tried hard not to scowl. "I am not fond of my parents and I am an only child. Roman is also the first friend I've ever had." He didn't think there was anything sad about it and he wasn't upset yet all three of them looked at him like he was an injured puppy. He didn't want their sympathy for something that didn't bother him so the game continued on with him asking the next question to Patton.

It wasn't until the next round that things really got interesting.

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