Logan's house

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"Thank you for dinner," Logan said as politely as possible. After a meal talking and conversing with Roman's parents Logan was feeling much more at ease. He still wasn't completely comfortable around them the same way he was with Roman but that was to be expected. He had to keep his guard up.

Remus, despite clinging to Logan as much as he could, was long gone. Having travelled back upstairs as Roman and Logan finished a few more episodes of Steven universe. A show Logan still wasn't particularly fond of but put up with for Roman.

Now, as another episode ended and the light previously peering in through the window faded into a dark hue, Logan finally realised this was his cue to go home. And yet here they were, sitting in silence as the credit song played in the background, an eerie sound that was the only barrier between Logan and Roman.

Outside a car passed by and Roman cleared his throat, leaning back against the sofa as he watched his friend, sitting as stiff as a board. "Soo-" Roman started, eyes flicking from Logan to the window. "It's getting kinda late."

Even Logan could pick up the hint Roman was throwing loudly into his face. It wasn't that he was trying to be rude, he just knew that Logan was stalling for some reason and as much as Roman would have loved a sleepover Logan had no clothes. It was better for him to get home before it got completely dark anyway and Roman was sure his parents would be worried by now.

"Ah yes, of course, I shall take my leave now. Thank you for your hospitality, this was indeed an enjoyable evening." It showed in his voice a little, how resigned he was. Roman wished Logan could just live with him.

After slipping on his shoes at the front door Logan awkwardly turned back to face towards Roman, it seemed like the perfect moment where one of them would hug the other and then leave but Roman knew that Logan would be uncomfortable, and Logan knew that a handshake would make things even more awkward. Luckily they were saved when Remy came down the stairs and saw them.

"You leaving?" He asked, hand still wrapped around a Starbucks cup, sunglasses still on his face. "Yes." Logan tried not to sound disappointed. "Lemme give you kids a ride. I know Picani wouldn't want you walking in the dark."

And Logan was about to refuse when Roman grinned, grabbing Logan by the shoulder. "Really?! Thanks, Dad!" Remy grinned and slid his glasses down, winking before pushing them back up. "No prob kid. Now let's go, bitches."

The car itself was assumably Picani's because it had inspirational messages on the bumper and Logan could tell Remy would never put that on his car if he had the choice. "Oh. Don't sit on that side." Roman made a face and Logan paused with his hand on the door handle, eyebrows scrunched.

"Why?" Roman made a face of disgust. "That's Remus' seat." That was enough for Logan to walk to the other side of the car but Roman held the door open for him with a charming smile and Logan couldn't stop the small smile and tiny warmth that made it's way to his cheeks. "Thank you."

"So just give me directions," Remy said and Logan nodded, buckling himself in while Roman tried to hide the fact that his own seatbelt wasn't on and that he never planned on putting it on either.

"Seatbelt bitch." Logan looked up at Remy in surprise and the other wasn't even remotely looking in their direction. "How-" "He always tries the same shit. I wouldn't care but Picani would have my head so put it on."

Roman groaned but did so and Logan gave directions as they drove, his voice getting quieter as they got closer to his house. "This is adequate. My house is just down there." He said once they'd gotten to the end of his street. "Thank you for the ride." He added as he went to unbuckle himself only to be interrupted. "I can drop you off closer. It's chill. Which house is yours?"

Logan hesitated, debating his choices. On one hand, he could insist that it was fine he be dropped off here but then they might wonder why and ask. The only logical solution was to give his address, Roman knew his street now anyway and hopefully, with enough discouragement, Roman wouldn't knock or come round his house.

"It is number 14." Logan said, and once they'd driven to the white, square house he thanked Remy again and got out the car, nodding to Roman. "Farewell." Roman grinned. "C'ya!"

Logan got his his door and hesitated, taking a quick glance behind him at Roman still waving in the car before taking a deep breath and opening the door, quietly going inside into a dark, empty house.

For a while he simply stood with his back against the door, heart pounding in his chest before he quietly slipped away into the kitchen. Manoovering around in the dark wasn't difficult when you'd done it thousands of times before and soon Logan had carefully picked out food his parents would never notice was missing before slinking back into his room, tired and aching.

For a while he just sat in the silence. Dark, plain walls taunting his every thought while the eerie silence ticked through the house.

Logan sighed, the sound low and resigned before moving to sit at his desk, book opening as he grabbed a pen, mind immediately focused into the words on the page.

Then, for the rest of the night, he studied.

At least until his parents came home.

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