Caotic dinner

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Roman would usually help out with dinner yet seeing as they had a guest he took Logan back into the living room while his dad's made dinner, watching his friend's blank expression he knew to be nervousness. 

"Don't worry so much, specs. Picani likes everyone and you're good with Remy as long as you're cool. Which I guess you're not but I'm sure he likes you anyway!" Logan nodded, still sitting as stiff as a board but also feeling a lot better in a room with just Roman. In his head, he was subconsciously listening for any shouting or loud noises so he could escape the moment they decided he was a terrible person and thought he needed a lesson in manners.

"My apologies. I shall endeavour to look more 'cool' as you put it as to not make the atmosphere uncomfortable." Roman rolled his eyes at his friend and grabbed the remote. "C'mon, we can probably watch something else while we're waiting. Ever heard of Steven universe?"

Twenty minutes later they'd just finished the first episode and Logan was seriously doubting this shows continuity or maturity when a loud voice called out "dinner's ready!" It startled Logan so much that he actually gasped, head snapping in the direction of the noise while his hands trembled and he tried to calm his racing nerves.

"Lo, if this is too much for you just say okay? I don't wanna make you do something if you're really uncomfortable with it." Logan shook his head, realising that it was probably better here then it would be once he got home. "That's alright Roman. I assure you I am fine."

Roman nodded, not truly believing Logan and they walked next to each other into the kitchen, where Roman pulled out a chair for Logan. "Thank you." Logan smiled slightly at him and Roman felt his heart jump a few beats, face a bright red as he sat down next to him and squeaked out "no problem," voice cracking in the middle.

"Here you go, you guys," Picani said as he placed down two plates in front of them and Logan swallowed, chest tight. "Thank you, si- Picani." He bit his lip at the slip-up and hoped the other didn't notice and get mad at him. Either way the older just smiled encouragingly and placed two more plates down. "No problem."

Then, like an explosion of madness a loud "FOOD!" Was screeched out like a banshee as Remus flung himself down the stairs, stopping as soon as he saw Logan.

"What're you doing here?" He tilted his head and his neck cracked and both his parents felt bad for Logan because no one was not disturbed by the noise yet Logan didn't show any discontent.

"Are you staying for dinner today?" And before anyone could say the obvious Remus just grinned wider than lips should ever go and jumped into the seat next to Logan, wings fluttering happily the whole way as he scooted his chair closer to the younger boy. "Yay! If you want some deodorant with it just let me know."

Picani watched them with interest, wondering how this boy had managed to get Remus to like him enough to offer up his deodorant, he wouldn't just give it to anyone. So why was Logan so special? "No, but thank you for the offer." And now even Remy was shocked, it was more than unusual that someone thanked Remus for offering his gross deodorant instead of finding it weird.

"So Logan, how long have you and Roman been friends?" Picani asked with what he hoped was an encouraging and friendly smile. Logan tried hard not to fiddle with his hands or look down as he opened his mouth to speak. "Hey!" He was interrupted as Remus spoke, mouth full of food that he was spitting all over the place. "Logan's my friend too!" He insisted like it was a competition and Roman felt a boiling jealousy bubble inside him, resisting the urge to pull Logan away from Remus and into Roman's arms instead. Remy didn't miss the scowl and chuckled at his son's dismay, knowing exactly what it was.

"We've been friends for about a month and a half." Roman said, and Logan automatically added: "one month, 19 days and 6 hours exactly."

The two parents and Roman looked at him, largely impressed and shocked at his knowledge of the exact date. Roman was shocked because Logan could remember exactly when they'd met, but was uncertain about his own birthday somehow.

"Wow, you're so smart Lo-Lo!" Remus giggled and Roman had to suppress a growl as Remus slung an arm around Logan's shoulders. Usually, he would have let it slide but when Logan winced at the pressure against what was left of his wings Roman leaned over and shoved his brother harshly, causing him to yell and fall off the seat he was sitting on with one leg.

"Hey!" He shouted, smacking his leg against the table as he went down like a sack of bricks. "You prick! I should take out your insides and shove them up your ass for that!" He threatened and Roman stuck his tongue out while Picani sighed. "Remus. Language please."

Remus glared back and Logan was suddenly rather glad he was an only child. "Shut up! He's the one that pushed me. I could've fallen back and hit my head on the floor and smashed my brains out all over the floor like soup!" Logan probably should have stopped the words that came out of his mouth at Remus' depiction but it was too late by the time he'd started.

"At that speed and angle, it is extremely unlikely that you would have cracked your skull, or even fractured it. The most damage would have been a possible concussion and the chance of that was in the low tens." The was a silence that followed awkwardly and hung in the air.

Logan felt his hands clam up at the eyes on him and he looked away, his face red. "Um, my apologies. I did not mean to make anyone uncomfortable." Roman grinned at the jaw-dropping looks on his parent's faces and Picani smiled, feeling a little sad underneath that this child was so insecure. "Are you kidding? That was impressive! Do you have good memory skills? It must be very helpful in school."

Logan nodded, his blank expression slipping into something more bashful. "Yeah, it is quite helpful, especially when revising."

Roman discreetly shuffled his chair closer to Logan as Remus got up from the floor with two flaps from his wings. "Ugh. Enough talk about school! It's soooo boring I want to spoon my eyes out like ice cream."

"Shut up Remus!"

"No, you shut up!"

Logan smiled a little and picked at the food on his plate, a warmth making its way into his chest as he basked in the family atmosphere around him.

It was almost enough to distract him from the fact that soon he would have to go home.

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