Remus, the strange man

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When Logan woke up it was because the sun was in his face, yet when his eyes opened all he could see was a mess of blurry colours and shapes.

There was an arm around his middle and a leg rested over his thigh and his face immediately heated up from the close contact that was undoubtedly Roman. He didn't want to wake him so instead Logan lay there, mostly blind and trapped by Roman's muscular arms and yet he found he didn't mind that much.

The sun on his face was nice and warm, as was the arms protecting him from anything. Then Patton woke up and it was all over.

"Goooood morning everyone!" The loud one all but shouted the moment he woke up, springing into action like he'd been awake for hours. Virgil grumbled at his loud voice and rolled over and Roman clutched onto Logan harder, squeezing around his waist. Logan let out a small squeak and his face burned a light pink as Roman mumbled something in his sleep right into Logan's neck, tickling the other slightly and Logan let out a small laugh he'd deny until he died.

"Roman." He lightly shook the sleeping figure next to him but Roman didn't even slightly stir. "Roman wake up." He tried again, shaking him a little harder. Roman mumbled something and shuffled around but didn't open his eyes.

Virgil, who was now standing, took pity on Logan and leaned over them both, smirking. "Nah Logan, this is how you wake him up." He then proceeded in kicking Roman so hard that the other almost fell off the roof, letting out a yell at the sudden intrusion to his sleep. "Hey! What the hell?"

Logan laughed quietly at Roman's discomfort and Virgil just grinned, shoving his hands into his pockets and moving away while Roman tried to get up.

"Can we get breakfast now? I'm starving." Patton asked, patting his belly and picking up some of the pillows to take back down. Roman nodded and helped too, saying "yeah sure" before jumping off the roof and landing gently on the ground. Virgil picked up all the now-empty mugs and followed Patton as they both left the roof while Logan stood up and crossed his arms, waiting.

It didn't take long for Roman to come back up, sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, I forgot." Logan waved a hand as Roman picked him up again. "It's quite alright, Roman."

Logan felt a lot better with his feet on the ground and followed Roman back inside to the kitchen where Patton had already begun cooking. "Pancakes." He said as soon as Roman walked in, continuing his cooking while Roman took out some plates. "Thanks, Pat." Logan stood around awkwardly for a bit before Roman gestured to a chair and he sat down. "Patton makes the best pancakes." He explained and Logan folded his hands in his lap hoping the question he was about to ask wasn't invasive.

"How long have you all known each other? If you don't mind me asking." Roman sat down next to him and Virgil turned around from his position next to Patton, leaning all over the counter. "Well, I've known Patton since we were like 3 and we both met Virgil about 4 years ago." It was no wonder that Patton was so familiar and comfortable around the kitchen, considering how many times he must have been over.

It didn't take long before Patton placed a plate of hot sweet pancakes down on the table and Virgil scrambled to sit down at the delicious smell they created. "This looks great Pat. Thank you." Roman said as he took about five pancakes and pulled them onto his own plate, showering them lightly in syrup. "You're welcome!" He singsonged back and sat down, placing a few pancakes on Virgil's plate before placing a large amount on his and absolutely drowning them in syrup.

Logan wasn't sure if he should take some or ask but he was saved when Remus came tumbling down the stairs and jumping into the kitchen, wings hitting Logan in the face as he sat down next to him and took Logan's plate. "PANCAKES!" He all but screamed as he dumped the rest of them onto his plate, frowning at the mostly empty bottle of syrup and Logan felt himself go rigid.

Roman glared at his brother. "That's Logan's plate." He started and Remus shuffled closer to Logan, wrapping an arm around his shoulders while Logan tensed. "That's fine! We can share!" Then he picked up one of the pancakes with his hands and gave Logan the cutlery.

Logan, too tired to argue, just cut into one of the pancakes still on the plate and placed a forkful into his mouth, insides feeling warm at the fluffy texture. "This is highly satisfactory, Patton. Are all pancakes this light?"

Remus screamed out a "what!" And managed to spray spit all over Logan's face while Logan blinked in confusion at the dramatic response. "How do you not know? This can't be the first time you've had pancakes. It's like, the best breakfast food and sometimes dinner food."

"Actually-" Logan started, wiping the spit off his face. "It is. I do not usually have breakfast as I like to get to school early." That wasn't entirely the reason but the others didn't need to know information that didn't concern them. "You've never had pancakes before? And you don't have breakfast?" Patton asked, looking like he was about to burst into tears while Logan stayed confused. He didn't see the problem, lots of people hadn't tried certain foods before so why was not having pancakes such a big deal?

"I do not." And then before he could say any more Remus was shoving another fistful of pancake into his mouth that Logan almost chocked on. "Less talking! I'm trying to eat here!" He yelled and Logan carefully swallowed what was in his mouth as Remus moved even closer to him, wing brushing against Logan's back.

"Leave him alone, Remus." Roman was still glaring at his twin in disgust, having to push away the urge to grab Logan and take him away from Remus, wrapping him safe in his arms.

Logan stayed still but decided not to eat anymore after that, already feeling ridiculously full.

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