Up for round two?

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Logan had spent (because he was forced and basically had no choice) the last entire month spending time with Roman and he was quickly wondering when Roman would tire of him. He was lasting longer than anyone else and Logan couldn't understand why.

He'd seen Patton again once after the first time but it seemed that Virgil was avoiding him- which was good. At least there was a familiar constant in Virgil's distaste for him. Roman, on the other hand, was an enigma that discombobulated Logan more than anything.

"Hey, Lo! Me, Patt and Virgil are having a sleepover next weekend and I want you to come! It'll be our first friend sleepover with you so you totally have to come and my parents are away that weekend so we have the house to ourselves." Roman sounded so excited that Logan almost thought he was going to explode, like if he didn't answer immediately he would combust into thousands of tiny specks but Logan didn't know what to say.

He could say yes but then he'd ruin the entire weekend and Roman would finally grow tired of him or admit that this was all some cruel joke or he could say no and Roman might get annoyed at him and leave anyway. Either way the outcome was the same yet Logan wanted to draw it out as long as he could for some reason. He didn't want this to end and that was dangerous thinking, it was that thinking that led him to his next words. "I shall accompany you. Though I can not promise to provide an enjoyable or engaging conversation."

Though Logan was certain that what he was saying was true Roman merely laughed, as though Logan had stated the most ridiculous and hilarious joke ever spoken. "That's stupid! You're always saying weird stuff." And at least Logan had the dignity to look ashamed. "My apologies, I shall endevor to speak less in order to placate your annoyances."

Roman looked at him strangely, shrugging at Logan's words. "I don't know what half of that means but I like your weirdness. It's nice having a super smart friend! I've learnt so many new words, it's like having a walking dictionary!" And that had to be the most puzzling thing Logan had heard in his entire life because he knew how boring and annoying he was. No one liked a smart ass. Except apparently Roman, who had managed to make Logan more confused then he'd ever been in his whole life.

Roman, the one person that had somehow managed to make Logan feel like maybe, maybe he was not useless. Maybe someone cared about him, liked him even. He immediately scolded himself for that thought process because it was stupid and naive and very incorrect. Roman, like every other human being, would only use him till he could no longer and then cast him aside and Logan was fine with that because he didn't care.

"Anyway I'll pick you up from your house after school so what's your adres-" "no." Logan interrupted him firmly. "I shall come to your house instead." Logan sincerely hoped he lived close because there was no way he had the money to get a bus at the moment, not while he was still looking for a job.

Roman looked startled but gave his address nonetheless and Logan felt himself grin at the close proximity. It would only take about half an hour to walk there if he was quick paced, he calculated. Then the bell rang and class started and the rest of the day passed by as it usually did all the way till lunch, where Logan finally found himself alone in the whole month that Roman had been right next to him every moment.

Even though Roman had smiled the previous lesson, patted him on the back and told him he'd see him at lunch. Like he always did.

He thought he'd be glad, but as the hallways emptied he found himself feeling more alone than he'd ever been, colder and more empty on the inside.

He wasn't here.

Something inside him burned and he felt his heavy chest burn with pain, everything around him feeling darker than he'd ever felt. He was almost glad when a voice interrupted him until he looked up and saw Adam and his gang.

"If it isn't my favorite freak. It's been too long." Logan felt his hands clench at his sides, already prepared for them. "I'm not surprised. You wouldn't have assulted me when Roman was in my company because you are all cowardly." The other scowled and before Logan even saw it he was grabbed by the shirt and shoved harshly against the locker, a small grunt slipping past his lips at the force of it and the way the locker dug into the bones on his wings pressed flat against his back under his shirt.

"What's wrong? Why don't you just fly away?" He taunted at Logan's sound, grip hard enough to bruise the smaller boy. "Oh wait. You can't." The other two with him laughed at the comment yet Logan's face remained ever impassive even as a fist connected sharply with his jaw.

Something hot bubbled up inside his cheek and he would have tumbled backwards if not for the hands now holding him in place. Someone said something, probably an insult, but he couldn't hear it over the ringing in his ears when another fist came smashing into his jaw and this time Logan felt himself wince.

There was another connection and this time Logan briefly registered that he was on the ground, head pounding and his heartbeat thumping in his ears. His body hurt and he briefly registered the thin blood dribbling from his nose but everything still felt numb. Numb all the way through him.

Another blow landed to his stomach, a kick this time and he coughed, rolling over on the floor as more blows bruised his already battered body. He didn't bother even trying to get up because he was already accustomed to these assaults and he knew they'd end eventually. He wouldn't show weakness, not even as his ribs screamed in protest and his chest burned with pain.

Anything was better than numb.

He wasn't sure he even realized when the blows stopped but suddenly there was a hand on his arm that wasn't there to hurt him and he felt someone ask him something. He made a noise of discomfort but didn't open his eyes, too busy blocking out the pain while it was still so raw.

A few seconds passed and he was ready to pretend again, the ever impassive, straight lined look stealing itself on his face like an inpenatrable iron mask, unwavering in it's stony discontent.

"Logan?" He looked up at the person hovering over him like glass, guilt clear as day on his expressive features and Logan felt the fragile thing inside him break as his eyes swelled with tears he was too stubborn to shed. This was too much, suddenly it was all too much and he finally lifted his head, looking Roman straight in the eyes with more burning passion and hurt.

"You lied!"

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