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Logan was glad when the weekend finally came and found himself feeling more nervous as he stood, cold, staring up at the red painted door to a house far larger than his own.

He wondered when he would knock but part of him was frozen, wondering if he'd made a mistake. He would hate to show up and leave Virgil or Patton uncomfortable in his presence. Eventually he managed to raise his hand and swallow his fears, knocking rythmicaly on the door like a mechanical machine.

Silence rung out for a second before a voice yelled from the inside. "I'LL GET IT!" It was followed by another, more angry voice. "No don't you dare!-" Then the door swing open so violently Logan almost thought it would rip off it's hinges and before him emerged a man with the most unsettling grin placed across his face like a Cheshire cat.

He turned his head so far Logan could hear his neck crack as he looked at him, practically bouncing with energy. "I could murder you and hide the body by eating it, that way no one would ever know it was me." The strange person said and Logan put a hand to his chin in thought at the remark, not missing a beat.

"I suppose that would be a way to dispose of the evidence, however eating an entire body could prove difficult and detrimental to your health so I wouldn't advise that method of disposal. It also wouldn't dispose of the bones. I would suggest burning the body as that leaves no fingerprints and is feasible. Most commonly it would be disposed into a river as this also gets rid of fingerprints and is easier." There was a long stretch of silence and Logan thought for a second that he'd offended the other when he suddenly grabbed Logan by the arm and pulled him into the house, dragging him through till they reached Roman who immediately started rambling. "I told you I would get it, please ignore anything he says Lo, he's just really weird-" He was interrupted by his brother who was still pulling Logan's arm. "We have to keep him."

Roman looked at his sibling in confusion, Remus had never said a nice thing about anyone other than his only friend and now he wanted to keep Logan after only just meeting him. "What?" The caotic one only shook Logan's arm so fast Logan was sure it was going to fall off in response. "He's staying. We're not letting him leave." Remus had never met anyone that hadn't been horrified or disgusted or disturbed by him before except Janus yet this new person responded so casually and Remus couldn't be happier.

"If we freeze him he can stay forev-" he stopped at the feeling of something wet on his hand and looked down to see a lovely shade of red liquid dripping down his fingers. For a second he wondered where he'd manged to cut himself this time yet looking at the blood he could see that it was coming from the new boys arm as Remus gripped it tight.

Like a switch Remus let go with lightning fast speed. He hadn't realised he'd been tugging that hard and now one of the only people that hadn't been freaked out by him was going to be mad at him. So you can understand his confusion when the glasses wearing nerd mearly blushed and held his arm in embarrassment. "My apologies, it seems as though I have leaked through my bandage."

And now Remus wanted to slaughter what or whoever had hurt this person because it was there before Remus, and that wouldn't do.

Roman took his friend by the hand carefully and guided him to the kitchen. "Let's get you a new bandage, Lo." He said, looking back to glare at his brother. "Sorry about him." Logan only gave a small smile, shaking his head. "Nonesence. He did nothing wrong I assure you."

As Roman re-bandaged his arm Remus looked down at his red hand, staring as thoughts swirled in his head.

When Logan looked back Remus was gone.

"The others are in the living room. We're deciding on a movie." Roman brought Logan's attention back and he gave a nod. He could do this. He only hoped Virgil wouldn't convince Roman to make him leave. He rather enjoyed spending time with Roman, it was far better than the loneliness that had consumed his life so far and he honestly wasn't ready to leave it yet.

In the living room Patton was busy cuddling with his cute, adorable boyfriend when Roman walked in with Logan and Patton smiled a bright, blinding smile as he waved. "Hey! Welcome to your first, and hopefully not the last, sleepover with us. I hope you like popcorn cause we have loads." Logan felt himself relax a little at the welcome and gave the smallest upwards quirk of his lips.

"I would not know." Roman thought the expression on Patton's face was hilarious. "What do you mean?" Logan sat down with a good distance between himself and the others. "I have never had the opportunity to try popcorn, so I would not know whether I like it or not."

The sound Patton made was something close to a scream and a gasp and Logan found a bowl of popcorn thrust into his hands before he could blink, Patton incredibly close to his face. "Try it!" Came the loud demand and Patton suddenly blushed and moved backwards, coughing into his hand. "Uh if you want to of course! No pressure. But seriously try some it's really good and you'll love it." Or at least, Patton hoped he would.

Logan hesitated for a second but figured that this was as good as any opportunity as any to try some and placed one into his mouth. It was a little uncomfortable eating with everyone watching him but the sweet taste was enough to make him not care. He nodded in approval and placed another one on his tongue, wondering how he'd gone so long without trying this delicious snack.

Luckily Logan had enough self-restraint to not immediately shove fist fulls down his throat but if Logan hissed when Patton went to take the bowl back, well, let's just say Logan kept the bowl with him the rest of the night until it was empty and no one objected.

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