That's gay

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"How come I never get to go to your house?" Roman asked one day while they were in his living room, both watching some new Disney movie Logan had never seen before and Roman had seen hundreds of times. "My parents do not like to have guests," Logan explained, fingers going back into the popcorn bowl as he took another handful, enjoying the food Roman was glad he liked. His friend was far too skinny.

"Well yeah, but couldn't you just ask? We can stay out of their way but I really wanna see your room. Bet it's full of nerd books." He teased and Logan knew there was no malice in his words. "Oh! Or full of stars and stuff! Cause you love stars." "Astronomy." Logan reminded and Roman nodded, "yeah, that! Like, you should get some of those fake starts and put them all over your ceiling so you can put them all in the correct place and tell facts about them whenever I come over." Logan smiled softly at his friend, almost wishing he could.

"What if I got you some your birthday!" Roman gasped like he'd just had the best idea but then furrowed his eyebrows and looked back over towards his friend, not listening to the movie at all now. "When is your birthday?"

Logan looked back at the popcorn bowl and took a piece out, the sounds from the TV playing in the background. "I think it's on the 3rd of November. That is when fireworks night is, correct?" Roman jolted back dramatically. "You think!? Who doesn't obsess over their own birthday every year! It's the best! There's a cake and presents and friends and fun. Birthdays are awesome. It just sucks that I have to share mine with my annoying brother." Roman ended with a pout and Logan smiled gently.

"When is your birthday?" He asked and Roman was smiling again. "June the 4th!" He pronounced proudly and Logan tilted his head. "So in exactly a month, then." And Roman nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! We're probably gonna go out and do something like ice-skating but this year you get to come so it's gonna be epic!"

Logan didn't want to tell him that couldn't ice-skate and had never done so before so instead, he just nodded, attention pulling back to the screen. "I shall look forward to it, then." And if that was a lie, well, Roman didn't have to know.

A few hours later and a few more movies later Logan looked at his phone, sighing at the time because Roman's parents would be home soon and he needed to leave before they got there. "I should go home now, Roman." Roman pouted with a groan. "Aw but Lo I don't want you to goooo. Stay with us for dinner?" He pleaded, doing the best impression of puppy dog eyes. "I am not sure that your... Parents would be comfortable with that."

Roman waved a hand. "Nah they're chill, seriously stay. They'll be home in only like 10 minutes and this would be a great chance to meet them. You can't keep avoiding them forever you know. I want you to meet them." And as Logan looked into his pleading eyes he felt his resolve crack and he sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. "Fine. I'll stay, I suppose this confrontation was inevitable."

Logan had wished he could've procrastinated this longer and yet here he was, sitting on a couch and anxiously waiting for Roman's parents to come home. "Lo, seriously it's gonna be fine. Stop stressing so much, you're almost acting like Virgil." Logan swallowed and stopped tapping. "My apologies."

He didn't say anything else.

Those ten minutes passed painfully slowly and Logan felt his whole body tense as he heard the front door open and a man shout "we're home!" That echoed through the whole house.

Logan was really regretting his decision as Roman leapt off the couch, standing to greet them as Logan stiffly stood up too. Roman had told him once that his parents went shopping together on Fridays after work and always got back at 6 so Logan had resolved to only come over on Fridays (claiming it was the only night he was free) and leaving before 6. He thought Roman didn't have a clue why, but he knew exactly what Logan was doing even though he couldn't understand it. His parents were great!

And he was sure that once Logan met them he'd realise that and stop being so on edge.

Roman walked straight into the hallway and Logan stayed where the door was, watching as he hugged a man wearing a pink tie with glasses much like Logan's own and a brown cardigan. "Hey, Pops!" The man hugged his son with intensity and Roman smiled. "How was work?" He grinned and let go of his son. "Great, like usual but you know I can't talk about it." He added with a wink.

Logan was reminded a little bit of Patton by this stranger and he looked over at the other person to gauge their reactions. He was wearing sunglasses despite being inside and was sipping on a cup from star bucks looking like a rebelling teenager.

"Not gonna say hello to me little man? Rude." Roman laughed and gave him a side hug. "Hey, Dad." Logan was so focused on the exchange, wondering why they were hugging when he realised the first one was looking at him and he squeaked unintentionally, terrified that he'd made a bad first impression and then they'd ask him to leave and never allow him back in the house and- "are you gonna introduce us to your friend, Roman?"

Roman nodded and Logan hesitantly walked forwards, doing his best to stand straight and look them in the eye like he'd been taught despite his instinct to run. "This is Logan! Is it okay if he stays for dinner?"

"Yes of course it is! It's nice to meet you, buddy." The one with glasses shook his hand excitedly, going up and down far too many times and Logan pulled his hand back after a while hesitantly. "You can call me Picani and this is my wonderful husband Remy." He moved so Logan had a clear view of the other and Remy nodded at him. "Sup." Logan thought this was a strange greeting but nodded back nonetheless, praying that they wouldn't hate him.

"You wouldn't mind helping us unload the shopping would ya Ro-Ro?" Picani asked his son and Roman nodded enthusiastically, taking two of the bags from his fathers' arms and bounding into the kitchen, dragging Logan along with him while the adults followed behind.

"We're having pasta tonight if that's okay with you," Picani said as he walked in, patting Logan on the back who struggled not to flinch, stiff as a rod.

Picani noticed the boys tense shoulders beneath his hands and frowned, eyes furrowing at the bones prodding through that could only signify unhealthy malnourishment.

"Yes, sir." Logan cursed himself for the instinctive response and Picani frowned even more, thoughts immediately running through his head that he put away for later, choosing to smile instead. "I told you, just Picani is fine. Sir makes me feel like an old man!" Logan nodded and hoped this time he'd get it right. "Of course."

Remy came up behind him as Roman gestured for Logan to sit down and slung an arm around his shoulders. "What's wrong babe?" He asked and Picani looked towards his lover, sighing and leaning into his side. "I just... Something about him makes me uneasy, something's not right and I really hope I'm wrong for once."

Remy nodded and took the rest of the bags out of his hands. "You'll figure it out babe, you always do. Now let's go make dinner before Roman snacks on something and doesn't eat it all." Remy nodded and followed, making sure to keep a note of Logan's body posture and responses.

He really hoped he was wrong.

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