The sleep in sleepover

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It was well past midnight by the time Roman finally thought it was getting late and Patton was already yawning the house down, cuddled into Virgil comfortably who was debating getting a forth cup of coffee.

Logan was sitting as straight as ever but was now sitting beside an empty bowl of popcorn. His third bowl. For Logan, who hadn't slept at all the night before, his eyes were heavy enough to shut perminantly the moment he let them close and he was more than willing to agree when Roman suggested they go to bed.

"Or" Virgil began "we could do some stargazing and sleep outside? It's warm out tonight and we could get a bunch of blankets to make it super comfy." Roman grinned and sat up, clapping his hands together. "That's a great idea! I'll get the blankets. Pat, could you make some hot chocolate with Virgil?" Patton nodded and stood up, yawning all the way until Roman turned the lights on and everyone immediately hissed, recoiling back from the sudden bright light.

"Do you require any assistance, Roman?" Logan asked, not sure how he felt about just sitting here alone. Luckily for him Roman nodded and gestured for him to follow as they left the room.

They ventured into Roman's room first, gathering piles and piles of blankets and pillows into their arms before carefully carrying them towards the back door. They dumped them down in a pile before going back to one of the closets and picking up even more blankets and quilts and pillows, this time exiting the house to go outside with them.

Roman flapped his wings and within two short seconds was perched on the roof, letting the blankets drop to the floor as he began arranging them. When he looked behind him and saw no Logan he leaned over the edge to see him still standing on the ground. "Are you coming up?" He asked and Logan sighed in frustration, looking behind him at his 'wingless' back.

Awkwardly, Roman paused. A short "oh" coming out of his mouth when he realised his mistake. "Right." He flew back down and landed right next to Logan, about to pick him up when he decided it would be best if he asked. Because Roman liked to consider himself a gentleman.

"May I?" He held his hand out and Logan was glad that he asked, nodding before Roman litteraly swept him off his feet, positioning him bridal style while Logan instinctively wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders.

Roman pushed off the ground Logan couldn't stop the small squeak that came out of his mouth from suddenly being above the floor, wind rushing through his hair before they landed and Logan was placed upright again, his eyes wide. It had been so, so long since he'd ever flown in any way and his heart was racing though he didn't show it.

"Thank you." He hoped Roman didn't notice the slight crack in his voice but the other didn't comment, so he assumed he was inconspicuous enough. "You're most welcome!" Roman did a small bow before jumping off the roof again to grab the rest of the blankets and Logan sat down, eyes pointed upwards as they gazed at the night sky, goosebumps crawling up his arms.

It was a quiet night and the cold breeze shifting through the air was comforting dispite the chill. Looking up he could see all the starts shinning brightly like fireflies in the sky and he considered himself lucky that it was such a clear night because the image was truly a sight to behold.

"We got the hot chocolate's!" Logan turned at Patton's voice as both him and Virgil landed on the roof, both holding a mug in each of their hands. Patton was the one that went over and handed one to Logan and Logan thanked him as the warmth pooled into the palms of his hands.

Roman arrived too and after sorting out all the blankets and pillows everyone was laid down comfortably next to each other. With Virgil at the end, Patton next to him, then Roman and finally Logan at the other end, who had his hands behind his head and was gazing up softly at the sky.

He didn't notice Roman's gaze on him.

"Hey nerd, do you know any of the constalations up there?" Roman asked and Logan nodded, pointing upwards. "That one is called the big Dipper and is the most well known. The last two stars are called Dubhe and Merak. Merak is 79 light-years from earth whereas Dubhe is 123 light years away." He moved his finger to point at a singular brighter star and continued. "That particularly bright star is known as the Sirius which is a binary star dominated by a luminous main sequence star and-" Logan stopped, feeling his face flush a deep red.

"My apologies I did not realize I was rambling." He stopped after that, feeling something like shame crawl up inside him because he'd clearly been boring everyone with stupid facts no one but he cared about.

"Nah don't stop. It's more interesting than listening to Roman talk about his newest show." Virgil surprised Logan with his words and Roman shouted out an offended "hey!" At the dishonor he'd sustained. Logan almost let out at laugh but didn't, instead looking back up at the sky and continuing on his endless ramblings about the stars and the solar systems. He continued until Patton was snoring loudly and Roman had curled up against his side. Finally, he let his own voice die out as he yawned into his hand, moving to get into a more comfortable position.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier." Virgil's voice was quiet as to not wake the others, just a whisper in the wind. "I was wrong." Logan looked over in his direction, a small smile on his face. "It's okay." His voice was even softer.

"I forgive you and I understand." He couldn't see it in the dark but Virgil smiled gently from where he was, finally turning over and falling asleep. Logan stayed up for a little bit longer, mulling over the day in his head. He still wasn't sure about having friends, it was strange for him and the change really caused a lot of contradicting feelings to well up inside him. Feelings he wasn't sure whether he hated or liked.

Eventually, the heaviness in his eyes took over and he slowly let himself fall asleep to the sound of Roman's quiet breathing right next to him and the occasional car that passed by.

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