Daring to make mistakes

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Forth round and Virgil was hoping to make things a little more interesting. That's why when Patton asked Logan truth or dare and Logan answered "dare" Virgil could feel himself grin in mischief and Logan watched, confused as he leaned over and whispered something in Patton's ear. Patton gave him a thumbs up in return and Virgil felt himself smirk as Patton used his idea.

"I dare you to kiss Roman!"

Logan felt his heart thump and he suddenly regretted every decision that had led to this moment as he looked over at Roman, someone as equally shocked as him.

"Um." That was all it took Logan to say for Roman to spring into action, face a deep red. "You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable. It's just a dare..." Logan straightened himself up, taking in a subtle breath. "The rules of the game state that I must complete the dare if that's the option I choose. Therefore I must complete this dare and uphold the rules. As long as you are also comfortable with this?" Roman looked bashful and timid for the first time since Logan had met him and he nodded shyly.

"I'm okay with it." Logan nodded back and they shuffled closer, both unsure as their faces grew closer, only inches apart. Logan's eyes were trained purely on Roman's lips and Roman's eyes were only on Logan's as they both leaned even closer, noses practically touching.

They paused, each feeling the heat from the other and their eyes connected at the same time, silently asking permission, silently trying to figure out what the other was feeling. Then, and neither of them was sure which moved first, their lips were colliding. Slowly at first and extremely gently but it was filled with electrical jolts that sent shivers down both of their spines.

Logan could feel Roman's soft eyelashes tickling his face as his eyes fluttered closed and Logan briefly wondered when his own eyes had closed.

Vaguely he noticed that his hands were placed on Roman's shoulders and Roman was gripping him by the waist delicately before he finally drew back, eyes fluttering open and immediately searching Roman's face as his breath caught in his throat, wonder clouding his mind.

"Woah." He heard Roman whisper out and Logan felt himself nod, star-struck. Then, like a switch that had been flipped he coughed awkwardly into his hand, moving back to his original position with his hand delicately placed on his lip, still tingling from the ghost of Roman's lips fitting so perfectly against his.

"I did not know that kisses felt so tingly afterwards." He commented and Roman's look of wonder turned into surprise. "Was that your first kiss?" And Logan nodded, debating why that was a surprise when he'd already admitted Roman was his first friend which kinda implied he hadn't been close enough to anyone to actually kiss them.

Nonetheless Roman was dramatic about it. "What?! I can't believe your first kiss was just a dare!" And Logan wouldn't ever admit it but his heart sank when he heard "just a dare," realising that Roman hadn't felt what he'd felt, hadn't done it out of anything more than a dare. It stung.

How many times was he going to make the same mistake when it came to hoping? Hope was never meant for someone like him.

But alas the game continued on and Logan did too, this time mostly answering with truth as they slowly ran out of questions. The next time Virgil asked he felt his heart tighten at the question, wincing and growing nervous. "What happened to your wings?" Leave it to Virgil to ask the most invasive and difficult answers that left the room in uncomfortable silence while waiting for Logan to answer.

"I um, it's been this way for a long time. Trust me you don't want to see that mess." He gestured to his back and left the explanation at that, leaving everyone feeling curious and a little bit sympathetic. It was strange how.. un-logan the sentence was and so everyone decided to drop it.

Finally, the game drew to a close and Logan realised he was out of popcorn as his hand grasped into an empty bowl. "There's more in the kitchen," Patton added helpfully. Patton probably would have gotten up to get some more himself but Virgil was sitting in his lap comfortably and he couldn't find it in himself to move.

So instead Logan just nodded thankfully and stood up, legs pulling slightly as he stretched before walking into the kitchen and immediately pausing. "Oh, my apologies. I did not know you were in here."

Remus turned around at Logan's voice and smiled a giant toothy grin that some could call demonic. "Logan! It's good to see you! Do you want some deodorant?" He held out a stick of the stuff in Logan's direction and watched as Logan tilted his head. "I do not think that would be advisable. It's not edible and could cause stomach pains or illness. Therefore I shall have to pass. Thank you, however, for the offer." Remus couldn't help the even larger grin that encompassed his whole being, never having met a person so unusual like him.

"What did you come in here for?" His neck cracked as he talked and yet Logan didn't pay it any attention, instead looking around the room in search for something. "I came to look for some more popcorn. Patton said there was some in here?" He gestured towards the empty bowl in his hand and Remus jumped down from the surface he was standing on. "It's in here." He felt like being helpful today so when he opened a cupboard it did actually have the popcorn in it and not something else.

Logan thanked him and moved to grab it when Remus snatched it from the cupboard and held it above his head, mischievousness running through his bones. "Cmon nerd, take it from me." Logan was startled for a second but reached up anyway in hopes of grasping the bag in his hands. It didn't work, however, as Remus was far taller than him and Logan's fingertips only reached his upper arm. Now set in his task Logan moved closer and stood up on his tippy toes, arm stretched as far as possible as the tips of his fingers brushed against the bottom of the bag. He made a small sound at the closeness, feeling the goal almost in his reach when Remus moved it up slightly further and Logan lost his balance, falling in Remus' chest as his hands quickly came back down to steady him.

He pulled away in embarrassment as quickly as he could, mumbling apologies with a bright red face yet Remus was stood stock still, jaw slightly open as he looked down at the other. It seemed he was in a daze and Logan was about to apologise again when Remus suddenly sprung into action, his previously pale face now a deep scarlet that he tried to hide pathetically while thrusting the bag into Logan's hands and rushing off without an explanation.

For a minute all was quiet as Logan looked back to the spot Remus had disappeared from, then he shrugged and moved back to the bag.

If he'd have gone around the corner he would have seen Remus leaning against the door, a hand on his chest with heavy breathing as his heart thumped in his ribcage, face completely red as a realisation took over his whole body.

Remus looked back into the now empty room with wide eyes, hearing the voices coming from the living room while one thought screamed in his head.


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