Better early than late

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After breakfast, Logan had left after seeing the time and Roman had hugged him so hard he lifted him off the floor slightly.

Then Roman hadn't seen him until school, hadn't even heard from him dispite texting him many times. But not too many, he didn't want to seem desperate. 

Of course he was delighted when Logan came into school on Monday but was less excited when Logan showed up limping slightly, limbs trembling with effort. "Was it Aron again?" Roman stood up to help his friend sit down and Logan waved him away, trying not to grimace. "No, it's fine. It was just an accident anyway I assure you." Roman didn't believe him one bit but it wasn't his place to call him out.

"Are you sure? I can get him to stop if he's still bothering you." Logan shook his head again, glad to be sitting down. "Roman, be assured that this was not Aron. He hadn't bothered me while you've been in my company and I didn't see him over the weekend. This was mearly my own foolishness."

Roman outwardly frowned but knew he wouldn't get anything out of his friend when he was being stubborn.

The bell rang and Logan sighed, hands leaning on the table to help him stand without using his left leg that was still throbbing in pain, he was really hoping not to run into Aron today because he was sure he couldn't take another beating.

At lunch Logan waited outside his locker for Roman, a book in his hand as he stood upright like a stiff board. It wasn't a long stretch of silence however as soon he was greated by a snear and a shove that had him tumbling to the floor as his leg gave out beneath him.

He was on his hands and knees feeling like an animal, discraced and humiliated by the position. He was expecting another blow yet all he heard was a voice, low, demonic and possessive. "Get. The. Fuck. Off. Him."

Logan didn't have time to look as sounds of shouts and fighting followed the voice, someone being slammed repeatedly into the wall hard enough to leave Logan shaking from the noise. Then, with a thud, Aron was on the ground next to Logan, face a mess of blood and bruises and Logan was surprised he wasn't unconscious as he scrambled to his feet and skittered off.

When Logan looked back up he saw Remus, towering over with heaving breaths and clenched fists covered in blood and he felt his heart racing in his chest. It didn't take long as Remus calmed down, reaching down and helping Logan stand.

Logan's leg buckled under his own weight and Remus picked him up bridle style, not even giving Logan a choice as he held him protectively in his arms. "Mine." He hissed. "No one's allowed to touch you but me."

Logan felt himself finally relax, eyes heavy at his bodies abuse. "Thank you for the assistance, Remus. I did not realize you were also attending this school."

Remus grinned, feeling Logan close to him, hands creating red prints on Logan's clothes from the blood still staining them. "I'm in the same year as you silly! I was the one that blew up the science lab last year! But don't tell anyone cause otherwise I might get expelled." Logan felt himself smile slightly. "I was wondering who that was. It was quite a powerful blast. What did you use?"

Remus' eyes lit up and he cracked his neck to the side. "You saw it! I was pretty close when it went off, it gave me this new awesome scar from the shrapnel." He pulled up his sleeve and Logan could see the thick but small scar on his skin.

"That looks like it may have been painful." Remus grinned at that, nodding too many times to be normal. "It was."

"I was in the building when it happened." Logan said and Remus felt himself clutch the other closer, grin slipping off his face easily. "I was trying to avoid Aron so I was waiting in the labs for them to leave when it happened." Remus could feel his chest tighten like a snake coiling around his chest. "Were you hurt?"

Logan nodded, bearly thinking about it. "Yes, the ceiling came down on top of me and crushed my arm. I was in a cast for a few weeks after that." Remus felt something ugly boiling inside his chest that he wanted to rip out and tear it in half with his teeth.

"I uh-" he didn't know how to fix a problem that was caused by him. "Next time you can do it with me, that way you'll know when it's going off and won't be in the building!" That was a great solution, he thought, mentally delighted at the thought of blowing up the school alongside Logan. It would be amazing.

"I would hate to get expelled but I also think the experience would be interesting." Logan responded, mind already whizzing with the different chemical reactions that could cause a large enough explosion to create serious damage while still having enough of a time reaction for both Logan and Remus to leave the building and get a safe distance away.

"Loga- Oh, Remus. What're you doing here?" Logan looked over to see Roman as he approached, glaring at his brother while crossing his arms. "Just murdering some people." His brother responded, taking immense delight in the jealousy Roman's face portrayed at seeing Logan safe in his arms. "Yes, thank you for your assistance, Remus, but Roman and I have to- how do you say it?- meet up? With Virgil and Patton in a few minutes so I must leave."

Remus scowled, arms clutching the smaller boy with a tighter grip for just a moment as he thought about having to give him up to Roman but eventually he conceded, knowing that Logan wasn't yet his and that he had to let him go. "Fine. But if they bother you again this time I won't let them live."

He placed Logan down carefully and Logan tried not to wince as he walked slowly alongside Roman towards the canteen. "What did he mean?" Roman asked as he looked behind him as his brother disappeared from view behind the corner. Logan waved a hand dismissively. "Nothing of importance."

Roman didn't believe him but didn't say anything, choosing instead to offer Logan his jacket. "What for?" Logan asked as Roman handed it to him. "I am not cold."

"To cover the blood." He explained as Logan thanked him and slipped it on, slightly too big for him.

Roman thought he looked adorable in it and had to turn away before Logan saw his red cheeks and Logan smiled discreetly, the jacket hugging him projectively. He was so lucky to have met Roman.

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