Careful, that one's fragile

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"You lied!" Roman felt his heart sink like the Titanic at Logan's extremely uncommon outburst, something he'd never seen before. Logan was always so calm and indifferent and yet this...

"I-" He didn't have a chance to speak as Logan suddenly stood up, pointing an accusing finger at Roman with unchecked anger fueled by betrayal.

"You said you'd be there for me but you lied! Just like I knew you would! Just like every other person that's ever used and taunted me! I can't believe I even began to trust- to care about you!" Logan could only feel betrayal as he shouted because he knew this would happen, he knew Roman would be the same as everyone else eventually, finding better thing to do and more interesting people to talk to and his parents had been right-

"I'm... I'm sorry." Roman's voice had never been so small, so quiet, so remorseful but the idea of him not being there for Logan hurt more than any knife could. "I... I didn't-" Logan looked away, forcing the pain back, forcing himself back into the iron shell he'd been keeping himself safe inside of so long and then with one last glare he was gone, pushing past Roman, pushing past it all just so he didn't have to feel anymore. Out of all the pain on his burn covered, bruise ridden, lashes smothered body, this emotional pain was by far the worst.

The rain felt heavy as it crashed down on Logan's head, his clothes quickly becoming heavy with water the moment he'd stepped outside. There would obviously be repercussions for leaving school so early but Logan didn't care right now, not as his glasses grew hard to see out of, not as his socks became cold and wet, not as the wind attacked his clothes forcefully.

His heart felt numb and empty and his mind was running wild with thoughts. He knew he should go back to school but not a single bone in his body wanted to so he walked instead, feet moving on impulse as he aimlessly wandered without reason, only moving because he had to.

It felt like a driving purpose now, like a force compelling him to just move and not think about anything.

Hours passed and Logan could feel nothing but the cold seeping into his bones and the sting of his bruises as he finally forced himself to the steps of his front door many hours later. Every part of him was cold and numb and as he looked at the door looming above him he could only feel terror.

Four days had passed and Roman hadn't seen Logan since Monday and he wanted to talk to him so bad that it was burning him inside. Alas Roman didn't know his address, didn't know where he was and Logan wasn't responding to any of his texts.

With his head hung low he walked into the classroom, sitting down and shoving his head into his arms tiredly as the noises around him passed without any meaning. It wasn't until someone familiar walked in that his heart stopped and he stood up.

"Lo?" The man in question looked up and Roman couldn't stop his eyes widening at the state of him.

He was hunched in on himself, legs practically shaking with the effort of standing alone. His hand was covered in a horrific burn and Roman could see the exhaustion in his eyes, shown by the bags that sunk deep into his skin under his eyes, making him look a little bit like Virgil.

"Logan! What happened? Are you okay?" Which felt like a stupid question to ask because Roman was sure that he was absolutely not alright.

Logan nodded numbly nonetheless and slowly shuffled his aching body down into the seat next to Roman, wincing at every movement that agitated his wounds and broken skin. He grimaced at the feeling of the large, deep cut running along his forearm as his sleeve grew sticky, even the smallest rotation of his wrist re-opening the wound so it spilled more blood.

"I am... I apologise, Roman. For my outburst on Monday. It was never your duty to protect me and I interacted. I also completely understand if you no longer wish to associate yourself with me and will therefore take my leave." Roman panicked as Logan moved to stand up, grabbing his arm in reflex. "No!" He found himself shouting, blurting out the word like Logan would disappear if he didn't.

A small hiss escaped Logan's lips and Roman quickly let go when his fingertips felt something wet. In response Logan clutched his arm to his chest protectively, looking down at it with a scowl because this particular wound refused to close and caused him constant annoyance by staining all of his sleeves.

"I don't want you to leave." Roman continued. He wanted to help Logan's obviously damaged arm but he got the feeling the emotional impact was more important than bandages Logan would currently refuse.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, I promised I would be, I gave you my word and yet I failed to protect you when you trusted me." Roman's voice held pain, remorse and all the despiration he could feel. "But I'd like another chance if you're willing? I can't promise I'll always be there, but I can promise to be your friend, I can't- I don't want to imagine a life without you because I've found that you've quickly become more important to me than I ever thought was possible."

Roman was now gently holding Logan's hands in his, eyes filled with adoration and Logan could feel his heart swell with something while his face grew hotter. "Roman I-" he shook his head. "I don't understand. I don't know why you would even care." He held up a hand before Roman could interject. "But I'm willing to try again. Your company, too, has become invaluable to me as much as I dislike admitting it the thought of never talking to you again hurts me."

Roman felt a smile spread wide across his face and in that moment he had to forcably stop himself from kissing his silly, smart friend, only lunging forward to crush him in a hug instead.

Logan felt himself tense at the contact but slowly he placed his awkward hands hesitantly on Roman's back, warmth flooding him as he buried his head into Roman's neck. When it ended Roman's face was bright red but he was still grinning ear to ear. He looked Logan over and carefully grabbed his hand, standing up.

"C'mon, let's go grab some bandages before school starts. There's still 20 minuets before first lesson." Logan nodded and let Roman led him out the room, neither of them noticing their still connected hands.

(You're both gay and dramatic my guys. Let me know if you guys are enjoying this at all btw and I'll be back tomorrow. Thanks for reading.)

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