The start of us

22 3 1

Logan hadn't even seen it coming but within a few short moments, he was talking and then Romans lips were locked against his gently. His eyes widened as the feeling of electric ran down his spine and Roman paused, seeking out some sort of confirmation from Logan that came when the other closed his eyes and kissed back, hands pressing against Roman's chest as Roman pulled him closer. 

This kiss was far deeper and intimate than the truth or dare one and when logan finally pulled back it was from lack of air, breathing heavy and cheeks flushed a deep, dark shade of red. 

"Woah." Despite being a man of logic and words at that moment his mind failed him and that was the only word he could stupidly utter out, breathless and eyes wide. "Woah." He found himself saying once again, and now he felt like an even bigger idiot as he stared at Roman with a pair of even wider eyes, his own face growing an even darker hue of pink.

Roman quickly found himself letting go of Logan's hands carefully, a sheepish look crossing his features as he fiddled with his hands, pointing his fingers together as he tried to make his own blush die down. "Sorry, I should have asked I just-" "can you do it again?" Logan interrupted before realising what he'd blurted out and now it was his turn to look sheepish. 

"Sorry I should not have asked that of you I-" and this time Roman interrupted him by colliding their lips together, this time more passionate and desperate and Logan kissed back, his hand going behind Roman's head and lightly tugging at his hair and Roman squeezed his around the waist hard enough to make Logan let out a small squeak. This time when they pulled away both of them were smiling and Roman gently laced Logan's fingers through his own, palms resting against each other as Logan leaned comfortably on Roman's shoulder, heart pounding wildly in his chest. 

"So... what are we?" He asked after a few moments in silence and Roman hummed from beside him, enjoying the feeling of Logan's smaller body up against him. "What do you want us to be?"  Logan looked down at their entwined hands, his heart feeling fuzzy in a way that made him feel- dare he say it- happy. 

"I don't know." He didn't know what to call what he felt but Roman only smiled and gently pressed a kiss to Logan's knuckles. "How about boyfriends?" He looked down and mulled the word over in his head, finding himself surprised when he smiled at the sound of it, at the thought of calling Roman his and vice versa. 

"Yeah, okay. Boyfriends. I like the sound of that."

Romans smile was bright enough to blind a man. "Great, so that means I can kiss you whenever I want, right?" Logan almost laughed. "yes, Roman. You may." The taller grinned and swooped in to press another kiss to Logan's pink lips, a short one this time just to solidify that Logan was now, in fact, his.

"I've been waiting to call you mine you ages." He said dramatically once they'd parted and Logan looked down at their entwined hands, feeling a warm fluttery feeling crawl inside him like butterflies. "Really?" And Roman nodded frantically. "Yeah! Basically, since we met I wanted to be your knight in shining armour. And then I got to know you and I fell in love with you even more."

Logan pushed against him gently, face curling into a cringe at the theatrics Roman was displaying. "Please stop, I beg of you." But the truth was he enjoyed it really. It felt good having someone talk highly of him, especially when it was Roman pronouncing his love.

"I know you love me really." And Logan couldn't dispute that.

"So!" Roman declared with an air of importance. "When should we have our first date?" Logan looked at him, tilting his head like a confused puppy and Roman's heart swooned. "a date? Are you referring to the Phoenix dactylifera?"

Roman blinked. "The what?" Logan continued. "The Phoenix dactylifera, is a flowering plant species in the palm family, Arecaceae-" Roman interrupted him before Logan could recite the entire history of this plant commonly known as a date. "No my sweet nerdstien, I'm not talking about the foney dictillia or whatever." "Phoenix dactylifera," Logan corrected but Roman paid it no mind. He already knew trying to pronounce those words was a pointless endeavour. "I'm talking about a courtship! A romantic, beautiful outing where we both bask in each other's company and kiss sweetly till the sun sets in the sky before proclaiming our love."

Logans face scrunched up at the language and image Roman painted. Metaphorically. "I suppose a day with you would be enjoyable. No matter what we decide to do." Roman beamed at the response that was unintentionally romantic. "Awww you loovvveee me." He sang song and Logan rolled his eyes, choosing not to say anything to that.

"So I was thinking rollerblading." Roman continued on, beginning to list ideas off the top of his head. "We can get some ice cream afterwards or maybe have pizza for dinner. Do you like pizza? I love pizza. Oh! And I can teach you how to roller skate if you don't already know, I'm really good at it, you see. I've been so many times! Remus always tries to sabotage me every time we go so it'll be nice going without him for once. And if you want we can go for a stroll after since it'll still be light. Just don't forget to bring comfy socks cause rollerblading really hurts your feet after a while and-"

Logan clasped his hands with a small smile and Roman came to a stop abruptly, not having noticed the little daydream he was in. "Rollerblading sounds like an adequate idea, thank you, Roman. When shall we schedule our 'date' for?" 

He squinted his eyes in concentration and made a long sound. "Uhhhh how about..... next Saturday? Are you free then?" Logan nodded, taking his hands off of Roman's awkwardly after realising they were still placed on his. "Yes, Saturday will be satisfactory." Roman smiled and gently grabbed Logan's hand again, curling his fingers around Logan's. 

"Great! I can't wait!" Logan smiled discreetly, hoping this new feeling would never end as he looked down at their hands. It felt so amazing to have physical contact and care so deeply about someone. Sure it was scary but it was also the most elating feeling he'd ever felt. 

"Neither can I."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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