Chapter XVI

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Chapter 16: Facing the demons

After Taehyung had left, I only spent my time between my laptop and books. I feel like I'm so behind with my school things even though I'm not. Nothing has happened this spring because school is going to end soon.

I went through courses a lot in the autumn to work more. At the same time, I regret it because I drove myself to the edge of my mental health, and work didn't work out while I was exhausted from the start.

But the spring can be loaded or not. In my case, it's not that loaded.

But I still feel like I haven't studied in ages. Feels like an eternity from the start since I met Taehyung and became a part of his life.

The day started to turn into an evening, and I noticed that I hadn't left my room ever since. I got hungry the second I even shared a thought for food. 

I decided to order something because I didn't have anything in my fridge, and I didn't have the energy to even cook. The day felt like those Sundays when you lie down in a coma.

After getting my order, I heard my phone ringing, and I'm already guessing it's Taehyung. I've been quiet all day, and I promised him I'd call or at least text him. I'm about to get the lesson of a lifetime.

I answered the call and put it on my table before opening my delivery and preparing it. I heard nothing from the other line as I had turned it to Facetime mode.

''Aren't you going to scold me for not calling you all day?'' I decided to break the ice between us. ''I was studying all day, and I just forgot the track of time. I'm not used to having a boyfriend, okay.''

''How is your day tomorrow?'' he asked, not paying attention to what you just said.

''How come?''

He was silent for a while. ''I just thought I'd pick you up, and we would eat somewhere and then go to your place.''

I sighed as I walked to the table with my food and sat down. ''Well, first of all, I have school tomorrow all day, Mondays are always so busy for me. And then after, I had the evening shift at the restaurant,'' I could see how sad he was to hear that.

''Besides, you are not supposed to leave the house anywhere else than the places police know. And I'm sure it doesn't include any restaurants in town.''

He went completely silent after realizing the truth. And I felt bad about it, but I knew this would happen. I can't just stop school and work to be with him. That's not how it works, even though we both would want that.

''I'd love to be with you, but this is my life, and I don't want to fight this when the reason for fighting isn't even that serious and valid.''

''You're right,'' he said. ''I'm sorry. I guess I'm not used to having a girlfriend. But don't overwork yourself. And come by when you can, okay?'' he sounded so cute, in my opinion.

''I will,'' I promised. ''I need to talk to my brother anyway.''

After that, we just talked about things that happened to come to our minds. Taehyung told me funny things about my brother, what he had done and said all these years when I wasn't a part of it. It makes me sad, but I hope to call him my brother again.

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