Chapter XVII

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Chapter 17: The settlement

Yoongi drove us to one of the cafés in the city. And it happened to be my favorite café of all time ever since I was a kid. I remember our parents bringing us here when we were at the mall.

Yoongi wasn't a fan of the café back then because I always got to choose where we go and what we eat. It had something to do with keeping me happy and not throwing a tantrum in the middle of the mall.

It was a huge privilege to get what I wanted. But it didn't last long. As Yoongi started high school and his older studies, my parents always looked after him, though they knew he could do fine.

And this is why we have such arguments and misunderstandings between us. My parents always supported his dreams and what he wanted to do, and they weren't mad when he didn't want to attend college yet.

Despite being the sight of the attention, Yoongi was always the best big brother I could have. He always played with me and went along even though he might have had his other things or exams.

He couldn't say no when I came to him with my Barbies and asked to play the male part.

But everything changed when he got into an audition and through that to a company of music. He had to leave Daegu to pursue his dreams.

My heart was crushed because I wouldn't have my big brother there anymore. I wasn't that old when he left and started his life as a trainee.

I still remember the day when he left. It was rainy and dark, and we all were saying goodbye to our parents' house. I refused to even talk to Yoongi because I wanted him to stay. I was left alone.

My parents said I would live through it and could always call him. But my young, innocent mind couldn't understand it. I saw it as if he was abandoning me.

His trainee life got even busier month by month, and soon Yoongi didn't have time to call me like he promised every day. I waited for his calls every night and sometimes stayed up late without our parents knowing he might have a late practice, so he would call later.

But it took days, and when he did call, it was so short. He seemed tired, and I should have understood him back then and still do, but I didn't.

Yoongi is important to me. I looked up to him, and I still do. He is someone I can trust. And I know I can talk about anything with him. He will protect me if he has to, and he did. My heart is just too shrunk for him at the moment.

He needed to win my trust and heart back if he wanted us to be ''proper'' siblings again.

The atmosphere was getting awkward, considering neither of us said anything while we sat in the café.

Every once in a while, I'd sip my coffee, and so did he, but I guess I was waiting for him to open his mouth first, and he mine. But he was the one wanting to talk about it in the first place if you don't count Taehyung evil plan to make us talk.

''This coffee is good,'' Yoongi praised, and I never really hear him complimenting something obvious.

''I have work tonight, so I suggest you just start with the apologies and let me go,'' I sipped mine and said.

He sighed deeply. ''I know I cannot make up for how I left you back then. But I want you to understand I didn't have any choice. I wanted to leave my dream. I was sad to leave you too and not give you as much attention as I did before.''

I let him continue because that was something I already knew.

''Knowing you, even if I'd say sorry and repeat the same thing, you couldn't understand. You were a kid back then, and so was I. I think it's wrong for you to be mad at me for reaching my dreams,'' he ended.

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